31 Reviews liked by Gighioldi_0497



I played this game when i was 5 and I don't remember if it was good, but it probably wasn''t

Word up, Yoshisaur Munchakoopas is my name
And I'mma tell you how I beat the IRS at their own game
I lied on my tax forms 'cause I just don't give a fuck
Now I'm practically swimming around in big bucks

I got 12 million dollars in my attic undeclared
And I got another million more right under my stairs
I do my business deals under cover of the night
So I can hide the cash away from Uncle Sam without a fight

I take advantage of every loophole, even ones that don't apply
It's been 20 years, still haven't been caught in a lie
I claimed Baby Mario as a dependent though he ain't my kid
And made up charity work I never even did

I must have cheated on my tax forms at least a hundred times
So many clever tricks I can't fit them all into rhymes
Yoshi is my name, money laundering is my game
And committing tax fraud is worth every single dime

I'm a tax dodging badass, I don't play by the rules
I make the government look like a bunch of damn fools
I keep 99 cents of every dollar that I make
Nothing makes me cum faster than a good old tax break

I hate paying taxes if there's anything I hate
I supported Ron Paul back in 2008
You might think it's unfair that I don't have to pay
But it's okay, because taxation is theft anyway

Word to your mother
Peace out, yo

The only bad part is the sigma 1 level
Otherwise, pretty great

This is the best clickbait in the history of gaming, because the bait is that the game is actually good

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I just destroyed an entire island full of innocent people
And I fucking loved it

An open world game that actually encourages you to explore instead of following strict steps!? What a shock.

My favorite Zelda game of all time, it is everything I always wanted a Zelda game to be. BOTW and TOTK may be better, but this one is more special to me.

Soulless cash grab full of gacha mechanics and anti-counsumer practices.
Every single bit of design is made with the sole purpose of making the player spend more money, be it the lootboxes, the skins, the limited time events, the resin mechanic, the limited amount of primogems you get out of chests, and more. The game is literally Pay to Win, at a point that getting 5 star characters while being F2P happens once every 5 months because of the limited amount of primogems you get without spending money. I played for 8 months DAILY and only got 1 five star character that I actually wanted.
Even when the game is not being obscenely anti-counsumer, it is just pretty bad overall. The exploration is dull and uninteresting, the grinding is repetitive and boring, the story is told in a really boring way, the combat system is too basic and focuses too much on building than actually fighting, the puzzles are atrociously awful, and the boss fights go from "Ok" to "FUCK THIS MISERABLE PIECE OF SHIT BEING AND EVERYTHING RELATED TO IT".
It's not a BOTW rip off as some people say, but it still is a terrible experience that i never want to have again, and I played this game for 8 fucking months.
I'm only giving this game a 2/10 because the music is incredible. For me, a 1/10 game needs to be useless in every single way.

I didn't even know video games could be this good

The game is actually easier in hard mode