How my bro looks at me well we are both going mentally insane after hearing the howls of the night encroaching onto our small frivolous campfire in the dead of winter (We will indeed be Starving Together).

I could play this game with literally anyone and that in of itself is deserving of some insane praise.

Its crazy how you can ignore the multiplayer of this game entirely and it is still one of greatest FPS games ever made. When my friend screams that he's dropping on an Arc Titan and my Titan Falls Too that is so hype.

I know in 50 years they're gonna say some shit like "Alright now turn your textbooks to Chapter 5: How to remake a game".

"Okay so guys were coming of the tail of possibly the greatest, most crazy, balls to the walls FPS campaign ever, what are we going for now?"
"Um what about a beautiful, depressing game about the human will to move forward against impossible odds where everyone dies at the end including the player?"

I knew this was peak when we sat down and spent an hour playing Connect 4 instead of progressing the story.

Its like if you turned that one 5 hour dlc into a 20 hour long game, and not in a good way.

Turns out you really do need good characters and writing to carry these games once the gameplay gets boring. Although the gameplay does get boring 13% slower in this one. Justice for Vaughn.

Watching the development of this game was like watching an ugly duckling fly to the peak of a mountain before getting taken away by an eagle.

Developers made the Story and Setting so perfect they let the themes of unrealized ambition, broken hopes and janky ideals seep into the gameplay.

The flying bird lady in this one is significantly less brutal.

I cried so hard I could hear the wolves howl back to me when I beat that god damn flying bird lady.

I need to replay this game because my first 3 playthrough were tainted by the glazing it gets. Y'all act like this is the only videogame or some shit.

I don't care how prepared I am we are launching a full frontal assault with or without the nuclear bomb when Mischievous Alchemy starts playing.

This feels like the type of game you would find in a wooden chest buried under a hollowed out oak tree in the middle of a deep forest and I cant give it any higher compliment.