Talk about an absolute masterpiece of a setting. You fight Bloody Mary as a final boss dude like come on.

I have never related to a videogame character more than Connor: The Android sent by Cyberlife. He is such a Cutie Patootie.

Here's the deal. If you don't have someone to play this with, this game is shit. But let me tell you, this game two player is a fucking riot. You truly can embrace the stupidity with another person, every hilarious moment is amplified to the point that it doesn't really matter if the gameplay is old and the story doesn't make sense. Chris is punching a 5,000 ton boulder and we are laughing our asses off.

This shit right here is what videogame stories were made for. To tell stories that aren't just good, but fully take advantage of the nature of the medium, to meld the player and the protagonist into one immersive message. This game is beautiful, this game is efficient and this game is powerful.

The vibes, music and presentation of this game are so fucking powerful I was staring at my arm to make sure someone hadn't snuck into my house and had started forcefully pumping that shit into my blood stream.

I like to make fun of people who hate the Demons Souls remake because it “Looks too good”, but then I thought about how I would feel if this game got a remake that made it look like Demons Souls. And uh, ya okay I get it now. It would feel completely different. And this game, one of the most important games ever made, doesn’t need one.

This game feels like a direct to DVD Disney movie sequel to the Lion King.

I've never seen a game so perfectly capture its title, why did I create a national tragedy by blowing up that bridge? Why did I drive an armored vehicle into that gas station? Why did I strap four innocent civilians to the back of my helicopter and then fly 4,000 feet into the air and then parachute down throwing the helicopter into freefall? Its the name of the game bro.

I'll always love this game for saving me right in the nick of time from having to play the actual 20 year old original like dude I don't care that its a classic I know that shit probably plays like a fucking nightmare.

Why the fuck is this shit not just called the Doki Doki poetry club, like come on I thought we were gonna pull up and start reading Moby Dick or The Great Gatsby but no we just write poems? YOUR SIMULATION SUCKS MONIKA.

This is like that one person in the family who isn't really that smart or distinguished, but who is just so fucking funny and likable that holy shit I cant help but say this is my favorite Resident Evil game. I have laughed harder at few videogames above this while playing 2 player split screen.

This game really makes you FEEL like you're an expendable cog in the war machine of a side fighting in one of the most important wars in recent world history.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was fire and this is electricity, unfortunately Infinite Warfare was the climate crisis, Vanguard was the rising global tensions and Modern Warfare 3 number 2 was Nuclear Fallout.

Whenever I play this game I feel like I'm hanging out with baby Jesus. Like I really love him, and he's amazing, but I also have this strange feeling that he's gonna do something insane when he's older, like every time I see him and he has something new to show me its crazy. And I know one day he's gonna change the world. I can just feel it. But right now he's still just a baby, but he's growing. fast.