21 Reviews liked by LaLtheGaL

This game is a cumbersome mess. The opening is excruciating, with tons of slow, repetitive animations. The world is rife with invisible walls and dumb plot obstacles. Dialogue often gives the player multiple options that make no difference. Running consumes stamina even when not in combat (imagine always walking everywhere in Harvest Moon). Combat offers no defensive movement options, making every encounter a DPS grind. The story and setting are interesting, but the visuals are awful and frequently stutter. Basically this game is a collection of many of my gaming bugbears, with very little to redeem it.

Spiritfarer is a cozy resource management/base building game. The animations are gorgeous and the music is calming, if a bit banal. The game centers primarily around the characters, all of whom are well-written but forgettably inoffensive. Maintaining good relationships and progressing the character arcs requires numerous resources, which are gathered and processed by completing mediocre minigames. Traveling while balancing these tasks is initially a fun juggling act, but it's easy to get stuck with grinding for a particular resource or traveling to a distant location without being able to progress other goals. Depending on the level of complexity or difficulty a player is looking for this could be worthwhile, but I found myself hitting too many tedious road bumps.

Never in my wildest dream did I think this game would be as good as it is. Infinite Wealth basically said hold my beer when it comes to the RPG genre. It does it all, easy to learn but a joy to master turn-based combat system. A cast of unforgettable characters, call backs to a decade long franchise that don’t alienate new players. Countless mini-games, beautiful areas to explore. A story that is incredible but doesn’t overstay its welcome. This is an all-timer.

What a fantastic game. Such a nice fluid metroidvania that isn’t hard as hell. Also nice accessibility options. I challenge anyone that likes this genre to play this and not blast through it to 100%. Just solid all around hard to think of any faults

Fun experience but I’ve forgotten over the years just how short Game Boy games are. If you want a solid 30-60 minutes with some fun times and good music, Kirby is pretty good.

This game is like "What if Pikmin 2 was as good as Pikmin 2 fans said it was"

I was excited for the main game this is based on but this title is so poor that I’m not sure I waana play it anymore.


lot of cute stuff and variety in this but was honestly weaker level design wise from mario land 1. A bit disappointing

I don't think it's fair to rate this, as I haven't played nearly enough to rank it amongst my completed list of games, but man... Nothing short of disappointed with Ghost of Tsushima. While I can lay the blame on the game itself for being so vapid to play and Sucker Punch for developing something so milquetoast after the InFamous titles, it's honestly all on me for fooling myself into thinking I'd enjoy an open world game for once. It can be nice to play a game like this every now and then to experience what's in vogue, but it's probably for the best that I dip out now and find something that I like playing wholeheartedly, rather than slog through a 30 hour epic solely because the same development house made games I liked 10+ years ago.

Enjoyed the scenery and battle system. Didn’t care for the characters and story and found Fran quite disturbing.

Finally finished Phantasy Star IV! All in all I thought the story wrapped up the series well so that was good.

Other positives were the graphics and some really nice areas close to the end. Minus the last dungeon, were they trying to deliberately give players epilepsy??

The battle system was nice too and I enjoyed some of the more powerful spells and skills.

There was also some things I absolutely didn’t enjoy which really lowered my score on this game. While intro song is a solid 10/10 and I could listen to it all day (it really gets me pumped for the adventure), a lot of the other songs were so unbearable to my ears I had to turn off sound, put on a podcast and play that way. That also means it had less impact as I was less immersed in those parts.
The selling and buying was cumbersome and it didn’t help that the shop music made me extremely stressed and wanting to get out. Again I had to turn of sound.

All in all those things definitely put a damper on the experience, but I also see why the game is well loved.

I often become self-conscious that my love of Kirbos is extremely shallow but then one that everybody loves comes out and I become a little less self-conscious.

I see the main character come out of an egg and think "Oh shit that me"

I drowned the ogre spider by accident and stole his identity and I still feel bad about it.

Why is the Sloshing Machine Like That