The way this game told it's story was amazing. I love how it's clear that it's the final chapter in John's life as he's forced into tying up all the loose ends of his past life. I love how John's character never really changed throughout the game and yet can show how he's redeemed in the eyes of his family especially in the final mission. I also love how it's left up to the player to interpret how John was like back in the van der Linden gang. I really wish I played this game first and then played the second because I know I would interpret certain scene differently. The reason why I gave this 4 and a half starts is because of the amount of crashes and bugs I encountered throughout my playthrough. This game definitely need a proper remaster on modern consoles that gives the game a smoother frame rate and iron's out some of the bugs and this game can easily become 5 stars.

This was a decent supernatural story that focuses on time travel. I really like the last episode where everything goes crazy and going into multiple timelines within timelines. I guess the final choice was a decent lives of the many Vs the lives of the few choice.

This game's ending is always heart breaking. There isn't much I can say about this game without spoiling the game. If you are interested in this I definitely recommend it. The whole feeling of isolation and the fact there were only 2 songs that played throughout the game were great. I just wished the game was longer and the pacing was a little better.

It's the Chrome Dino game what can I really say about it. It's a fine game but it's definitely not the "best no internet game" like what @Wxlfyy says.

From the start this game set a pretty interesting mystery where you are trying to figure out "Who you are" and "Why was I shot" only for the mystery to deepen and it appears that Sissel is connected to a case that as been going on for ten years. This game also features the weird and crazy characters that makes you strangely emotionally invested in which is common in Shu Takumi games. Through out the game I interpreted the theme of this game was about second chances in life and how some people would act differently if given the chance, I felt like my interpretation was shown better later on, and I believe it executed that theme perfectly . The only complaint I had with this game was the Chapter where you try and smuggle Jowd out of prison, It was the only time where I had to look at a walkthrough and it made me drop the game for quite a while.

I have many conflicting feelings about this game that are mostly negative and I keep thinking whether this game should be 2 stars or 2 and a half stars. For the first game in this series it just isn't that good and suffers from one too many instakill pits and spikes. The fact it released on the GBC does not help it's case as I believe that a platformer rarely works on a device with such a small screen. However some positives I can say about this game is that I like the sprite art, the day night cycle was decent feature and the transformations that you unlock were pretty fun.

Edit: after thinking a while about this and playing the later games this is a 1.5

A huge improvement over Shantae for the GBC. There are no longer any lives but that wasn't a problem because due to the fact that there isn't any more instakill pit and spikes. The sprite art was also a huge improvement and the gameplay was overall better my main issue was that this was way too short. So far this is a step in the right direction.

Might change rating If I actually replay through this game.

GTA V story is pretty good and the way it manages to utilize it's story whilst having 3 protagonist works pretty well (even though I feel like Michael was the "main character"). I was watching @Ebyck play through the was pretty fun, mainly because he sucked at the start (like he managed to get the bounce a car into a pool and that wasn't the only time he managed to get a car into a large body of water) however over time he did improve and got better ,especially with driving.

Who would of thought that the Telltale Borderlands game would have been good but here we are. Tales from the Borderlands manages to hit that right balance of seriousness and the comedy style that the games are known for. While I don't care all that much that Handsome Jack is back (even though he is my favourite) however he is pretty funny so I don't mind it all that much. Also the two protags were decent.

I feel so sorry for this case and how it is bunched up with the rest of the cases from Dual Destinies because this one is actually good. It actually baffles me how the how the goofy Orca case is somehow more interesting and emotional than the Final case in the game. The characters were actually entertaining and funny and the locations were quite beautiful. If you want to play Dual Densities my recommendation is just to play this case and then move onto Spirit of Justice because Dual Densities sucks.

This is overall an improvement of Yakzua 1. The story was really good as I feel it had a lot more emotional weight to it as well as some crazy twists and characters like Ryuji Goda and Kaoru Sayama are just amazing. The fact they also made Sotenbori and Shinseicho for this game is Pretty cool. I swear that the combat actually got some tweaks and feels like a smoother experience as well as the bosses actually feeling like bosses and not just regular enemies with more health. The ost slaps and not to mention how great that ending was. Overall, like Yakzua 1, I prefer the original over it's Kiwami remake (It doesn't have that stupid green filter over the game)

It's crazy to think that it took them until the 3rd game to add Karaoke. Oh and I guess they decided to make the first like 4 chapters about Kiryu running an orphanage. It's a decent plotline and I feel is essential to his character but damn I can see why people don't like it. The plot is just fine and certain characters like Rikiya and Mine really carry the games story but that twist of the CIA twin brother is so stupid (I mean it's no rubber bullets but it's up there). Early game combat is also pretty bad, like IDK if it was a skill issue on my part but the first Majima was the hardest fight in the game, and that's just because Kiryu is pathetically weak and doesn't have access to any of his good moves (Komaki's tiger drop). However over time I started to enjoy my time with this game, It's not a bad game by any means but compared to the other Yakuza games it's just a weaker entry. Also the Kiryu fake out death scene near the end in never gonna be believable unless it's in Yakuza 9: Kiryu gets a hip replacement.

The first half of this chapter (while good) felt way too obvious out it's themes about love and it is the weaker half of this chapter but it really picked it self back up around the time of the first twilight. I feel like parts of my problems in this chapter is how I really do not care for the relationship between Shannon and George (I like the other relationships, like Jessica and Kannon as well as Battler and Beatrice). The foreshadowing of the Logic Error was also done well but my dumbass thought it was meant to represent Ange and how she is close to her family and yet cannot reach them (not because she can't leave the room but because they are dead). This chapter managed to hate Erika even more especially when it's revealed that she killed all the previous "victims" to ensure that they were dead (I love Dlanor tho).

(I might change the rating after I finish reading the entire VN)

Edit: changed from 5 stars to 4.5 stars

Has some really cool bosses and areas but was dragged down my those stupid mage enemies that shoot those dark fireball things. They were harder than the bosses.

I love this game and I am proud to say that I have finally completed it. There have been many times where I would start a new game get stuck on a boss and the reset a month or two later and on every new playthrough I would try out a new play style (which the game is very good at). Finally I found a play style and I found the last half of this game to be a breeze. Speaking of which the last half of the game (excluding Lost Izalith) wasn't as bad as I expected, while they weren't as good as the first half I didn't end up hating them as much as I thought I would. The music in this game was amazing and really fits in with the atmosphere of this game. Unfortunately, I have to play through dark souls 2.