one of the few game experiences to make me cry. thank you funny dog

The Elephant games were incredibly formative for me as I grew up. Sure, they're simplistic and small in scope- I didn't take more than an hour to beat each, and to get all the achievements. They're this passion project that has been carried by this one guy for the entire part of his life. Hell, I was there when each game released. I remembered being in Kongregate, on chatroom #02, talking to the people inside, playing Elephant Quest, or Achievement Unlocked.

Even the Achievement Unlocked games were formative for me. They were one of the things that got me obssessed with the idea of completionism, along with Jirard "Dragonrider" Khalil - though, honestly, the latter now leaves a bitter taste in my mouth after the current news that came out about him.

These are games that were incredibly important to me, is the point. I'm so glad to have re-experienced them, to get through their jank and play these small little bits of my childhood that left me so very happy back then, in a much simpler time, where I didn't really need an interesting story or particularly balanced gameplay.

All I needed to see was that blue elephant, and I was happy. And, today and now, I see this blue elephant. And I am happy once more.

10/10. This is a completely subjective rating, but I couldn't give it anything else.

my only problem with this game is that i'll never be able to play it for the first time again. i wish there was another game like this!

classic rpg. god i cant not love it no matter how jank it truly is

me killing my wife with my wife and my wife and our token bug husband

honestly? probably the best version of phoenix wright to date. although the puzzles in the layton parts were slightly lacking, i don't consider it THAT big of a disadvantage. a very poignant story about guilt, memories, societal labels, and, of course, stories. shoutouts to pyras!!!


CHUNK CHUNK CHUNK (this is the sound of my rivet gun hitting the cultists)

personally i think it's a slight downgrade from The Room 3? but it still has very enjoyable puzzles and it continues the lore in a fun way.

what if we took one of the capstone games for storytelling in videogames and made it play better and look REALLY pretty

a simple zelda-like that has a fun sense of humor and enjoyable puzzles, though nothing too mindbreaking honestly

a bit too referential, and janky, but goddamn the gameplay is very enjoyable.

NaNa... Na Na Na NaNa Na NaNa Katamari Damashii...

this game is really good honestly. milked like a fucking cow but i'm not gonna complain about good milk