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The Dragon's End --

LaD8 ended up being the first game i beat this year, and it left me puzzled, happy, and with a newfound sense of joy and will to keep on keepin' on. yakuza games, and endings, tend to have that effect on you.

LaD8 is arguably the most ambitious game in the entire damn franchise; from the amount of content and completely unique minigames, to the map size. RGG manages to impress again, but, unfortunately, misses in a lot of aspects as well. I love Yakuza, and loved this entry but i'm not ready to shlobber all over it just yet--

A. STORY!!!! This was definitely a Kiryu game. From the start, I think everyone was wondering how the hell they were gonna manage Kiryu's finale with an Ichiban story, and it's clear where they drew their priorities, which isn't a bad thing. unfortunately, the combination of these stories leaves the entire thing getting tangled and convulsed in some places. LaD8 suffers from a lot of story elements holding it back from letting me praise it; such as some characters getting shafted from the story, questionable pacing and padding at some points, desperately trying to link Kiryu and Ichiban's stories together, and overall; just a VERY abrupt ending. Not bad by any means, and an excellent narrative overall; but ultimately it feels like a messy lasagna. You can't complain about the overall taste, but damn you can note the presentation coulda' been a lot cleaner.

B. GAMEPLAY!!! it was fun. no comment. there was definitely some grind at some point; and grinding out ichi's personality was not fun in the slightest but like, whatever. base combat was fun and i love the extra bits they added like combos and kiryu's dragon rage. however, it still maintains some of its weirdness from 7, such as characters getting stuck in a running cycle if near a wall, weird animations, etc.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: this game had no reason to be called infinite wealth. it has nothing to do with the story. there's not even any business or financing minigames its just easy to make money if you do the side content. lmfao

ACTUAL OVERALL THOUGHTS: i liked it a lot, i don't want to say i loved it to the same degree i did 0, LJ or 7 on my first playthrough but it's an easy top 5 yakuza; and RGG did a damn good job on a damn ambitious and risky venture. i am not a fan of the vague ending, and i have a LOT of questions; such as why the entirety of gaiden's events are just ignored, amongst other things. but overall, a great package.

bon voyage, kiryu.


[COMPLETED 4/27/23]

i played the original resident evil 4 about a month or two prior to this one and thought it was a phenomenal experience through, only weighed down by its natural aging

the remake is an amazing interpretation of the original that adds a bunch more than what it removes. Both games are phenomenal and the remake does a good enough job to stand apart as its own thing rather than being directly comparable to see which ones "better" or cooler than the other. devs clearly were passionate about modernizing re4 without losing any of what made it cool in the first place, and also adding new exotic spices to it

some sections were frustrating (especially towards the island, fuck that) but overall an amazing remake, looking forward to coming back to this one later. im thinkin solid 9.6/10

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[COMPLETED 11/3/23]

spider-man is BACK, and man oh man am i slightly underwhelmed with his return

i feel this game was overhyped to a certain degree, and it's on me for blindly following hype trains, but it did really feel like this game was gonna be a huge step forward regarding everything gameplay and story-wise, while it ends up just being like "oh this is pretty cool!" rather than it blowing your nuts off like a lot of people were expecting.

swinging is better, combat feels a little better (i miss the 8-way wheel), but it still feels as easy to become repetitive as it did back in MM and spiderman PS4. i really do like the venom abilities though! but overall, the huge upgrade in combat i was expecting just .. isn't there which is super disappointing. Wasn't particularly addicting in the first game and it sure isn't here, but the boss fights are cooler i guess. map upgrade was fuckin' sweet though, feels great to explore so that's a plus

story was .. serviceable. has some really cool parts but overall feels like a step-down from the first game. black cat appears to say she's gay then dips, peter's symbiote arc felt kind of rush, and i did not care for kraven or miles' obsession with li for the whole game. the latter actively made me enjoy the story less and it serves nothing to add onto his character other than "revenge bad" which almost every other spider-man story has nailed into our heads already

literally every other person has this opinion so i won't rip into it but miles' side stuff is dogshit. same exact issue i had in my MM review "...sometimes the devs forgot that players want to play as spiderman and not collect meaningless trinkets or walk around in the guise of a normal dude doing normal shit in what should just be a cutscene". i do not care for miles' goon squad either

all in all, the game is far from bad in any regards, but when it comes to living up to the first game's expectations and the general consensus of what the game would be before launch, it's shrouded in mediocrity. i personally expected more, and think that SP3 has great potential given they take more time to make improvements to this game's aspects, rather than feeling like they were settling for being slightly above par with the first game, or MM

