When Dante said, "I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with LIGHT!" Tears literally started streaming down my face... peak video game cutscene!

Insomniac continue to follow it's winning streak with a very safe sequel that improves upon the first entry in many ways.

I would have loved to see more traversal changes but I can't complain about what we got as it addressed many of its issues. You actually get speed right after a dive now and things like swing assist options and extra abilities make you feel more in control. It's a step in the direction I wanted them to take with traversal. I hope they only raise the skill ceiling to keep people coming back to learn more.

In terms of story and characters. Whilst it didn't get me emotionally like the first one did. Miles and Pete are amazing together and my god I adored Kraven. Never cared for that villain until now. I also get they wanted a unique symbiote story but not even trying an Eddie Brock was disappointing. Harry just wasn't an entertaining enough character for Venom in my opinion. The symbiote/venom part of the story was easily the weakest. MJ had her cool moments but overall I just didn't care for her that much. Pete and MJ's relationship just isn't convincing to me.

And speaking of MJ, no fewer MJ sequences huh? Good for them to double down and try to make us enjoy playing as her but I still believe they are too a jarring change of pace and hurt the game's replayability. I still would rather replay this game than the first due to the Miles & MJ sequences but damn I still don't enjoy these parts.

ALOOT more I could talk about but to keep it short I love this game very much and cannot wait for new game plus!!

The most profound game I've ever played. I can't believe it's taken me this long to play it. That final act is absolutely mind-blowing—the themes here are thought-provoking and terrifyingly accurate to today's digital world. Kojima is at his best here

Dopamine, Dopamine, Dopamine. This game was a staple of my childhood and despite the gameplay being dated it still holds up and outclasses most if not all looter shooters nowadays.

I love this franchise. It's the most therapeutic experience ever. I only wish the multiplayer and construction aspects were less clunky to use.

Ok I didn't want to skip this one, I really wanted to at least give it a shot. but after roughly 10 minutes of spamming the shoot button at the infected chopper, I said enough is enough. I can't bring myself to play the rest and I'm happy to put it down for good. It's uninspiring, lazy and a complete downgrade over the first. Even if you want to play all the DMC games, just listen to fans when they say you should probably skip this one.

Rockstar Games crafted one of if not the most realistic open worlds here. Its gritty tone and unsaturated colour palette give this scarily realistic modern-day feeling of being in a city filled with crime and corruption around every corner.

Interesting and intriguing character designs with a ton of Rockstar's signature sense of humour all wrapped up into an engaging story that carries this Hollywood movie style to it.

And physics has to be mentioned. "Euphoria." still to this day has to be the most satisfying, realistic and intricate physics system in any game and paired with more realistic and unforgiving driving physics for a GTA title it's easy to see why this game was ahead of its time, it knew exactly what it wanted to be, and that vision is carried over into every design choice. It's why I feel this game truly earns the title of a masterpiece.

Rockstar delivered a fantastic story-driven experience repeatedly, and the "cowboy GTA" Red Dead Redemption was amongst the best in this golden era of gaming!

As someone that loved resident evil 5 growing up. Finally, picking this up and playing it for the first made me realise how much I was missing out. Just about everything I adore about 5 is here and in many cases done better. I love the mix of action and horror, at the start, every fight carries so much tension but by the end, you feel like John Wick when you get skilled enough at the mechanics.

I can't help but love this game despite its obvious flaws and the modding community has to be mentioned for making the replayability crazy.

A masterclass in game design. Such a shame it continues to struggle at pleasing its audience.

It's hard to write a review about a game like TotK, I definitely didn't enjoy this one as much as I did BotW and I'm ok with that. It captured the greatness that was the first game and I can see how they evolved and put forward new ideas but unfortunately, the invention system specifically didn't grab me at all. I might one day come back to this game and have a different opinion. There really wasn't much they could get wrong as this game truly feels like a continuation and extension of the first and so for that I still want to give it a score similar to BotW, the story was very engaging and the boss battles were great fun, It just didn't bring me as much enjoyment as the first.

A flarking good time! The world, story and characters in this game are so detailed and thought out, Combat is similar to FF7 Remake which was surprisingly unique to see in this sort of game but plays well to the nature of the guardians, it does have a little bit to go which I hope gets fleshed out more in a sequel. And I hope this does get a sequel or at least more Marvel titles like this.

Legendary game and a mark in gamings history

Since I got this on a deep sale the shortness of it was quite refreshing and makes me want to reply it on hardcore at some point. I didn't like how the game constantly took my control away and put me in a cinematic, there were so many times I wanted to play a setpiece myself but just had to sit and watch. Said cinematics were fantastic though, not sure if I just missed this in the original but Nemesis is so like Terminator in this one. Especially that soundtrack!

I enjoy the gameplay more than RE2 Remake. It's faster-paced, slicker animations and the return of dodging. Overall solid enjoyable RE title.