101 Reviews liked by Comfort

I understand nothing about this game. Level design is both baffling and infuriating. Encounter design makes absolutely no sense. Any personality that exists elsewhere in the series has been sucked completely dry, and basic gameplay is a huge step down from DMC1. It's interesting to play it for like, an hour just for research purposes, but never for fun.

I really liked this game already but if they had a spinoff that was just 10 hours of getting new batshit insane ingredients and delivering pizzas I would play it

looks like ass, controls arent refined yet. story doesnt matter. Small enemy variety. Sets up a cool setting.

I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with liiight

Not the greatest Soulsborne by a longshot but it's very replayable, very Fashion Souls, and holds a special place in my heart. Take the score and review for the OG, too.

If you say Dark souls 2 is bad I teleport behind you and Furnace Demon command grab you.

1200+ hours in this game over the course of 7-8 years and the only thing i can say about it is how much i hate it