Game of the Year for that kid who blasts the Soviet Anthem on the bus

The best soulslike but the worst soulsborne.

The quality is as great as one could expect from Fromsoft. The gameplay is fun and the combat responsive and fluid, though I still personally prefer the Demon Souls style. Good stuff.

The gameplay has aged rather well, if you play this right after Elden Ring I don’t think you would feel that out of place. The level design does take a turn for the worse around the midpoint of the game, but it’s not really as bad as people say.

I’ve been outside at night in London, and it was just like this.

5 stars if the game ran above 12fps.

People who like this more than Scholar are crazy, lock them up.

The DLC starts strong by immediately having better level design than the whole base game. The sunken city would fit right into DS3, and the enemy placement is far more reasonable than previous areas. The bosses are pretty good as well, ending with one of the strongest boss fights in the series. A must play for anyone who has only played the base game.

Personally a big downgrade from the Sunken King, but it still has its standout moments. Some of the bosses are great but the levels feel like slogs with absurd amounts of enemies everywhere, really feels like they want you to despawn everything just to have a decent time. If you like bosses, I can say they are pretty great, my favorite in the whole game is towards the end, you just need some serious willpower to reach them.

All in all, not as bad as people say. The level is actually pretty fun and fair to get through, but the bad part is as bad as you may have heard, it’s honestly even worse than that probably. The good news is it’s totally optional, and the boss at the end of the gauntlet is not nearly good enough to go out of your way for, so you should feel no pain in skipping it outside trying for 100%.

So much better than people give it credit for. It gets called Dark Souls Lite but the levels are honestly more consistently interesting than in Dark Souls, with shortcuts that you can find that help alleviate the time spent between runbacks. The bosses are no challenge at all, but due to the giant levels without checkpoints, that’s honestly a positive.

The quality of life improvements made serves only to reduce some of the annoying grind required in the original. The graphical fidelity is phenomenal, but the art direction does suffer pretty greatly, this doesn’t really bother me but it is worth noting. I would consider this remake to be an overall improvement.

One of the weaker 3D Mario games, but still fun.

A great start but the series hadn’t quite got its footing yet.