My favourite game of all time. In Metal Gear Solid the player controls Solid Snake, a government agent on a top secret mission to regain control of stolen nuclear weapons. Metal Gear Solid in the 90s changed my perception on what video games could be from a storytelling and gameplay perspective. A stealth game at heart that can be played "guns blazing," in Metal Gear Solid the player is given a wide variety of weapons and gadgets to complete their mission. Keeping the game feeling fresh from start to finish. One of the best playstation games of all time and one of the best games of all time. People will say that it hasn't aged well and is impossible to play in 2022 but I disagree. This game is a must play game for all gamers.

This game gets a lot of hate but I think it's great! From the innovative and complex junction battle system to its epic storyline Final Fantasy VIII isn't your typical RPG. The characters are complex and well written, and the cut scenes are beautifully rendered and crafted. The soundtrack is phenomenal too! Triple triad is one the best mini games ever created. One of my favourite games of all time.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance is an expanded version of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. The follow up release to my favourite game of all time, Metal Gear Solid. Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance expanded and built on what Metal Gear Solid did in every way. The graphics for its time were revolutionary, the gameplay was top notch and history has shown that Hideo Kojima is a visionary when it comes to story telling. While I prefer the story of Metal Gear Solid, it's hard to ignore the brilliance of Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance. A game everyone should play!

The Wrath of the Druids DLC for Assassin's Creed Valhalla was just more of the "same old, same old" from Ubisoft. Ireland didn't feel unique, the story outside the main villain wasn't interesting and the quests just felt like they were designed to keep the player "busy."

Not worth playing unless you're a hardcore Assassin's Creed fan.

The Walking Dead: 400 days is the prologue to The Walking Dead Season 2. In 400 days the player controls 5 different characters and experiences a short story of their experience in the early days of the zombie apocalypse. The Walking Dead: 400 days isn't as engaging or well written as season one but it still is an enjoyable experience. 400 Days usually comes packaged with season 1 now so it's worth playing at least once.

Far Cry 3 was my introduction to the Far Cry franchise and I fell in love with it. In Far Cry 3 the player controls Jason Brody, a man stranded on a mysterious tropical island with his friends, desperate to survive and escape. Far Cry 3 is carried by its villain Vaas portrayed by the great Michael Mando. For its time Far Cry 3 was revolutionary. It was THE standard for the open world action adventure genre. With deep character customization and a massive map to explore Far Cry 3 excels in player immersion and encourages the player to take their time and explore. A game I feel is definitely worth playing at least once. I'm not sure how well this game will appeal to gamers in 2022 but it's one my favourite games of all time.

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier felt unnecessary. It's highly forgettable and the twists that worked in the first two seasons no longer work in A New Frontier. Having Clementine has a non playable character was also a punch to the gut. The story while having potential never quite reaches it. If you're a fan of Clementine this is only worth playing to better understand what she's gone to prior to playing season 3.

The Walking Dead season 2 doesn't quite reach the heights of season one but is still a very enjoyable experience. The player controls Clementine months after the events of season 1. The visuals, and mechanics from season 1 are more refined and the performances are just as good. If you enjoyed season 1, season 2 is worth playing at least once.

Man, my thoughts when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077 are all over the place. First off, what is Cyberpunk 2077? Cyberpunk 2077 is an action role playing game that takes place in a fictional city American city known as "Night City."

The game is open world and set in the Cyberpunk universe. The player controls a customizable character known as V and is played in the first person perspective. The player can choose to play this game in numerous ways. They can play up close and personal using melee combat or fight from a distance using various ranged weapons, or the player can choose to use various hacking skills and machinery to their advantage to avoid direct combat.

The main story of Cyberpunk 2077 felt short to me, but personally I found it really engaging. The side quests and the open world design is where the game suffered for me. While some of the side quests were incredible or disturbing (Joshua!) a lot of them were very basic in nature. Go to a location, kill or save someone, rinse and repeat. I enjoyed exploring Night City. I hardly used a vehicle to get around because I enjoyed travelling through different districts finding shards, or listening in on conversations NPCs were having. As a completionist the data term achievement and finding all of the NCPD Scanner hustles towards the end felt incredibly tedious and frustrating.

From a performance and graphics perspective the game was... just okay. I wasn't blown away by the graphics. I played Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox Series X. I encountered numerous bugs and glitches throughout my playthrough. Textures in the world would simply vanish, enemies would appear clipped through environments, the frame rate or game would stutter and more. Shutting the game down completely and restarting it would fix the bugs. Reloading my save or exiting to main menu wasn't enough. The main story kept me engaged enough to push through the bugs but towards the end they were definitely frustrating, and I started experiencing bugs more frequently after the 1.52 patch was released.

In summary:
While Cyberpunk 2077 was a buggy experience for me and while the main story felt short, I enjoyed my time exploring Night City. I found all of the story endings to be great in their own ways. I'm wonder which one would be canon if they made another Cyberpunk game in the future. If I could talk to CPR directly I would tell them simply quality over quantity when it comes to the side quests and collectibles going forward and to work on the performance of the game. I'm definitely interested in the expansion and will play it as soon as possible. I WANT MORE Cyberpunk 2077. As long as the performance isn't a mess.

Flynn: Son of Crimson
Developed by: Studio Thunderhorse
Published by: Humble Games

Flynn: Son of Crimson is a solid action platformer.

In Flynn: Son of Crimson the player controls Flynn, a young boy who has a pet magical dog. Flynn like his dog has magical abilities and early on in the game he is forced to set out on an adventure to reclaim the magic that exists across his country.

