wow just wow. This episode just blew me away with how good it was and has easily become my favourite episode of the visual novel so far. The pacing felt very different then the previous 3 but it was welcome it was nice to follow a different character other than Battler for a while and to see how Rokkenjima mass murders had affect on those who were close to the Ushiromiya family and the medias reaction towards the incident. I also really enjoyed learning more about maria's (she is on of my favourite characters) relationship with Rosa. Hell Umineko is great at making me like a character to hating them the next episode and vice versa. I really hope it can keep up this quality in the last 4 Episodes. (I might change rating after I read the entire VN)

Before I talk about the negatives of this game I would like to say that case 2 is a really good set up for the third game and that case 4 was a really suspenseful case with shell de killer begin really intimating. However those do not save the game from the dreaded case Turnabout Big Top. It is easily the worst case in the entire series, with such a gross plot line off a love triangle between 21 year old and 31 year all fighting for the love off a 16 year. The whole mystery off the case was boring as well as the setting. I also found the killers motives for murder being pretty fucking petty and he could off sorted it out by a rational adult. This game also seems to lack an overall plot unlike the first game with the DL6 incident and the third game focusing on dahlia Hawthorne and her family. I fell that Franziska also barley gets any development and hell even the ost was pretty forgettable. the only songs i remember Reminiscence ~ Steel Samurai's Ballad which is pretty good and Berry Big Circus which is the complete opposite of good.

Case ranking:

The fact that this game was only 6 hours and 42 minutes (Including cutscenes) is criminal. This game was just a wild experience from start to end and feels like what someone would make to parody the metal gear games. The fact this game also managed predict certain political figures is also hilarious. The Soundtrack was just great as well as the combat was good, although if you learn to parry it makes the game 100x easier. Also I played the entire game in the mariachi outfit the second I unlocked it.

Bully is a great game that just has a tons of charm to it. From the characters, to the music to the story and the map everything is just so memorable . it is a game that I would recommend many people to play. However it is far from perfect especially when it come to glitches, while I can't say for the ps2 version of the game Scholarship Edition has it's fair amount of bugs especially the PC version.

It's strange that this is the only other mainline Yakuza game that only has Kamurocho as an explorable location but it makes up for it by having 4 playable characters. I enjoy the fact that every character has their own fighting style and really helps the game it remain fresh as possible. I love the way the story is managed with how each characters story is interwoven into one connected story and aside from the Rubber bullets twist I feel like it was done really well considering the fact this was the first attempt for the series as well. I do feel like Kiryu was kind of pointless in the grand scheme of the story but I don't mind. That final chapter and 3 of the final bosses were really good I did have a problem with Tanimura's boss which is a shame considering I was growing to like his fighting style and I felt like a boss that could counter it would of been pretty cool. I love Taiga Saejima's character however I feel like the twist ruined part of it which is a shame. Akiyama is such a great character as well it was also a nice addition to tie him with the first game with him being one of the civilians picking up the money near the end of the first game. Tanimura was a character I was a bit iffy with to begin with but over time his story was pretty good. Also For Faith is such a good song to use as the one that plays every time you launch the game.

From what I played it was pretty good however I just lost motivation to play the game. It was dated but in a good way it has all the charm a piece of Alice in wonderland media should have the character design was very unique as well as the music however the platforming was a bit clunky the combat 100% screams a pc game as well I can't imagine playing this on controller. Maybe one day I'll replay this but for now I think it's time for me to mark this game as shelved.

To me this DLC is another one that's worth it if you are going to play A Hat in Time. The main Nyakuza Metro chapter is really fun with so many new cosmetics to unlock not the mention stickers that's a new collectable (which is more than a novelty more than anything) which pretty cool. i'm also pretty sure it also unlocks some extra content towards the death wish content which is yet again pretty cool.

Unfortunately for me my Xbox 360 disc tray has gotten stuck (I was using the Sega Mega Drive collection to play this and thankfully there was no disc in there when it got stuck) so now I am now unable to progress within this game (I was using the Sega Mega Drive collection to play this). It is such a shame as well since I was really enjoying it and you could tell that the team working on the game fully understood what the Master System could handle and I felt like they managed to push it to the limits. like the sprite art in battle is quite stunning, I really enjoyed the fact the dungeons were in first person and the overworld was also pretty cool. The main complaints I have with is game is it's official translation (although it's pretty common for most games of it's era) and it's music, my god the music could make anyone go insane but yet again I'm pretty sure this was just the case for a lot of Master Systems games. I'll most likely move onto the other games in this series and return to this one whenever I fix my Xbox 360 disk tray.

To me No More Heroes 2 was a lot more enjoyable than the first. It fixed the major issue I had with the first game which was the boring overworld and the boring grind to the next level/boss (and while that was the whole point of the first game it was just something I was not a fan of). When playing this game I also noticed it was quite a bit easier than the first which I liked, because I could basically shut off my brain as I kill everything in my path, but I also felt like there was never any learning curve like in the first game. I felt like the bosses were at the same level of quality as the first (with the exclusion of the final boss because it fucking sucks). Another thing I really enjoyed with this game is the parts where you played as Shinobu and Henry since they offered a new a new fighting style for them both. The job system was also improved in my eyes with them being Retro style minigames except them being in engine (except the 8th job which was basically the same one that was in the first game).

A huge improvement over Shantae for the GBC. There are no longer any lives but that wasn't a problem because due to the fact that there isn't any more instakill pit and spikes. The sprite art was also a huge improvement and the gameplay was overall better my main issue was that this was way too short. So far this is a step in the right direction.

The best Deadrising in my opinion it is always fun for me to replay. it has a charm to it

In recent years my love for this game has been vanishing.

This game is a bully and I keep coming back to it

It is a bundle of 2 great escape room visual novels. I love these games

Honestly I thought this game was gonna be worse than i thought. Most of the side characters and killers in this game are forgettable but this game makes up for it with a great main cast of characters and the ost.

Case Ranking