VERY enjoyable with a friend, and I can see this being extremely fun as a fan of combos, but I am not.




Started this game several times but just cannot stick to it. With a pretty interesting story as far as I got the stale controls and combat throw me off every time I play. Finally decided to fully drop it after the sixth try.

CogDis is the best fan game I have ever played, and probably will ever play. No canonical issues, fun gameplay, extremely extensive content, fantastic Ideas, this is something that I would recommend to every fan of the MOTHER series.


can't talk much on this game without spoiling, but my single issue with this game is a non-issue with the ending, due to personal beliefs. An extremely well made, interesting, and melancholy game.

Not a fan of the cosmic ocean at all, there are some strange challenge issues, and the generation in this game just feels plain worse than spelunky 1. That being said, everything else about the game is a major improvement.


still really good but personally liked the first one more

Dont believe what all lets players say, play it for yourself this game fucking RULES