18 Reviews liked by Kikooo

Ah yes, now I can completely repel women.
Shin Megami Tensei IV for the Citra Canary 2670 is an amazing game. It just has it all! JPGs with stats, retarded AIs, blue people that scare you more than any horror game after you whiff your attack on them, funny man Walter the fisherman, suicidal tendencies and three consecutive megidolaons given to you by fucking Beelzebub as the cherry on top. What's not to love in this?

On a more serious note, the game is actually amazing.
The plot is seriously good, the way that it shows how human nature will lead us to a loop of repeating the same mistakes over and over again is excellent, and the characters split into their own beliefs in a natural and gradual way, it's beautiful to see.

The combat system is top tier turn-based RPG. The press turns are a simple but versatile mechanic that applies to you and your enemies. In SMT IV the battles can be weirdly easy (the final bosses disappointed me severely) but that's not a major turn-off, the game still punishes you if you do something like being a disappointment to your whole family and nation by turning on auto combat when you're fighting a Girimekhala, clearly that didn't happen to me. Flynn also gets way too strong if you just throw all your stats into magic. It's an easy but really satisfying game.

The sountrack goOD LORD THE SOUNDTRACK. IT'S SO GOOD. The themes for random encounters are way too good, the fiend theme is excellent (the game's way to compensate the cancer it gave you to find the vile creature) and B2 is a classic for a reason, it makes me think twice before hanging myself after leading with walter throwing a silly little Agi to Minotaur, a boss THAT NULLS FIRE. I LOVE THIS GAME'S AI GFJIFSAFFUCKTHTISTUFKCINGGAME

The designs are top notch. I love that SMT has a lot of not conventional designs to represent various mythological beings, beliefs and ideas (not chemtrail). While some are horrendous misses (looking at you Lucifer), most are absolute bangers (Beelzebub, Parvati, Shiva, Metatron, etc.)

The presentation, while being limited do to the console it's in, is also top notch. The 3D environments really sell you on the state that the world you live in is, specially the blue men that give me severe PTSD.
When you enter a battle, you get another presentation, now the enemies are little sprites with idle animations that are really charming, and while the death animations are bugged while emulating, they're still pleasing to look at. The UI is also really well thought out for the console the game was in, porting it to another system will prove difficult but that doesn't affect my judgement.

This is a SMT game, so SMT bullshit will happen, but you can have a good laugh (or a gunshot directly to your skull) when it happens. A very good and unique experience, highly recommend it.

Please ATLUS port this to PC
A Moh Shuvuu enjoyer

After playing this beautiful game, i can assure two things:
1º - now i know that no matter how bottom i am, theres always worst
2º - i didn´t had any expectation to this and after finishing this i can assure that nothing was going to prepare me for what i saw.

overall, way to kinky for me, 3/10

- Wacky framerate
- Bug/Glitch MegaLord (just search for a compilation)
- Why bring back Ripto? No damn reason he died in Spyro 2 and the boss fight is so frustating i swear if you miss a frametime you done he spams the attacks kekw
- Forgettable levels

My Opinion: BURN IN HELL

This one is honestly my least favorite Dark Souls entry. The linear and uninspired world/level design. The attempt at bringing the agressive fast paced Bloodborne combat into the slower, more methodical Dark Souls formula.
The story that flushes down the toilet the natural progression of themes brought by Dark Souls 2. This whole game just felt like nostalgia baiting "Hey, remember Dark Souls 1?"
From could and can do much better



Doom 2016 came to shine a light in the long dead genre of arena shooters, and it's satisfying and addictive gun play, coupled with the frantic speed of the Slayer as he darts around the level smashing Demon skulls into dust, might have single-handedly revived interest in the arena shooter genre

(Here's to hope that someone takes another shot at Quake, please)

FromSoftware's masterpiece. It refined the Souls combat formula to become fast paced and agressive, which couple with the gourgeous setting and the ever so expected interesting story/lore of the Souls Games, makes for a recipe for certain success

