i'm not replaying this, and from what i see i think i got the bad ending still i had a nice time so i'm not complaining

better than 1 but after playing the goat S&K3 going back to these funny ass physics leaves a bad aftertaste

i like this game, one of 3 ff's games i like

i think this game now has one of the worst communities of all time, but i still think this game is a full on masterpiece
never plays a visual novel again

mid of time, cause the only way you gon call this game a masterpiece is being stuck back in the 90s

the games good but the story is soooo shit, it feels like its pandering to weebs with blatant irony so it can be defended via "parody" and "satire" card.
its 2022 writing is one of the oldest forms of art we practiced how tf are we still stuck on this level of quality


dont try and play this as a horror game cause what it really is is a great action game a very great action game.
also you have to play this with the new hd mod because the textures look like whale cum

probably the best game on the system and my second favourite game of the generation, absolutely brilliant

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interesting concepts and story direction but one of the worst executions possible the choice of making the main target for this game console players really drags down the complexity when compared to the first deus ex.

i hate how the only good ending in the game is the helios one the og gave you a choice but every ending was very satisfying.
in this game you get 1 satisfying ending and 3 pieces of complete dogshit (which btw are still more satisfying than the ending in human revolution but that game is another type of travesty when it comes to story)

i think i'll actually make a full on video about what could of been going in detail on what we actually got too

this and Deus Ex are peak cyberpunk and no one can tell me otherwise

i love the platforming and i think the time travel gimmick is ok from both perspectives (story and gameplay)
it works but i see why a lot of people aren't big fans of it.
music slaps USA or JP, doesn't matter.

this is the game that made me appreciate stories that try to tell something deep that can make the player think about the way the real world works.

the storytelling is unlike any other game i have ever played peak Levine, R.I.P. System Shock 3