It's hilarious to me that the remaster of an 11 year old game is far and away one of the most graphically impressive PlayStation 5 titles. I know that some people who played the original back in 2009 think that this version is a bit over-polished, so I will have to determine that for myself once I get around to playing it.

Not only does this DLC deliver in terms of difficult yet fulfilling bosses, but the music present here is the best in FromSoftware's catalog.

While I ultimately prefer Sekiro due to its combat system, Bloodborne is one of the few pieces of horror that works extremely effectively. The lore in this game is unlike anything else out there. A must play!

One of the hardest games I've ever played, but my god, almost nothing else even comes close to the combat in this game. Isshin the Sword Saint is the textbook example of how to create a near perfect final boss.

Listen, as a long-time fan of the Pokémon franchise, I can't help but point out the series has been a bit stagnant for the better part of 10 years.

While Pokémon Legends: Arceus is a breath of fresh air for the franchise, saying that this is anything other than average would be giving it too much praise.

I'm glad that Game Freak is trying something new by breaking away from the traditional Pokemon formula, but this game is the very definition of average.


Absolutely floored by the sheer speed of this game, given it's initial release in 1996. Trent Reznor's disturbing atmospheric soundtrack only helps to further immerse you into the game.


What else can I say about this game that hasn't been said by basically everyone else? This game is a masterpiece and has stood the test of time far better than its counterparts.

A solid follow-up to the original game, but it falters in a few areas, namely the inconsistency in the level design.

I feel like this is the most overlooked game in the Doom franchise, given its initial release on the Nintendo 64. I played the 2020 Nightdive remaster and was impressed by the atmosphere present in this game.

This is my least favorite entry in the Doom franchise, but I wouldn't say that this is a bad game by any means. The lighting engine is absurd, given that this game came out in 2004.


An excellent game that single-handedly revitalized interest in the retro style FPS genre.

Not quite as good as the base campaign or TAG1, but still a fun time nonetheless.

Everything that made the base campaign excellent is ramped up to 11 here, and the adrenaline you'll experience is seldom found in other titles.

Quite simply, the best first person shooter game ever made.