A massive amount of content, a compelling story dealing with the effects a life of crime can have on varying individuals and jawdropping action setpieces.
It's a shame all single-player content was dropped in favor of the multiplayer modes, that while being extremely fun with friends (especially the heists), require you to invest a ton of time (and maybe money) if you even wish to own most of the higher end content

Good story that follows it's themes, charismatic and iconic characters, one of the best gameplay systems in the series and the staggering amount of content make for a JRPG classic that to this day still lives up to it's hype

I honestly never have any idea on how to review Skyrim. It has so much content that one can still play the game for thousands of hours and still not see it all, but is quality the price to pay for all that quantity? Most characters are forgettable (bar a few memorable NPCs), the story itself plays like a bunch of odd fetchquests, never really reeling the player in with any kind of gripping narrative and the combat is.... well, downright boring. Sure, the amount of ways you can approach combat, be it with spells, archery, swords, axes is indeed gigantic, but the combat has no depth at all. The AI barely offers a challenge, being easily cheesed by various methods.

Overall, Skyrim begins to show it's age, despite the hundreds of re-releases it got

One of From's all time best. It borrows from the Soulsborne formula and adapts it, making the combat feel familiar but still unique. The story and the lore presented is overall really good, the game is challenging, the art design is varied and brings to life each location, the enemies have vast movesets that challenge the player on each of the game's mechanics and the level design is for sure among the all time best from FromSoftware.

The game that came to prove that handholding gameplay isn't the way to go, and that overcoming a good challenge is the key to satisfaction. I can't undersell the cultural impact Dark Souls had in the landscape of gaming. To this day, pretty much a decade later, it still inspires other games, and even managed to spawn a sub-genre of games named after itself.

But does it still hold up after all these years? I would say so. The story is absolutely stellar, full of memorable characters with gripping characterization. The gameplay is slow and methodical, making it so the player has to adapt to each enemy, learn it's moveset and counter when given an opening. The bosses are a mixed bag, ranging from pillars of gaming history to stinking piles of garbage that are better off as being meme'd by the community. The world and level design is probably the most fondly talked about thing from this game. An interconnected world, coupled with the stellar art direction that has come to be expected from these developers made for a phenomenom that will not be forgotten anytime soon

I would have given it at least a star, but it doesn't even deserve that. There's no way to salvage this game, the gameplay is fucking boring, the stylish foundation of the first game devolved into a "press button to win", the enemies barely react, the level design is shit, the color palette is made exclusively out of brown, the art design is uninspired, the story is cliché at best and Dante's character was completely re-written to be an edgy action protagonist without any personality. This game is better off forgotten to time, so as to not soil such a great franchise

A masterclass in worldbuilding and ambience. Simple yet engaging gameplay with a lot of tools, memorable characters that to this day are still fondly talked about and a world that I believe no videogame has ever surpassed. A classic that will never be forgotten

A love letter to the run and gun genre and 1930's animation. It has this ever so cheerful aspect to it, with the absolutely gorgeous hand drawn animation and colorful cast of cartoonish characters. The gameplay is challenging, with tight and responsive controls that make for a trip down memory lane with each level you play

I very rarely drop games. Strider was one of them. I really wanted to like the reboot of such an iconic franchise, but it just doesn't click with me. This game is sorta like a Metroidvania, but it's level design is boring and rarely warrants exploring. As for the story, you're just dropped into the plot and told to go kill the villain. That's it. I understand that it's paying homage to the older games in the series, but it seriously needed an upgrade in the plot department. As for gameplay, it is fast-paced, but that's all I can say for it. At least until the point I dropped the game, your tool kit consisted only on spamming the attack button and using the odd charge attack to break through shields. Deflecting the enemy bullets with your attacks is fun, but considering Strider attacks so fast, you barely need any timing to deflect most of them. I was playing on Hard Mode, and the boss fights were piss easy, barely any challenge at all. They were fun and well designed though, just needed a wider moveset so the bosses aren't stuck repeating the same 4 attacks most of the time