Some of the Best Voice Performances in Games

The acting is the main thing, of course, but the casting, writing, direction, and production are also responsible for making these great.

Jeff Kramer as "York"

In a goofy, low-budget near-kusoge, he turns in a no-bullshit jaw-droppingly good lead performance. He sets the tone for the whole weird ride. If someone lesser had fluffed this role I honestly don't think we'd be talking about the game nearly as much. So good he couldn't even match it in the sequel, really.
A murderer's row of interesting-sounding British unknowns from stage and screen. Unusually strong and naturalistic acting (and equally skilled production) helps develop that otherworldly vibe that's so crucial.
Should go without saying. A performance so instantly iconic that it essentially kept the franchise going all by itself.
Gideon Emery as "Balthier"

Just a slam dunk performance, steals the whole game. Doesn't stumble on the flowery language even once like some of the others. Sells it flawlessly.
Tony Plana as "Manny"

LucasArts/DoubleFine always has impeccable casting, oftentimes using journeyman TV/movie actors. Plana brings gravitas and flavor to the role, and perfectly nails both the serious and silly aspects of his character. Another great lead where someone weaker could have sunk the game, I think.
Harry S. Robins

He played all the scientists, and of course Dr. Kleiner in the sequels. Can you imagine them sounding any other way?
Robert Culp as "Dr. Breen"

The real reason Half-Life 3 will never happen is that they took so fucking long that this guy died. Did an amazing job with those speeches. Made the role complex and unforgettable.
Jeffrey Combs as "Brainiac"

Netherrealm games can be hit or miss for V/O - especially when they get 'names' - but ... it's Jeffrey Combs. He's godlike in every role he's ever had. Extremely good casting.
Richard Epcar as "Raiden"

The guy crushes it in every one of these games. Such a powerful voice, but also a good enough actor to really sell all the goofy shit he has to say.
Capcom producer Ben Judd as "Phoenix Wright"

It's only a few words but it will ring in your ears forever. He nailed it.
Ellen McLain as "GlaDOS"

Huge part of this game's runaway success, obviously. Adding layers to a robot voice is not easy. Nor is being more or less the entire narrative by yourself.
Christopher Robin Miller as "Hershel Layton"

Absolutely perfect take for this character. Just crushed it. Carries the whole series on his back.
Rob Wiethoff as "John Marston"

The fuckin soul in this man's voice, good lord. What a find he was. Like Jeff Kramer in DEADLY PREMONITION 2, though, I feel like he couldn't quite recapture it for the sequel. Maybe the rawness of it being his first time brought something special out of him. Check out this interview if you haven't seen it:

Everyone in this is really strong and memorable, and it seemed so unusual for the time for a Nintendo game to have this much voice. Really elevated the game and the story, added loads of personality.
Jenn Frank as the announcer

I just want to impress her.

So good she did it again for Videoball.

Charles Martinet ascends to godhood. So unwaveringly cheerful and perfect that it essentially defined a company for going on 30 years. If you've ever seen the man in person you know that there could not possibly be anyone more suited to the job, and that explains why he's so good at it. This entry stands in for all of his Mario games and characters. Luigi and Wario individually would qualify for this list! What a treasure.

P.S.: Also check out his VERY different but extremely good work as "Homunculus" in SHADOW OF DESTINY
Robert Hirschboeck as "Stauf"

If you've played it, you know. Just delightful. One of the most memorable video game villains ever.
Dean Seltzer as "Turok"

He has like one actual line and it whips so hard I've remembered it perfectly for 25 years.


2 years ago

I’ve seen just enough of shadow of destiny that Charles Martinet playing Homunculus is blowing my mind

2 years ago

Insane that Rob got John Martson as his first job and he never got any work after that, aside from RDR2 and a few bit parts here and there. Show business is a cruel mistress

1 year ago

no Lo Wang in Shadow Warrior???

1 year ago

kenji akabane as akira tadokoro and yuichi nakamura as oersted in the live a live remake are some of my favorite performances in anything ever. phenomenal voice acting for the jp dub of that game all around though

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