proof that you dont always need to play the first entries to get into a series. while not necessarily bad, Witcher 1 is tedious, boring, and just a poorly aged rpg from a flegling cdprojektred. also slav joke whatever lol

A perfect example of how overexaggerated marketing and prerelease hype can kill a game on launch, watch dogs was just one of many games in 2014 that failed to live up its hype. story was mostly good but gameplay and graphics were far more basic than initially believed

personally not huge on tactical competitive fps or ability based shooters, but this pretty solid. although fuck this game for needing kernel root access

the best telltale game outside of the walking dead series, the wolf among us has great characters in a stylish murder mystery, although i still have my nitpicks

a childhood gem with clunky controsl but fun to be had

atrocious voice acting and story but carried by interesting premise and solid gameplay, but overall vastly inferior to 2nd runner

proof that Kojima is capable of creating games other than metal gear, even if its just through producing. the story is laughable but the visuals and core gameplay pull through. also it is wayyyy better than the first game

Controls are clunky but this still a lot of silly party fun and some great shenanigans to be had

While not my personal favorite in the series, there is still no doubt that from an objective quality standpoint this is the best final fantasy game and easily one of the best JRPGs ever made, rivaled only by the likes of Chrono Trigger

A solid rogue lite bullet hell dungeon crawler with a real sense of charm and an inventive set of weaponry and enemies, though the sense of progression between runs feels light for a rogue lite

my first and currently only Dragon Quest game experience, 11 is an amazing JRPG with tons to do, great combat, a good story with better characters, a great OST, and definitely a must play for jrpg fans

felt dated when it came out and even moreso now. this game is a meme but maybe it will inspire a proper comeback one day but im not holding my breath. no offense to Jon st. John for this one he is an icon lol

Has quickly become one of my most played games and one of my favorite fighting games ever. manages to one of the best dragon ball games as well as a tag team fighter worthy of the mahvel series. the story mode is pretty tedious and is only made enjoyable by all the character interactions between. But the only experience and the tournament play is where this gem truly shines. Beautiful visuals, great mechanics, tons of depth, you name it.

This game is a meme first and a Visual novel second, and admittedly a decent one at best. from what I can tell you have no real choice and the game is always linear and only dialogue changes by your choices. still, its a nice watch more than a good play