Legendary Edition made it so that the game is tolerable to play but it doesn't change the fact that it's not that good; the Codex does a great job building an expansive and immersive world and the Game does a not so great job telling a story or developing its characters. Play it once to get the full Trilogy experience and then just edit your ME2 saves so Kirrahe lives

Immaculate Vibes. Maculate Gameplay

Watching the entire internet's negative reaction to this while I sat back and laughed was my first taste of schadenfreude and as such, I can firmly say that the announcement of this DLC made me a tangibly worse person.

Failnaught is funny, great character

Absolutely godlike final 2 cases that completely make up for the excessively mediocre game leading up to them

Danganronpa: Dual Destinies

I forgot I played this game until I had to remember what my game of the year for 2022 was

I wish Keiji Inafune was in prison with Yuji Naka

I've reached a very strange part in my life where Shadow the Hedgehog resonates with me more than it should.
Not the hilarious over the top edginess (though I must admit Obliterating Everything That's Not Your Friend sounds more appealing every day), but the actual themes of accepting all the different parts of yourself as being important to who you are. I worry sometimes that as I grow older and more cynical I lose touch with the dumb kid inside me that thought Shadow The Hedgehog saying Damn was the sickest shit imaginable, and it makes me sad that that part of myself might be gone forever and I might be worse for it; but then I listen to a good dose of Crush 40 and that part of me lights up again, and I realize that dumb kid forms the foundation of who I am today, and I continue to strive every day to be the person I want to be. Just like Shadow is Good and Evil in equal measure, there's no reason to be ashamed of who we once were, and no reason to be worried about who we might become. We Are All, We Are All, We Are.


This game fucking sucks, don't play it.


I don't care that it's just meat slapping meat when I hit a perfect deflect it should be REQUIRED to play the Sekiro clang noise

Remember when Dauntless was coming out and its only real selling point was "Monster Hunter on PC" and then Monster Hunter World happened and everyone stopped caring? This is like that for Bloodborne except we kinda just have to fuckin deal with it

Waiting patiently for Sekiro 2 while non-From devs continuously fail to understand what makes this game work

System Erasure are absolute masters of doing so much with very little.
Narrative of the year. The jugs are nice too


Pretty good but FlipWitch clears tbh