Like Terraria if you sucked out all of the replayability. I've been a fan of it for a long time but I think it could have turned out better.

I want to love this game but it just doesn't hold a candle to 64. Still has some great moments and very fun battle mode.

I have over 1000 hours in this game how the hell am I not sick of it

Fantastic game. I definitely have played way too much of this one.

One of the most quotable games ever. Also probably the best on rails shooter there is. Also insanely fun to replay.

This game is something special.

This is the most boring half life game. Unlike opposing force it doesn't add anything new really and the level design just isn't on par with the rest of Half Life 1. Very forgettable.

Worth playing just as much as the OG half life. Adds enough new stuff to keep it fresh.

Man fuck yeah it's Half Life 1 this game rules except Xen fuck you Xen

Way more gimmicky than 2, but still a fun platformer. Sadly David Wise didn't do the music for this one, soundtrack isn't as great as the first two games.

Still goated. I still replay this game all the time and it's always still fun

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The Obelisk of Knowledge.

League of Legends but actually fun and not at all League of Legends.

Characters and world are cool. Game fucking sucks though and it's addicting in the worst way possible.