Very split on this game overall. I love what it does well and hate what it does poorly. Surprisingly good story, dungeons, etc. But very bad overworld sections and downright horrible filler/padding in the late game (even the early game has a lot of it). Sometimes I really want to replay it because I really do appreciate what it does well but then I remember the fucking Tadtones and I don't want to do that anymore.

Great revisit to A Link to the Past's world. The painting mechanic allows many of the puzzles and bosses to get extremely creative, and the stuff with buying items from the shop can be frustrating when you die but for the most part I think it adds a lot of variety to replays and how you approach new dungeons. Music is great too, one of my favorite Zelda soundtracks.

One of my most played games of all time. Not much else to say, just endlessly replayable with some of my favorite controls and moveset in any game.

Amazing return to form for the series. Brutally difficult in ways that I didn't know I loved. The bosses suck but the level design is awesome, the time attack mode is a ton of fun, this game is a blast.

This is one of the biggest examples of being able to respect a game because of the time it came out. It's extremely unwieldy and cryptic as hell, but taking into account all the context of video games in the 80's, all the information included in the manual, I can genuinely see why this game was so important. There's the idea of brilliance in here... somewhere. It's just hiding under an astronomical fuckton of age.

This is one of the primary games where my memories severely blind my perception. The atmosphere in this game genuinely goes crazy, mostly near the end. The final area and ending are boundary breaking for subtextual storytelling on the Gameboy and those moments are always the ones I remember the most. However every time I've tried to go back to this game I realize that I forgot... literally everything else about it. It's just obscenely annoying to play. It deserves a proper replay from me, but it'll probably be my last.

Still an okay game, but it's significantly less polished than CV1 in pretty much every way besides the music and visuals. Literally over half the levels suck. There's stuff to like but every time I replay it I feel like it was a waste of time.

Great fun. In terms of being a story, it's better than chapter 2, though I like chapter 2 more for being peak comedy. Great bosses and music, and much better graphics than Undertale.


Such a weird, but extremely interesting game. Even though it requires a lot of personal speculation and interpretation, the story is absolutely fascinating and more than worth checking out, and is more than a masterpiece of atmosphere alone. Oh and the OST is banging.

Dragon Quest 1: Adorable little game. Gameplay and story are nothing special (though its literal open world style is definitely impressive for the time), but you have to remember that this is the game that inspired pretty much every RPG after it. It definitely gets by on its cuteness and charm alone. The music is also delightful. I was smiling for the whole game. 4/5 stars.

Dragon Quest 2: Significantly less charming and more boring than 1 was, but I still thought it was okay. I can see why people don't like it at least. Still very grindy, and the dungeons are awful, but the battles are better than 1's, and the music is still really nice. Fine game, probably won't think about it ever again though. 2.5/5 stars.

For my first (real) RE game, I am very pleasantly surprised. This game is nothing but fun the whole way through. Not perfect, but a very good exercise in routing, planning ahead, and risk vs reward. I enjoyed it so much I did all four campaigns in a row.

My favorite gameplay of all time. It's masterful from beginning to end (with both characters) combined with some of the best atmosphere and most beautiful backgrounds ever make for one of the easiest 10/10's I have ever given. One of my new favorite games.

Only problem with Smash 4 is that there is literally no reason to ever play it again anymore.

Well, I used to hate this one. But I just recently replayed it and... actually had a lot of fun! I cannot defend the map design on the first playthrough, it's terrible, but when you're replaying and are actually able to plan routes you don't really notice it. There's also tons of really fun advanced tech to get good at that gives it the most involved combat of the GBAvanias.