Remakes/Remasters That Are Legitimately Just Worse

Open to suggestions.

"Looks like shit"
- chifulsi
Missing the (Blue)Point, Part II
If you can't recreate the basic vibe of games like this just don't even try
Runs like shit on Switch
Pokemon Yellow: Baby Mode Edition
The 3DS version

Baffling graphical downgrade, next to nothing improved from the original
Don't make old 2d games 3d. Literally don't ever do it.
Hey, Let's Give Bluepoint a Japanese Game With an Incredibly Distinct Vibe and Artistic Sensibility That They Can Render Totally Soulless, Part I
Ugly, and the new mini-campaign is dumb. Ditto for the Bowser's Inside Story remake.
Appears to have been done entirely by an algorithm with no eye for anything
The gameplay is mostly fine but they neutered the story and characters to a depressing degree.
New character models a great example of "better" graphics, worse art
Tons of new issues, unbelievably, and the new story stuff is unnecessary
First in a series of weirdly inept re-dos by Beamdog.
So bad they had to do it for real again in a few years!
Legendarily bad in every respect
Ugly as sin; an affont
Absolutely hideous new art. You can switch back to the old look on the fly but then you're just playing the old one. The Monkey Island 2 remaster is even worse.
Bad 3D <<<<<< good 2D
You gotta admire the cojones to even try this
Are you kidding me with this analog nub
Half-Assed: Source
- SuperSpeedRaven
A very early example of how not to do it


huss is a pseud but the recent P3P port for switch/PC/playstation/xbox is trash. virtually no QOL improvements outside of being able to save anywhere, muddy AI-upscaled textures that look like shit and also terrible audio quality (like, hideously terrible). but i guess they added dynamic shadows from FES. personally, i'd only buy it with a discount because buying a glorified PPSSPP port with textures worse than fan-made HD texture mods is a sign of you being bad with money.

1 year ago

"add every remake or remaster in history and this list would still be true"
Pretty based but I'd still say remakes that do over trash entries to bring the whole series up to snuff (ie Castlevania Adventure Rebirth or Ys Oath in Felgana) or just serve as alt experiences instead of replacements (ie Medievil which even includes the original) have merit.
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1 year ago

I forgot the 3DS version of Lugi's mansion was a thing. Good picks OP

1 year ago

all yakuza kiwami games

1 year ago

@RF_ yeah that should have been on here already, it's about as clear cut as you can get

1 year ago

I never played it but Warcraft III Reforged seems like an obvious pick. There are probably some other bad Blizzard remasters too.

1 year ago

Don't know that I'd agree that nothing is better about Dark Souls Remastered. Right out of the box the performance is way better than both the original release and the Prepare to Die PC edition, which required fan patches to get to an acceptable place. I've also never understood the hate the Nocturne HD got outside of the Switch version, which seems like junk.

Anyway, REmake 3. Completely loses the soul of the original game, feels like a DLC expansion for REmake 2 that just pays some lip to Nemesis.

1 year ago

Oh, also Sonid Adventure DX. I don't know anyone who thinks anything about that was an improvement.

1 year ago

Added Sonic and WarCraft

@Weatherby I feel like RE3 is maybe too hotly contested to put on here, most people seem to be fine with it. Personally I was never a huge fan of the first RE3 anyway, and then wasn't of the remake either (for more or less exactly the reasons you mentioned), so I can't say my feelings moved too far one way or the other. Original RE3 started as a quick and dirty spinoff of RE2 and only got promoted to main numbered entry late in development, and I think even back then it reflected that. RE3make feels like it appropriately continues that legacy! But that's me.

Also not to disagree with your recent SCREED against it, lol, but I found vanilla launch-ass 2011 Dark Souls perfectly fine. Please forgive me!!

1 year ago

I don't know, personally I feel the consensus on that one feels a lot more stable in favor of it being weak than some of the others on here. Demon's Souls is absolutely baffling in particular.

1 year ago

Lol I'm glad for all the new ps5 owners who got to ooh and aaah at it for a couple hours but there is absolutely no argument for Bluepoint Demon's Souls that I am willing to entertain. It is most of the reason this isn't just a "Remasters that are Worse" list
miss the days when Bluepoint were just a company that did remaster collections for various consoles, I mean God of War Saga is still probably the best way to play 1, 2, 3, and the two PSP games to this day

1 year ago

I was not aware people hated Bluepoint so much so this is surprising to me. If anything I feel the elements of Demon's Souls that are worst are those that are done in slavish devotion to the original. I will shut up now.

1 year ago

Absolutely, those two GOW collections are nowhere near this list for sure

1 year ago

Maybe I just follow the coolest and most right possible people on here, but my "From Friends" section of reviews for Demon's PS5 is pretty punishing
i think persona 1 for psp and the newest version of p3p for PC might qualify

1 year ago

Would you count the 3DS version of Rayman 2 as a remaster? Don't think that one's particularly great

1 year ago

Zone of the Enders HD Collection (MVRS is pretty good though), DMC1 and the new Prime remaster

11 months ago

Yürü git 4mın4 koyim ya bir s1k1mden anladığın yok bedava bedava konuşuyon

11 months ago

@HalilHeyman abi sen niye bu kadar sinirlendin

11 months ago

Listenin çoğu kötü ama şaka olarak yazdım zaten Kadir Hocanın sözleri bunlar

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