The fact that this game started as a Residen Evil, gives it a dismal atmosphere that you can't really find in the sequels. The fixed camera sometimes hinders your movement, but in general the fights are fun. The game is so short that it doesn't feel tedious to do all 3 difficulties. The worst part of the play through is the first phase of Mundus, i really hate that shoot em' up segment.

It's obviusly rushed, but the game still has a lot of charm. Some platforming sections, like the one you try to escape from a rising toxic waste, are really fun. The skate segments are also quite fun. I think the only parts that id didn't like where when you control cortex or Nina. The other segments are not excepcional, but they're also not that bad. I would actually say that this is the best Crash Game released after Warped and before Crash 4. (Altough the bar is really low)

I recommend this version just for the music alone. The new verse in the shop song it's just magnificent. If you like the old character designs, then you will probably also liked the pixel remastered versions as well. This game feels like a hybrid between the PSP and the PSX versions of FF.
I would've like the maps more if they had to be filled by ourselves, but the way that they are now, fully visible from the start, it just kills any thrill of exploration.
It's important to mention that this game doesn't have any of the extra content added in the PSP/GBA version.

A Fun and really easy platformer, since it's almost impossible to lose by falling into a pit. Altough being accesible was the intention of the game, it does offer some quite difficult boss fights and levels in the extra game mode. It still amazes me that the extra mode actually changes stuff and gives new moves to the bosses and mini-bosses instead of just making the enemies do more damage. This first Kirby game is a short and entertaining experience.

It's fun. My only real problem with this game is that sometimes it gives you the freedom to chose your party, but a chapter later it forces you to play with one specific character. Reading the reviews, it seems i wasn't the only one that suffered when they force you to play as Gohan. I understand that they tried to stay true to the original story, but i would've prefered the freedom to just play with who i wanted regardless if it it makes sense in the story or not.

Here was where Kirby went from being a simple, but cute, platformer to an excelent platformer. The skill-copy system offers a dozen gameplay variations y the new movement options makes it so at it's core controlling Kirby becomes more fluid and satisfying. The fact that this is the first appearance of my beloved Meta Knight, it's just the cherry on top.

I think this game is the embodiment of "Being lost is fun, until it isn't"
It it certainly fun to be drop into an unknown world and be tasked with exploring it. Finding secrets and dungeons in this first Legend of Zelda is really rewarding, but the moment you start going in circles finding absolutely nothing because you didn't know that you had to burn a tree with your candle then the exploration becomes more frustrating than fun.
Still love playing this game, controlling Link feels great and the challenges that the game offers are fun to beat. I just wish the world had a few more directions so that your first playtrough isn't as miserable. (Altough this could just be a symptom of playing without a manual)

Donkey Kong Country is a fun platformer with memorable visuals and a spectacular soundtrack. While it doesn't innovate that much in the platformer formula, it does offer some tight and enjoyable gameplay that can keep you entertained for a couple of hours. Trying to find all the secrets is a nightmare, so i recommend just beating the game instead of completing it.

A new take on the Crash Bandicoot formula. The new shiny toy are the titans, so it's really bad when said toy has some of the most boring combat and segments i've seen in Crash. The fact that the titans can't jump (in a platformer) forces a flat level-design, where instead of moving through platforms you walk through hallways.
The platforming section with crash are not that great either. The most fun segments are the skateboarding ones.
The game is not broken at least, but is also very rarely fun.

I want to start by saying that i have a lot of love for this game. Mainly because it's an important game from my childhood, but also because I've always adored monkeys, and this games has a lot of monkeys.
Having replayed it now as an adult i can say that it is a solid 3D platformer. The Sky Flyer and the double jump makes the task of running through a stage feel fun and free. Probably the worst part is when they make you drive a tank with tank controls. However, the monkeys and their personalities always hug the spotlight. 5/5 just for the monkeys.

(FF1 Part) This is the most similar version to the original release, but with different graphics. If you wanna experience the main adventure of the first Final Fantasy in a game that is not broken and that challenges you in some moments, well this the best version for that. (Altough now a days maybe it is the pixel remaster, not really sure)

This game takes some gettin used to for sure. The driving feels pretty hard, having to rely on breaks to make some of the curves.
When you get the controls the game starts feeling fun... until you realized that the AI only has one enemy... you.
The tracks are rather boring and i hate the Thomps in bowser´s castle... a decent start for mario kart though.

It's honestly impressive how this game is still so fun to play. The levels are well designed and it's one of the few games where the underwater levels feel great to play.
Definitely a master piece.

What i love the most about Dark Souls is that it simply lets you play. I mean, the ambient is excellent, the world design with interconnected zones is fantastic and the combat is very rewarding. But the fact that during your adventure you are not bombarded with tutorials, unskippable cutscenes or obligatory dialogues makes it so that playing Dark Souls really feel like your own adventure.
Altough some zones and bosses are infuriating. The difficulty in general can be adjusted by very organic means like improving your weapon, magic or summons. It's really genius how this game gives you the tools to decide by yourself how difficult the content is.
I'm happy this was my first souls.

After all the attempts to make a different kind of Crash Bandicoot game, i'm happy that this game is just a simple and fun platformer. The masks offer enough variety to make the levels not repetitive and the control of Crash/Coco feels great. I was only disappointed by the n-verted levels, i though all of them would have interesting gimmicks like the ones in the first island, but it turns out that from the second island onward the just have a lazy filter.
While just beating this game is a great experience, trying to complete it is absolutely horrific.