this game has no business being this good, it's ridiculous
the soundtrack is one of the best in a long time, gameplay mechanics are a speedrunners dream, and its just fun fun fun all the way
crazy how i just finished the best 2d mario i've ever played and it's not even the best 2d platformer of the year

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bowser just wanted to get the rave going man

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this game has my single favorite moment in any game ever
it does stuff that is so interesting and I haven't seen in many games before it, makes me really kick myself for not playing alan wake 1 and control before this, because im missing quite a lot of context for stuff
going back and playing them later tho
liked sagas parts better than alans, mostly got to do with the setting tho
the nursery home has some of the best level design i've seen in a long time, maybe on the level of re2r police station
all in all an amazing, amazing experience, loved it

One of the most BEAUTIFUL games I've ever played, like holy shit
There were so many times where I just stood there taking it all in, the music and sound design makes it all FEEL so much more beautiful as well.
The worldbuilding was also pretty much perfect, loved the way you follow the story of someone else making the same journey as you through the notes they've left behind, just works so well.
The main gameplay mechanic of climbing is also really well done and really fun, although it does have some issues. Some climbing holds blend a little too well into the background, and, worst of all, it is WAY too easy to just randomly get stuck on things when you climb off them. At one point I was stuck for so long after climbing up a ladder that I thought I was softlocked (although I eventually managed to get out).
The game could probably also have been just a little bit longer, maybe it could have been cool to go from all the way down at the bottom of the tower, but honestly the length wasn't a big problem.
All in all, an insanely impressive game, especially for being relatively far from anything DontNod has done previously in terms of art style and gameplay. Most impressive parts were definitely sound design and visuals.

More RE4 can never go wrong. Only small thing is that at some points it feels like you're just playing through the base game's levels again with very minimal changes, would probably have been a bit better if I had waited longer between playing base game and DLC.

Easily my favourite RE game. Theres an insane amount of content here and I could probably easily dump 100 hrs into this which is insane when the base game takes ~20hrs to complete. Best replayability of maybe any game I've ever played.
There's really nothing wrong with this game, only reason I'm not giving it 5 stars is because there's nothing really "special" about it I guess? At the end of the day it is just a really polished and fun RE game and I don't really know if that could ever be enough for a 5 for me personally. Definitely an amazing game though and the most fun I've had playing a game since TOTK.
Also Mercenaries is really fun

definitely not as bad as i had feared, but still quite a bit worse than re2r
i think it just boils down to the whole game feeling very linear bc of the nemesis chase parts (which there are too many of)
also the constant re-use of assets was a bit distracting although it makes sense for the most part
the hospital was my favorite part of the whole game because there was finally some non-linearity
story was pretty good, obviously nothing special but it's a resident evil game so
overall had a pretty good time

only played claires story, but really liked it

liked this more than 0
dont have much more to say that i didnt already say about re 0, atmosphere carries as usual
story wasnt great, but it was servicable

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solid game overall but annoying at times
the level and audio design create a really chilling atmosphere, i loved it, felt really immersed
story was okay, honestly better than i expected
the puzzles were fine, but i used a walkthrough for a big chunk of the game because i felt i had to, some keys and items felt really hidden and it was not always obvious where you had to use them
at one point i had to mix two different chemicals and had to backtrack an entire level to get one of them and im pretty sure i would have just ragequit if i didnt have the walkthrough
also i the item system is a bit annoying but not that bad honestly
i also "had" to cheat during the second to last battle because billy had no health and got would get onehit (skill issue maybe) and i had used every piece of healing in the game up until that point
probably gonna play the rest of the games (at least the older ones) on easy, because im just not cut out for this
its definitely got some of that old school difficulty
i really enjoyed my time with this one even though i had many problems with it, at the end of the day atmosphere is probably my number 1 thing in games and this one nails it (a lot better than some modern horror games as well)

Obviously a really good game, I just am incapable of actually playing it well for some reason
I played a total of like 20 hours of the story mode and it just never really "clicked" for me
Cool characters, really cool artstyle, very fluid animations overall
I'll definitely try to get into this again some time, but I think I'm just not made for traditional fighters, platform fighters just feel way more natural to play for me idk

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Was honestly really fun almost the whole way through, but couldn't see myself playing this alone at all. The writing was consistently bad throughout and the ending especially (at least the one we got) was horrible. Literally nothing happens, they just leave? sure man
Also we managed to save every character and it didn't seem that hard, honestly the only point I thought we might lose one of them was at the end
Acting was also mostly bad (Fliss..)
Couch co-op mode carries this and these sort of games hard

great atmosphere and setting
playing this right after outlast was crazy, it's just crazy how literally everything outlast tried to do is done better here
bosses and "dungeons" were up and down, but overall pretty good
I loved the escape room bit
enemy variety was just nonexistent
got more invested in the story than I thought i would, and even though I wont be playing the dlc (seems a bit overpriced), I'll definitely watch a lets play of it just to see what happens
maybe more of an action game than a horror game, even though it had its moments of spookiness
overall really close to a 9 but just cant look past there being like 3 total different enemies (except bosses) in the entire game

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didnt really enjoy the gameplay loop of: complete objective, hide from whatever enemy just got aggroed, wait 5 minutes until you can go past him, repeat.
story was also very generic (ending especially was hilariously bad), although i liked the way it was told, through finding documents and just the environmental storytelling in general
game was also way less scary than it should have been, especially since every enemy basically is the same guy
camera mechanic is annoying, if you run out of batteries you just can't see shit (I ran out in the courtyard section and it was miserable)
best part of the game was the atmosphere which was pretty good when you get the time to take it in

overall this game kinda feels pointless, but it did definitely have some good moments in the beginning especially, but it just got worse as it went on. everything in this game could have been done so much better and im honestly a bit disappointed

literally does everything botw did better which should be impossible
also adds an insane amount of new shit
also has the second best story of any zelda game
also has the sickest last 2 hours of any game I've ever played
i've already put 200 hours into this game and I'll definitely play it 200 more before i'm done
yea it's the best game ever made