The game was genre defining for its time with physics becoming mainstream as well as the massive graphical update for the time.
I think the story is really good, and the level variety keeps the game fresh throughout the entire playthrough. While the game does show its age at times, I completely recommend it.
One of my favorite series.

The atmosphere in Bioshock was amazingly done, the enemy variety initially impressed me but the turrets and drones were very annoying to deal with. The addition of plasmids made a game a unique experience from other FPS games.
Story is also very good

Improves on the original game in every way possible. The gunplay got a huge upgrade, the map variety was greatly improved, and the story has a lot more thought put into it. A blast from start to finish

A masterclass in First Person Shooters


Gunplay is the best part of this game. However, I feel the game could have been improved in areas like the balancing of weapons, or its story. There is more to want from this game but it is still very enjoyable to play.

Extremely fun battle royale that somehow manages to never get stale. Each game feels unique and the constant stream of updates only furthers this. Playing with friends is extremely fun and its impressive to see how long this game has been going on for. The building mechanic makes this game stand out to every other battle royale on the market.

A masterclass in Battle Royales

The game is just amazing.
The story was built up over every game previous to it and it executes it masterfully. There is so so much going on in the game, and it somehow doesn't feel too overwhelming.

A masterclass in survival horror

Very frustrating game but very satisfying when you finally beat that boss you were stuck on for such a long time.
The art direction of the game is really good and the gameplay is satisfying and smooth

Its a fun game, the popularity is justified because it is a well made game with the potential for endless amounts of playtime

Story and gameplay come together to create an incredible experience that makes you feel every spectrum of emotion. There are so many paths you can take your character and they are all fleshed out in their own way.

A masterclass in RPG games

Very fun party game that manages to stay fun throughout each play through. Nothing really groundbreaking comes from it but still a very enjoyable experience nonetheless.

what other to say than incredible gameplay that is expertly followed up by the second gameplay.

Story is a little bit basic but Glados is an amazing villain.


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Absolutely insane story, by far the strongest part of Omori is how it manages to keep the player captivated in its world by building up its environment and characters. The switch from a feel good game to a devastating story is done flawlessly and I can't praise it enough.
The issue I have with the game is unfortunately mostly with its gameplay. I think the combat system is underdeveloped and some sections(especially in headspace) drag on just a little bit too long in my opinion. However, I think the story more than makes up for it because it is just that good.
Definitely a game that will leave you thinking about it for weeks and wanting more.

A masterclass in RPG games

The game is just amazing.
The puzzles are all on point, the story is can be tense, funny, upsetting, all without making you feel overwhelmed. The coop being a separate campaign that fits in perfectly with the main game is like a cherry on top.

A masterclass in puzzle games

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Very in depth gameplay that allows the game to truly shine as a 2d platformer. I love how the game plays out with each area feeling like a breath of fresh air. Learning new skills is a rewarding hurdle that left me feeling rewarded after I mastered them.
I am hesitant to give it 5 stars as the story got a little clunky at some parts, for instance, during farewell when Madeline would make some out of character decisions. While I understand that was the point of it, it still felt a little bit too out of character.

When I first picked up Lethal Company, the fun I had on it with friends was second to none. I could have easily dumped hours onto this game messing around with friends.
However, you can only do the same task over and over before the game starts to get stale. Don't get me wrong, I will still pick up the game every now and again when an update eventually drops, but I cant give it more than 3 stars just on the fact of how much it relies on friends to make it fun plus the repetitiveness of it.