(15) Spring 2023 Semester Played Games

Games Played during 8th semester of college (Mid January 2023 to early May 2023)

the 'main event' to what should've been the climatic send-off to my insane college experience, but even still the experience alone was a time I would never dare forget

Mission Accomplished, get S++ on all mercenaries stages and NG+
completed first ever switch run, will run for either professional mode or NG+
survived their first nightmare
completed all guides and tutorials, and beat the level 8 CPU in fighting ground and Luke boss in World Tour (Demo Version)
Overcame the survival horror, return for Chris NG+ or Jill run
made it through the nightmare on the Ishimura
found a safe haven to rebuild and honor the fallen's legacy
survived the dark hour and made the most of a fleeting life
trained for a real tournament
decided to prioritize self love and happiness
Spent a meaningful summer in the wilderness
won the P-1 Grand Prix
became the new Skate Wizard, rock on
reached level 30 with Luke and hit Ultra Bronze
FINALLY beat this one
completed the arcade mode, might do all star battle mode
solid gem of a fighting game, if unpolished
said goodbye to Raccoon city
danced away the dark hour and remiscienced of old times
completed the main scenarios and most of the bonus chapters (Fuck Raccoon 3)


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