The story is just a vehicle to progress and evolve the gameplay which is the best part of Flynn: Son of Crimson. The game is 2d and sprite based. In Flynn: Son of Crimson, the player explores different biomes, fights different types of enemies and collect gems that will allow them to upgrade Flynn. The player will also unlock new magical abilities as the story progresses. There are fire attacks, ice attacks, lightning attacks as well as various slash attacks that as mentioned earlier can be upgraded via gems.

Like classic games before its time, think Super Mario World, levels in Flynn have multiple exits that will either progress the story or lead to “challenge” levels where the player will be locked into an arena and be forced to face waves of enemies.

The 2D animations, art design and soundtrack are all great. If feels like you’re playing an “old school” 8-16 bit game but the game doesn’t feel dated.

Overall I enjoyed my time with Flynn: Son of Crimson. The controls could be a bit tighter when it comes to the combat but overall it felt very satisfying and rewarding to clear a level or beat one of the games many bosses.

I’d definitely recommend this game to fans of challenging 2d action platformers. This game can be unforgiving at times but it’s worth it at the end of the day. Pick it up on a sale :)

Played on: Xbox Series X
Review score: 3.5/5


Lake is a chill, beautiful narrative adventure game. I really enjoyed the art style, and the music. The game isn't full of twists or mysteries or complex gameplay. You play the role of Meredith Weiss. A woman who takes a break from her career in the big city and delivers mail for two weeks in her hometown. The gameplay loop consists of the player driving around delivering mail, interacting with the various people in the town that she either lost touch with when she left or moved there after she had left. The dialogue isn't complex and the voice acting isn't earth shattering but it's good enough to draw you in and make you relate and connect to the various types of relationships that the game presents to you. The controls were a bit janky but being able to fast travel definitely made them more tolerable. If you don't have a problem with "walking simulator" types of games and enjoy pleasant, chill, adventure games l'd definitely recommend this game to you. If you have Xbox Gamepass, it's definitely worth checking out if you love chill atmospheric games.

I played Lake on Series X via Xbox GamePass.

Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassin’s is based on the concept of the popular Doctor Who episode Blink. It dives deeper into the lore of the weeping angels and the game is filled with easter eggs for Doctor Who fans.

This game is about an hour to an hour and a half long. In this game the player controls a person who has found a cellphone and with the help of another person is tasked to find the owner of the phone.

It’s a horror/mystery game at heart. The gameplay consists of the player searching the phones emails, photos and text messages to find clues to determine what happened to the owners phone. The puzzles are easy to solve and while there are a few jump scares the selling point of this game is the “sinister atmosphere” that exists while you play it.

Overall this is a game that fans of Doctor Who will most likely enjoy. I’d recommend this game be purchased on a steep discount.

Played on: Xbox Series X
Review score: 3/5

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell is great! The graphics, and audio design for its time were unbelievable. A game that changed what it meant to be a "stealth game." In Splinter Cell the player controls Sam Fisher, a highly trained secret operative of the NSA's secret brach: Third Echelon. Splinter Cell shines via its storyline, and addictive gameplay. A must play game.

A great follow up to Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell! This game takes everything that was special about Splinter Cell and improves upon it. A great story, that isn't as complex as the first game accompanied by the great gameplay of the first game just improved upon makes Pandora Tomorrow a treat to play.

Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves is a standalone expansion to the Uncharted series, comprising of two games: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. The games were originally released on the PlayStation 4, but the Legacy of Thieves collection was released on PlayStation 5 and PC in 2022. The collection offers an opportunity for fans to experience two of the best games in the Uncharted series in stunning 4K resolution and with improved performance.

The gameplay in Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves is similar to that of the Nathan Drake Collection, with a blend of third-person shooting, platforming, and puzzle-solving gameplay. The shooting mechanics have been refined since the earlier games, with improved weapon handling and more responsive controls. The platforming segments are as engaging and well-designed as ever, with the addition of new mechanics such as the grappling hook and rope swinging adding more variety to the gameplay. The puzzle-solving is challenging but never frustrating, with a good mix of logic and environmental puzzles. The pacing of the gameplay is excellent, with a good balance of action, exploration, and puzzle-solving throughout both games.

The storytelling in Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves is where the collection truly shines. Both games feature some of the best storytelling and character development in gaming, with compelling stories and well-written characters. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is the conclusion to Nathan Drake's story, and it delivers an emotional and satisfying end to the character's arc. The game explores Nathan's relationships with his brother, Sam, and his wife, Elena, as they embark on one last treasure-hunting adventure. The game also introduces new characters such as Nadine Ross and Rafe Adler, who are both well-written and add to the overall narrative. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is a spin-off featuring two female protagonists, Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross. The game takes place after the events of Uncharted 4 and follows the two characters as they team up to find an ancient Indian artifact. The game features excellent character development and explores the relationship between Chloe and Nadine, who have a complicated history. Overall, the storytelling in Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves is some of the best in gaming, and the collection is a must-play for anyone who enjoys a good story.

Technical Performance:
The technical performance of Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves is impressive, with both games running at 4K resolution and 60 frames per second on PlayStation 5 and PC. The games look stunning, with improved lighting, textures, and character models. The sound design is also excellent, with a great score and immersive sound effects. The loading times have been significantly reduced compared to the PlayStation 4 versions, making the overall experience much smoother. The only downside to the technical performance is that the PC version has some optimization issues, with some players experiencing performance issues and crashes. However, the developers have been actively working on addressing these issues, and the game should be running smoothly for most players.

Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves is an excellent collection that offers two of the best games in the Uncharted series in stunning 4K resolution and with improved performance. The gameplay is engaging and fun, the storytelling is top-notch, and the technical performance is impressive. The collection offers great value for money, with two full-length games and all of the DLC included. If you're a fan of action-adventure games or just looking for an engaging and immersive gaming experience, Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves is highly recommended.