2021 Video Games Ranked

A list of every game from 2021 that I beat to credits; if a game can't be beaten to credits then I'll only put it on the list if I've played over ten hours of it. DLC will be included on this list.

It feels weird putting this game on a 2021 list as the original came out in 2018. Due to me absolutely adoring the original, releasing that again with multiplayer was going to give it a high position on this list by default with minimal additional effort on the developers part. If they decided to rerelease this game with a small addition each year from now on it would likely always make my top five of each year which doesn't exactly feel fair. It feels strange putting what is essentially a director's cut of a game I already love above brand new experiences but I can't justify not putting it this high up.
I like Pac-Man so playing it against 98 other players is inherently enjoyable. Not much to say here.
No More Heroes III is the weakest in a series that isn't even that strong to begin with. I enjoy the franchise as dumb schlock but every game since the original felt like it had to sacrifice something substantial to exist. No More Heroes II sacrificed the open world (which wasn't necessarily a bad thing but it felt like a sacrifice nonetheless) and Travis Strikes Again is its own beast that feels like it was made with half the budget as the other games. When it comes to No More Heroes III we once again got an open world. This time though it's boring. Whether it's a commentary on the bland nature of open-world games or not it doesn't really matter. Boring is fine in a game when something is being communicated. If all you want to say is "open-world game bad" then frankly you don't need to make me experience a bad open-world for ten hours to communicate that. The big sacrifice here is the levels. They just don't exist anymore. The game is boring open-world nonsense occasionally cut up with bosses that range from terrible to actually pretty great. There are things I llike though. I enjoy how out there the plot gets and the general humour of No More Heroes is still here and pretty funny. Oh, and the gameplay is alright in the fights.
Hot Pot For One's melancholic albeit cosy nature is hindered by the terrible attempt to communicate the story at the beginning through cringe-inducing fake text messages and the physics engine resulting in food being scattered across the entire kitchen. It kind of ruins any atmosphere that the developers wanted to communicate. Overall it's not bad and is a decent enough attempt to capture a moment in game form but it could have been so much better.
I played this game because the money raised was for charity. I personally don't think the charming gimmick of the original Minit functions well as a driving game but I don't believe this game was made as anything more than a fun little experiment. It's not ripe for analysis; it wasn't designed to be critiqued. I didn't enjoy my time with this game but I'm not mad I brought it.


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