Very emotional storyline but honestly didn't care much for the gameplay.

Not bad for killing time. Other than that, meh.

My high school English teacher recommended this app to improve our vocabulary. It's not bad, but after I graduated I had no reason to keep it installed on my phone.

The first half of this game sucked but the second half is a surprising increase in quality that left a positive impression on me. Aside from some plot armor issues this is not a bad finale.

Possibly the best game I've every played. They took concepts from the already impressive first game and expand upon it in the best way possible. The graphics are great, the gameplay is endlessly inventive and fun, the dialogue is super well-written and filled with clever use of dark humor, the characters are interesting (with nice subversion too), and the soundtrack introduced me to one of my favourite bands (The National).

The quiet interaction between the characters and nice forest environment (which for a while actually made me consider becoming a fire lookout) nicely contrasts the slowly escalating paranoia with more mysterious events. It skillfully used vague unexplained events to slowly build suspense throughout the whole game. The big reveal might be disappointing for some but I thought it was realistic.

The story is engrossing, the house is fully detailed to perfection, the score is awesome, the gameplay is super inventive. Best walking simulator I've ever played.

'80s synthpop soundtrack, witty dialogue, and beautiful watercolor backgrounds are some of the game's strongest points.

There are some really ambitious ideas explored here but honestly it felt like the kind of game that was more interesting to be discussed than actually played, because the gameplay can feel monotonous after a while. That being said the concepts introduced are brilliant, novel, and surprisingly emotional.

As a fan of the first one I couldn't be more disappointed with this. It felt like a corporate product with no heart and soul that made the first one so great.

Oh wait, that's exactly what happened:

The graphics are great, the story is interesting, the branching narrative must be revolutionary for its time, but all of the game's strength is unfortunately overshadowed by the absolutely abysmal controls.

Not as great as SOMA but I thought it was just as good as the first one. The creeping sense of dread from the first one is replaced with a more physical "terror" which may polarize players but I didn't mind it.

The length was a bit too long but the beautiful art design, intriguing mystery, and the surprisingly well-written characters more than makes up for it.

Not bad for killing time. Other than that, meh. (2)