Love that you can swap between remastered and original graphics. This is obviously very dated now, but still has bouts of fun in it.

I enjoyed this overall, but all those 10/10s make it seem much better than it actually is.

The good:
- Voice acting is chefs kiss
- The gameplay, and the general "feel" of the game, is very much like every other Arkane game. I personally like that, but ymmv.
- The concept of the game and how it plays out is cool. I liked seeing different areas at different times of the day, and planning how to navigate around them.
- Gameplay and pacing (after the tutorial) is pretty good and kept me constantly entertained, especially with different trinkets and powers.
- The world is interesting and there's little secrets to explore in different areas*
- Among Us in Deathloop (this is not a spoiler)

I finished this in 2 sessions (13 hours and 6 hours) without breaks, so that should tell you this is pretty fun.

The bad:
- *
The little secrets you discover don't really reward you well for discovering them most of the time.
- My 2060 couldn't give me consistent framerate at 1440p, and even had some drops in 1080p. I ended up getting this on PS5, where it experienced a total of 3 crashes, and I encountered 2 bugs with the menus. Not a huge deal, but I wish things were better tested and optimized before release.
- The game doesn't give you a lot of freedom. It was marketed as "you'll have to explore and figure out how to kill all the bosses in a single loop", which holds true but there aren't multiples ways to do that. There's literally only one way to finish the game. Its linear, which is fine, but I will it provided less guidance and let me figure things out on my own instead of telling me exactly what to do and where to go.

I think if there was a little bit more freedom and a little less hand holding, this would have been a 4.5/5 for me.

The game is pretty lackluster and generic at the start, and I almost quit playing 2 hours in, but I'm glad I didn't. I stuck with it, and ended up enjoying it a fair bit. It's not amazing or anything, but its worth a single playthrough.

Okay here's why my rating went from a 2 to a 3.5:
- Amazing boss fights. This game is basically a cute Dark Souls.
- Weighty combat. Although it starts out a little slow with just the staff, I felt really powerful by the end with all the abilities.

The animations are obviously good too.

- Movement can be clunky
- No incentive to do anything extra
- Story is mediocre
- Nothing new here, its a generic action game

But again, boss fights make up for the faults.

So Warcraft 3 (RoC + FT) is one of my all-time favorite games, but I didn't keep up with news of the remaster. I knew it was happening, and I just expected updated graphics, which is exactly what the remaster is.

I enjoyed playing this again with better visuals, and I've been playing a lot of multiplayer lately. It's still as fun as it was when it was first released.

I get that a lot of people are upset because what Blizzard promised was so much more, and we've all been lied to. If I had kept up with the news and been invested in the remaster, I would be upset too.

But I just wanted the same old Warcraft 3 with a fresh skin, so I'm not complaining much.

I was excited to play this remaster since I missed out on this in the PS2 era, but at this point it's incredibly outdated and difficult to play. Just goes to show how video games are the one art form that become obsolete really fast.

I don't know what people are upset about. I had fun playing this. My only complaint is that there's no fast forward for parts that you've already done in every loop. I liked the story, sue me.

Maybe I shouldn't have played the second game first. This feels like such a huge step down from it. I played for 30 hours and was not invested in the story or the characters, and the gameplay remained pretty much the same for the entirety of that playthrough. I dont think I'll ever finish it.

Yeah idk. This was good, but just barely? It gets high points for the visuals and showing the power of the SSD, but the gameplay is so bland. There's cool guns but no incentive to use any of them. All enemy types can be defeated with all guns. And theres nothing new in the gameplay at all.

Unpopular opinion: Mass Effect 1 and 2 should have been visual novels instead of proper games. The gameplay feels like such a chore in both ME1 and ME2. It's just corridors and shooting very limited enemy types. The only thing that carries those games is the choices and the world -- both of which you can have in a visual novel. Also, ME2 doesn't really have a story??? It's just one long recruiting mission where you're prepped for ME3.

Mass Effect 3 is the only game in the trilogy that feels like a game. It's where it all comes together. The gameplay is solid and tight, and the story is moving fast.

I think this trilogy is overrated af because we didn't really have games where your choices actually mattered across the entire trilogy.

The lore and the world is pretty good though! And this is a pretty great remaster, not gonna lie.

I appreciated the story and lore here, ngl.

Yeah idk, the writing felt really off. It's so weird that Shepard was quipping in this DLC, but he doesn't say much in the base game...

Yeah idk. I was excited for this, and I thought I enjoyed roguelikes after playing Hades, but I hate that there's very little progression during runs with this one. I don't want to spend hours working my way through a level only to be one-shotted and then restart with nothing to show for my previous run.

I also do like games with a challenge, but I want there to be ways to overcome that instead of just pure skill and learning enemy patterns. I think one of the reasons I enjoy challenge in games like SoulsBorne is because there's more to it than just learning enemy patterns (leveling up, getting items that could help with an enemy/boss/area). Returnal doesn't have any of that so I'm not motivated enough to keep playing run after run.

I think I made it halfway through the game (third biome)? I don't feel like playing it any more. It's not really a bad game though. The gameplay is solid, the visuals are amazing, and I'm intrigued by the story. But it's just unsatisfying between runs and it's not my cup of tea.

I really enjoyed this, but I think all the hype and 10/10 reviews made me have really high expectations which it kind of failed to meet :(
Would still recommend though!

Collision mechanics/physics are pretty terrible, but the rest is a fantastic F1 sim!