52 Reviews liked by Coconut

Ari's Review
A 5 Year Old's Review

I think it's cool because we were beating the game together. I think it's funny when the ghosts scare Luigi. Luigi has a funny face when he is scare, he looks like this (makes a scared face) and is shaking. I thought it was going to take a lot of time but I guess I am just really good. I like how we made it all the way to the top of the roof, that was super cool. The chef ghost is the hardest, he is a hardest chef poo poo head. I don't like King Boo and his disgusting big tongue.

I give this game twenty a hundred two thousand a million stars.

My Review
This is my first Luigi's Mansion game which is shocking to me as I am a bigger fan of Mario's awkward brother than of the blue overall wearing man himself. I'll choose Luigi over Mario in any game were that option exists. From Smash to Mario v Rabbids and everything in between, including going as far as dressing Mario in Luigi's clothes in Odyssey.

Luigi is the type of hero I like. The reluctant hero. The "I am scared shitless but I am literally the last person left" hero. And he holds that torch well in an overall fun and creative game.

I liked the puzzles, many of which had me surprisingly stumped which added a nice layer of challenge I wasn't initially expecting. The characters are charming, the levels are diverse, co-op is fantastic and most of the bosses are cleverly designed.

With that said, the controls in this game are beyond frustrating, I had sound issues with character voices, some puzzles were unnecessarily obtuse and polterkitty needs to burn in hell. The controls in this game are so bad, I would have given up on this game had I played it solo. Beating it with my 5 year old son was the highlight of the experience.

I love how different each level is in structure yet none of them are bad or underwhelming. Subcon Forest is one of the most memorable levels in any platformer I played. It's almost like witchcraft that this game feels as floaty and free as 6th gen platformers such as Mario Sunshine but still feels tight like modern games. AND it has amazing writing that rivals Paper Mario in wit. Without a doubt one of my favorite indie games to date.

Man, it'd probably be more reasonable to let my opinion settle before making a bold statement, but this series hasn't consumed my mind over the past several months for nothing. I spent a good 90 hours on Trails in the Sky SC only to come out thinking "yeah, this is one of the best games I ever played."

I've barely scratched the surface of this series yet and I'm both amazed at how I simultaneously feel like I've already found an absolute peak story and that there's still so much more to uncover in this series' lore. The world feels incredibly fleshed out thanks to the abundance of flavor text and dialogue but it never feels like every answer is just given to you as there are always hints of bigger, more sinister events taking place behind the scenes. Even though Trails is often seen as a slow burn, I never found myself bored with the story as I found it interesting to let my mind wander and guess where the story will go and I can't say I've experienced many games that strike such a rich balance.

The stakes of the story in SC are much higher than that of the first game and that game's set of already established characters are all given time to shine in some of their most emotional and badass moments yet. It definitely helped that most of the characters were likeable from the get-go but now they feel far more fleshed out with backstories being explored and development taking place throughout the story. I don't want to give too many details for the sake of spoilers but I'll let you know that this game left me speechless more than once. And that doesn't even get into Estelle and Joshua's relationship which was a huge emotional Rollercoaster throughout the game and led to some of the absolute peak of JRPG writing if I've ever seen it.

I am slightly disappointed that they mainly reused locations from the first chapter as I liked the new location the game starts out in, but I never found this to be a major hindrance as the aforementioned world-building gives each location enough depth to feel like fully realized settings and the new dungeons revealed in these previous locations contributes to the sense of mystery in this world. The combat similarly went through little change though I found it significantly more addicting this time around, but maybe that's because I actually made stuff resembling character builds and liked playing with the new arts/orbments. I'm almost inclined to do a second playthrough to experiment with more combinations, which rarely happens with RPGs for me.

Either way, I have no clue why it took me so long to try the Trails series. It doesn't really revolutionize the genre but the concepts, mechanics and storytelling are so well executed that I find it hard to call this game anything less than a masterpiece.

Didn't know a whole lot about this game going in, but it seemed interesting enough and the one song I'd heard from this game was really good so I thought I might as well give it a try.

This games combat is addictive, and the orbment system takes inspiration from FF7's materia system, but uses it in a better way. I feel this game will be a lot lighter in plot than the others, it is more about the journey and getting to know the characters and setting up the future plot points than anything else.

It's definitely got some filler too. But having said that, the characters are strong, the music is great and I don't think I've ever had expectations flipped completely by a games ending before in my life. Thoroughly enjoyable, and while not a 5/5 due to flaws in how chapters drag on and how there is a bit of filler, I can easily say that it is a brilliant game and I'm excited to play the rest of the series.

An unpopular opinion but this game is overrated. A nice open world to explore in but the shrines were boring and the story felt like an afterthought. I hated the weapon breaking mechanic massively. The bosses were great though and all 4 real dungeons I had a ton of fun with. In the end it just left me with a mixed bag and I'm hoping BOTW2 fixes this games issues

Very cool concept and story but not executed well enough. If this got a 3D remake of some sorts it would be an excellent game

It fucking ASTONISHES me that there are people who actually think this game is good. The shit I took in the middle of it as a break was longer than the game itself.

Meh, feels weird to experience this after the first game, it feels like it's a step down, especially with the sensation of movement and the liberty of the gameplay, always frustrating, the story is so boring, characters are bland, and no grapple, wth techland
It's graphically impressive, yes, but what's the point when the gameplay and feeling doesn't follow up ? it's a total mess, and when i see so many mods that changes gravity etc because so many people are convinced that we are on the moon and not on earth is not that suprising, i'm so pissed off to have spent full price for this
not a bad game, but the first game is WAY better

you did nothing. I felt nothing. Congratulations

I can't believe the internet gaslighted me into thinking this game is bad.

THIS is what Kirby's debut on the Switch should've been. I was skeptical going into this game, I thought it was going to simply be "Kirby but 3D" with minimal content but, I was completely wrong. This is the first fully fleshed 3D Kirby game Hal has made (Blowout Blast doesn't count) and they still knocked it out of the park in terms of level creativity, fun, and visuals. Plus, it has tons of really great progression with the Waddle Dee town and ability upgrades. Even when you beat it, there is a boatload of side content and post game content. Props to Hal for making such a great game. This might even be the best Kirby game. (100%ed)

never thought i'd see a Kirby game that surpasses both Kirby 64 and SuperStar Ultra yet this game manages to do it

its so fun man the levels are so big and fun to explore and every boss fight is amazing

just fucking play it

Went into this not expecting much but holy shit was I wrong. Even though I'm not a fan of turn-based gameplay I was nevertheless enamored with this game, from the voice acting to the awesome soundtrack every part of it was captivating. Yet what I loved the most was just how alive Liberl is, traveling with Joshua and Estelle in this intricate world and going through various ordeals with them and other characters was a joy.
For the final stretch I didn't get up from my seat for almost 6 hours and sure enough, I was rewarded with a twist and an ending that shattered every preconceived notion I ever had. So happy I pulled the trigger to start this series because I'm just in shock at how attached I am to these characters and Liberl itself, and I can't believe there's still so much more to play as well :sob:

Extremely excited for SC!

no Goku?
no Spider-Man?
0/10 worst game ever made