Favourite Game by Letter

I have played 0 "X" games :(

Rather than debate whether "The" should count in a title or not, I just decided to give "The" it's own spot because it means I get an extra spot to highlight my favourites.

Number (I have verrrry bad choices in number games okay?)
A (This or AVGN Adventures 2. I don't really feel like replaying Animal Crossing due to the nature of the games making it very hard to go back to, but I have good memories of it)
F (My favourite game, so it's an auto-pick. Sorry all other F games)
J (Yeah I need more J games. I have Jak 3 but I played that in 2005, so...)
N (I have surprisingly few N choices)


Q (It's this or QWOP...)
S (oof what a tough letter to choose from)
V (Literally between this or the original)
W (Needs a replay, but I think it'd hold up better than Wii Sports or a Worms game)
Y (Every one of my Y games is a Yu-Gi-Oh game lol. Not that I'm complaining, this is a legit great YGO game that I'm happy to have on the list)
Z (It's between this or an obscure Xbox Live Arcade game)

1 Comment

3 years ago

I'm gonna steal this, with credit of course.

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