7/10, finale was definitely better than MM but did not nearly have the emotional impact of the first game. otto my goat


i haven't thoroughly played any games to completion in the past few months, so astro's playroom was a pretty good, quick stray from that!

i'm sure a lot of people will write it off as just a tech demo since it, literally is, but astro's playroom stands off as its own wonderful little platformer with nice collectibles and a super cute artstyle!!

i don't have a whole lot to say besides it's just a genuinely good game and fun if you just want something short and cute. wouldn't overlook it if you have a PS5, loved everything about it, slapping a good 8/10 on it

[COMPLETED 3/14/24]

i've been procrastinating beating this game for years, going on and off of stating and switching between "this game fucking blows, i'm not beating it", to "i'll just plow through it" eventually. turns out i just REALLY think the intro is a slog, and thoroughly enjoyed everything else

i played 2 and 3 before this so my introduction has been a bit warped, but i genuinely did really enjoy this one -- i think playing the others kind of gave me more appreciation for MGS' gameplay and what it does in comparison to its later entries.

i think it's impossible to talk about this game without praising its writing and impeccable atmosphere. kojima managed to perfectly convey every single emotion he intended to through the stiff models and low-poly PS1 graphics; and the voice acting was (mostly) phenomenal. My absolute favorite scene was Snake walkin' off in the snow while otacon mourns sniper wolf. Beautiful shit.

gameplay is obviously dated in a few forms; and there's many points that feel either obtuse, useless, or just do not flow well with the game's gameplay structure at all. And fuck the cameras in this game. There are several areas where there's way too many for no reason; they're put in angles where it's impossible to see them while your camera is inaccessible, etc.

all in all though, it's very easy to see why people consider this game iconic and legendary; it's hard to believe this was a 1998 title. Holds up today, gameplay is still solid (albeit with flaws and dated controls), but I genuinely did really did enjoy my time with the game, despite my frustrations with the gameplay in many areas (fuck land mines).

a miracle machine of a game, 8.9/10

PLAY TIME: 21:48:10 (probably was more like 10-15)
CONTINUE: Too Many Fucking Times

[COMPLETED 11/21/23]

i've been playing this game every year since 2018; meaning that this would be my sixth time playing this game

i believe i actually started this run way back during the summer and also got close to beating it then; but somehow got fucking filtered during the final bowser battle. this has never happened, but i'm pretty sure it's because i didn't upgrade my HP enough and he can heal 3 fucking times during the fight so if you dont have enough healing items you get fucked over. fuck you miyamoto

anyways, regardless, it's peak sadly. 10/10

[COMPLETED 12/22/23]

i will preface this saying i've never beaten MGS1. tried it multiple times; hated it every time and finally decided i'd just skip onto the sequel; had no expectations or thoughts whatsoever and this game has ended up becoming one of my favorite pieces of writing in media ever in one fell swoop

the entire time i was playing this game i kept thinking "i cannot wait to review its attention to detail." This game is so fucking ridiculously overpacked with the tiniest details down to animations and movements; to the AI of guards and their behaviors. MGS2 is genuinely speaking, the best usage of detail (and debatably AI) in any game that I've played; and throughout the course of my mission the game somehow managed to continuously impress me more and more. Guards waking each other up, struggling if you absently chokehold them before quieting down if you neck-twist 'em a bit, not being oblivious to the sound of your gunshots; these are some weaker examples, but it's still asinine for a game from 2001. I cannot imagine what this game must've been like at launch.

