Let's see here..."Wow what a weird crossover, I mean Mario and Rabbids and Xcom combined? How strange is that? Who asked for it? And it's good?! That's crazy!" With that out the way, It's really good. It's fun but can be challenging. Overall there's just this charm factor the game has that keeps you hooked. My only complaint is that if you play for long periods of time, it can get a little draining so maybe take some breaks every now and then.

As someone with no connection to the original, I can't tell you if it's a good remake. HOWEVER I can say that as a game, It's pretty good. I would recommend this to first timers of the Zelda series, I feel this game perfectly represents what a Zelda game is while making things simple for newcomers. It has lots of charm and I really like the art style. The game has a few technical issues though, frame rate is inconsistent, found a few glitches and sometimes there a blur effect which is odd? But still this is a solid game to get for your Switch.

As someone who has had no experience with previous Paper Mario games, I enjoyed this. Best part of the game is exploring the world, looking at the uniqueness of it all and experiencing the comedic moments when rescuing toads or random one off characters. The game is filled with charm and that helps push you along it's long story. It's always giving you these wacky moments that keep your entertained.

I'd say combat is both good and bad. The general idea of it is fun but after doing it over and over again it starts to really drain you. Thankfully normal enemy encounters seem scripted so it's not like your going to experience 1000 random encounters in the first hour. I actually really liked the boss fights. Boss fights kinda invert the battle system and the fact that your doing less boss fights than normal enemy fights means that they don't get boring due to you doing to many of them.

If you have a Switch I'd recommend the game. If your a fan of the previous Paper Mario games then I hope this lives up to your expectations. The greatest thing I can say about the game is it makes me want to check out the previous ones, specifically Paper Mario and the Thousand-Year Door.

Solid, short and sweet. Great controls, lovely sprite work, really fun level and boss design. Just a solid game. Excited to try out the other campaigns.

Super Mario Sunshine does so much right but also so much wrong. It's hubworld is great, each area feels connected with this great sense of atmosphere. It's presentation is probably it's greatest strength, with a fun visual look, great detailed areas and good music.

The Gameplay is hit or miss. Mario can sometimes be super satisfying to play and other times you'll be annoyed when he slips on something or doesn't do exactly what you wanted him to do. Level design is also hit or miss. Sometimes the levels are super fun and can lead to fun moments where you think outside the box. Other times the levels are so broken that you wanna break the disc.

It's a frustrating game, but if you push through the bullshit, you'll see a game with so much fun to be had and so much ambition to achieve.

Just a solid short title. If your a fan of the classic NES Castlevania's this is a must play.

Pikmin 3 is surprisingly short. Like really surprisingly short. However it's one of the best games i've ever played. The visuals are gorgeous, it has immense replay value, memorable level design, it's a solid title to have on your Switch. But wait a little for the price to drop, it's great just not £50 great.

I'll update this when I've finished some more of the multiple endings but after finishing Route A I can say that this game is pretty great. In all departments.

It's kinda crazy seeing how similar the history of Crash and Sonic are.
They started out as trilogies made to rival Mario to give their individual consoles a mascot. There where a few spinoffs, even a racing game (Sonic R, CTR). They kind of went downhill after that. There where some games people loved (Sonic Adventure 2 and Crash Twinsanity, both sequels to games that started as the "next generation" version of those characters, Sonic Adventure and Wraith of Cortex.) but the majority of games sucked. It was clear the developers didn't know what to do. There where even attempts to make a 4th game.
But then Sonic Mania came. A true constitution of that trilogy that reminded everyone why we love Sonic. Crash Bandicoot 4 is the Sonic Mania of Crash games.
In a genius move they have somehow made the game fresh and a brand new experience while still feeling like it belongs in this franchise. I could go into massive detail about everything but i'd be wasting your time. The game is only $30 on the PS store for Christmas so what the hell are you waiting for?

Took me a dam while to finish this one but safe to say I'm interested in trying out Royal.

Persona 5 is a weird game to judge. I'm personally not a fan of JRPG's but there's something a little different about this one. Primarily with it's concept being so cool and it's presentation being very stylish.

Anyway you know it's pretty good.

Guess I gotta be a downer here. Is it good? Yeah. But here's my issue. This game doesn't present itself as a sequel, instead as a brand new thing. So when your excepting a brand new thing, your let down when everything feels the same. Gameplay is sill great but a few extra abilities don't change what your doing. Story is a little eh. I don't get why these Spider-Man games choose the most boring villains. Have some Villains with cool powers we can fight against. Anyway the games pretty good. PS4 version works fine, only some miner glitches I noticed.

The issue with Scott Pilgrim is this, the presentation is fantastic throughout and once you get the new moves and upgrade your stats, the game is fun, but that's the problem.

Without those upgrades, the game is so challenging to the point where the first few levels are not that fun.

Bioshock is a fantastic game. Everything it sets out to do it achieves. It's setting and atmosphere is the best thing I've seen in any game. Combat is fun and the story is very unique. I think the game drags a little in the middle, however the fantastic first and last third of the game more than make up for it.

It's a fine enough sequel. I like a lot of the gameplay improvements. I also really like the look and level design of the first third. But it quickly loses steam with a pretty boring story and not very interesting locations to explore.

I'm only gonna say this, missed potential. It had so many good ideas, so many, and when it chooses to use them it's awesome. The issue, it doesn't use them enough.