The entire game felt like I was on drugs and I love it.

Note:I haven't played the og game

Now where do I begin,this game is just amazing the graphics and character faces are just so good and the characters are also very diverse and fun jhonny boy I see you the Main cast is also very lovable cloud is one of the best protagonists I have seen.watching him warm up to the other characters was so wholesome.

The action sequences in this game are also top notch especially the bike sections.the combat while might feel like a hack and slash at first but you need a lot more strategy with materia and skills as you go on.

The story is great nothing too mind boggling imo but the way it delivers it is what makes it special especially with emotional sequences that actually make you care about few the Sidequest were probably the weakest part of the game its mostly just fetch or some random monster appeard so go Slay it type but there aren't many side quests so it's fine and they aren't even necessary for leveling up. Atleast I didn't grind Even once.the bosses are amazing.

The ost is amazing especially aerith theme its just so calming.

All in all amazing game hyped for rebirth now

(Plot twist the game)
Oh boy where to start.well for starters it truly does live up to all its praises if not exceeds it.

The story:-
Man this was such a journey,It's no exaggeration to call this one of the best storys I have experienced in any medium Tho I can agree this game is not for everyone you either got to have a good memory to remember the all the events to link them together and understand the story or keep notes but damm is it worth it I had my mouth dropped so many times cause of the plot twists and the story is so well crafted for the way it conveys it linking things together as you figure out the story along with the characters
is just the ending when I saw the ending and reconstructed the story it was truly satisfying

The combat:-
Tbh I didn't think I would enjoy it at all from the trailers and reviews but God damn was I proved wrong.the combats like a rts tower defense but you have so many options with the meta system upgrades to your mech and team building.watching waves of enemies get obliterated will never not be satisfying.tho I did feel the Final battle was a little disappointing.

The ost is also really good especially area 2 wave 5

Final thoughts:you should give this game atleast a chance if u find it on a subscription service or smtg yes the first hour is confusing but it does get really good after that.

(Funny story:-as I was watching the ending the power cut so watched it on yt and the video length was 13mins so was my phones battery
You know 13 ppl and stuff haha....I'll leave sorry)

Note:never played the original.

Man rcpd had no right being that scary,like all horror games it loses its terror after a while but the tension remains with Mr raincoat chasing you everywhere the later areas don't compare to rcpd tho the atmosphere ,environment,lighting,sounds all make this truly a treat to play through and I love how they utilized the area it was so fun exploring
Everything but fuck lickers.the amount of times I was just screaming for my life and running was hilarious.

All the guns were fun to use especially the shotgun on Leon's side,the game isn't too difficult on normal difficulty it gives you plenty of resources I had a lot leftover by the end gotta try hardcore now.

The boss fights were good especially the final boss,puzzles were simple but finding what you need is the real tough part.the visuals and performance are great even with Ray tracing on.

I'm a little disappointed with Claire's run tho its more or less the same as Leon's with few changes and leaves lot of plot holes in the story but oh well its more of a challenge run with different guns anyway.

All in all amazing game

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Great sequel to the first game more challenging puzzles and improved mechanics also the mc relationship with glados was arguably the best part of the game

Love the old cartoony art,the constant flickering on the screen synchronizes with the artstyle so much.bosses are fun and have goofy animations all in all a great game.

Didn't think I would rate this game this high when i first started it but damm was i proved wrong.
The powers were the best part all of them while fundamentally being the same also feel so different
At the same time it's hard to explain,especially Neon if u have enough Karma points u can basically become
The flash running around the city for a infinite time.speaking of the Karma system the good Karma route adds
To the hero style like if u have high enough good Karma people stop being scared of u,cheering you after fights or
While walking Around and ritos about bio terrorists start gathering fewer people(minor spoiler)
even as far as turning on the military for u at the end.combat is good and reggie Is one of the best Brothers in gaming.
The stroy is quite forgetful tho

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Two things before the review:.ive never played the original and this is my first survival horror experience cause I've been too much of a baby till now so I may be a bit biased.

(Also I feel like this is a good game to start for newcomers like me)

First of all loved both the main characters
Carlos's bravado was fun. the games not very stingy with resources you just have to explore and backtrack a bit.
(For newcomers)
it dosent send u into full horror directly the starting areas are more tense than scary but it cranks up the scary meter after a few areas
But you would have gained some courage up to that point so it'll be fine(hopefully)

The soundtracks also nice especially when nemesis chases you it adds to the tension and the soothing sound of the safe rooms is just always delightful to hear.
also fuck the final boss fight I like it but fuck it.


Visual design and audio design are just marvelous.Beautiful game

Sometimes short adventures like this are needed.

Before I start ranting about the disappointments I'll give credit where it's due
Technically the game is great graphics,visuals,
Environmental destruction all are amazing
The ashtray maze was just chef's kiss.

Now Look I really wanted to love this game based on all the positive reviews i heard but man is this game repetitive af like there are no end to the enemies even if you activate a checkpoint and come back to it the enemies spawn near the checkpoint like why there's no reason for it as there's no exp system to level up and moneys not a problem it's just annoying.

The gunplay is good especially with the ps5 triggers it's sounds and works satisfyingly but again the repetitivenes gets it too.

The story and characters are well forgetful? Like every character we have met just gives you chores to do and don't add anything.the ending too was just so plain?

Went from Slaying the princess to laying her with the ending I got

Honestly disappointed it started off great with a bright and vibrant world to explore but then it just went stale? Idk there was no motivation for exploration by the midpoint of the game and the final area somehow got worse.

the boss fights are average it has some really annoying mechanics like not being able to pause the game or sometimes if you don't position yourself right enough the button inputs don't work.and you can get stuck in the last section if you don't have a certain upgrade which the game dosen't even tell you about.

The only saving grace was the ai companion talking to it was fun and somehow she reminds me of glados just yk not crazy.

One of the most unique games I have played,
It feels like an epic.but also frustrating at times which I'll tackle in a later para.

The bosses are more of a big puzzle than enemies the puzzle is it figure out how to beat em which makes sense cause there's no we are winning in a fair fight.all the colossi designs are so good especially the final boss and the Ariel colossis how this game ran back in the ps2 is a god damm miracle.the grand scale of the fights is unmatched.

The world feels so gloomy and isolated that while traveling through it feels a slight sense of calmness before the next major fight.
the ost at time its calming and during few boss fights you can feel the adrenaline rush.

Now the frustrating part comes because in its skeleton its still a ps2 Era game with improved visuals and few mechanical changes Ig more like a remaster than a remake.

so it's still has few annoying mechanics which can be fixed if you know a few controls but the game dosen't tell you Like some bosses can put you in a stun lock loop because it takes your character 5-6 business days to get up that can be fixed by spamming your wepon change button. And you don't need to spam Triangle for agro to go fast just hold it down and agro avoids obstacles own its own you just gotta move it for navigational purposes.
Except these two the rest are minor complaints.