Characters were great, and you can tell how much of Kojima's movie-headed influence went into character acting, the story, and general scripting. Playing what Yakuza 0 initially reminded me of, which was essentially a playable movie was really fucking awesome, and I'm glad i had the chance to finally get to this game. So many of this game's weird and unique little bits are likely gonna stick with me for a long time. I have not had a game fuck with me, make me laugh, and question how you pack so much detail into a video game in so long, maybe ever.

i want to especially point out the sequence post- raiden becoming butt booty naked because of how atmospheric it is. having the colonel come on and slowly melt into this unrecognizable, schizo-rambling AI spewing utter nonsense during the peak of the game's story while you're for the first time, truly and utterly defenseless and trying to not die; only for him to keep going on and on and eventually have a real japanese woman start staring at me from where the spot where the radar is supposed to be is probably the most surreal experience i've ever had in a game. MGS2 is weird, funny, emotional, and a genuine roller coaster of expectations from a guy who went in knowing nothing but "kojima's a genius".

i love you mgs2.

PLAY TIME: 14:49:24

[COMPLETED 3/31/22]

i've been putting this game off for 2-3 years. i bought it on the switch a while ago and dropped it because i thought it controlled like shit (and it kinda does), i tried it a few times before then but i didn't dedicate myself to a playthrough until march to prepare myself for the remake

the controls are stiff and real offputting at first -- but everything else about this game is a damn near masterpiece. the fact they were able to fit so much and so many little details into a game from 2005 is beyond nuts to me

i love the comedy and leon's writing as a character, and the earlier game is a bit scary and scarce when it comes to your ability to fight back, but after a certain point leon's just a fucking beast and i rarely felt scared or off about facing enemies

one of my few gripes is again, controls, crowd control is a large factor of this game and the fact you have to run to the back of the room to turn around properly to guarantee you won't get hit while trying to turn kinda sucks, but it's whatever. everything else in the game, especially how weapons feel makes up for it

second RE game ever for me, hoping to move onto the remake next. solid 8.9/10

[COMPLETED 12/30/23]

still in a dream --

it's cool!! MGS3 did not impress me mechanically as much as MGS2; nor did it have as many "holy shit" moments for me personally, but i applaud the game for its ambitious story and gameplay, and loved just about everything that it did.

story was more engaging, and had a stronger cast to support it. snake is a fantastic protagonist and i'd go with him over raiden any day. i really don't know what to say except this game was great and an objective step up from 2 in a lot of ways (especially regarding a followable plotline). MGS2 will stick with me more but i appreciate the overall direction of 3 so much, and had a really good time with this game.

PLAY TIME: 19:53:32
special item not used

[COMPLETED 12/3/23]

this game rocks, i'm not sure if i'll ever replay it but it's most certainly a fun romp! this game oozes with creativity, and you can tell that a lot of genuine passion went into it. i don't have a whole lot to say about this game overall; i kind of dropped it midway through and i think i might just be getting older! maybe 2D mario just doesn't do it for my old brain as much as it used to, but nevertheless some good fun


the best game of all time ?

another horror game you and your buddies buy on a whim, play for no longer than a week and never pick up again

yet it's still fire, 8/10 game ez

beaten 11/15/2023 approximately at 2 am

i was going to write a full essay on this game, but the ending has left me so genuinely starstruck that i want to keep this brief.

i started the yakuza series when i was a high school freshman, around age 14. yakuza 0 was the first game to ever make me cry, and have such extreme attachment to its story and characters. i am currently a college freshman trying to figure out what the fuck i'm doing and this game took me straight back to that little big-eyed pip that was just as clueless as i am, funnily enough. additionally, i believe this is the only game to make me tear up since then

i have such an otherworldly attachment to the yakuza series and kazuma kiryu's journey, and this game knows how to perfectly fucking twist the guts of anybody who's in my exact shoes. i love this series with my entire being, and the devs knew what they were doing with every story beat and soyworthy fanservice bit

regarding the game itself and not my series experience, it's great. i had little to no expectations for it because of the fact it was supposedly only slightly longer than the series' only story DLC, and was made in about 6 months; but hoo did this game blow me out the fucking water. easily clocked in around 15-20 hours and woulda done more if i had done more side content

combat was fuckin' fantastic, and is a combination of EVERY kiryu meshed into one monster that feels fantastic to use, definitely the highest point of DE combat besides LJ

story was good; like JE it picked up really heavily towards the later half and only became super interesting then. i really dig the ties into Y7, was fun to see unfold

as someone who's been following the story of kazuma kiryu for years, especially through such a developmental stage of my life; this game's story kicked some serious ass and the good gameplay helped a ton. this shit is deadass just what yakuza 6 should've been

thank you for another banger RGG, looking forward to 8
