I'm not sure what to say about NMH 3 I just find it the middle ground of the first 2 and that's fine. I enjoyed my time with this game but It has it's flaws. For example I found the line up of bosses to be the weakest in the franchise (Except FU he was the highlight of the game) and to me they were extremely easy and at times I felt like the regular enemies were stronger than them. I felt like the open world was fine (a lot better than the first) but it wasn't really something I enjoyed. The job system returns (and is similar to the one in NMH 1) but this time it was less grindy than the first game and I only ever found my self doing a job like 3 times. Overall I enjoyed my time with the NMH series but it'll probably be a while before I replay them.

I can't believe it took me until my replay of this game to find out that this is the worse Ace Attorney game. It is just a mess, It ruins so many old characters it's actually kind of impressive, Apollo and Trucy are just done so dirty in this game. Athena is a character that I feel would of been perfectly fine as an extension to Blackquill's backstory , just have her appear in case 4 and 5, but not as a new "main character" the only thing I like about her is her mood matrix. The cases in this game (other than the DLC case) are so boring and just badly written, especially case 3. The killers are the most obvious things in the world considering it shows you the killer in the first 2 cases in the game and then in the third case Aristotle Means shows up and his entire character just hold the opposite beliefs of the victims. Also whose idea was it to make the cases not in chronological order it's just destroys any potential character growth and I feel it makes it more confusing for a first playthrough. Don't even get me started on the whole "Dark age of the law" plotline because it is not done well as it does a lot of Telling you about how it is the "Dark age of the law" but it never feels like it is, Apollo Justice Ace Attorney does a way better job at this .The only case I would actually recommend any one play from this game is the DLC case.

TL;DR: I do not like this game

Case Ranking:

In all honesty this is probably a decent game however the fact this game is on the virtual boy makes it difficult for me to actually enjoy because the red and black is just horrible and it just hurts my eyes. (I played this game for a joke)

To put it simply Jet Set Radio is a amazing game. From the art style to the music and the game play it just oozes with charm. Though at times the game would do something to show some of it's age. The amount of playable characters this game offers is also quite shocking .

This gave me a valid reason to put more hours into this game while being a solid continuation of the story. What really surprised me about this was that I actually really enjoyed the dungeon of this dlc especially the boss of the dungeon Di'orbis that easily became my favourite boss in the entire game. Di'orbis was really difficult and pushed me to master the combat, even after all that I had to make sure I was well equipped. This dlc also helped to expand the character of C'tron more and what the future has in hold for Evotars. Overall the quality of this dlc was as consistent as the base game however I feel that this dlc was a bit too short.

This game desperately needs a remaster like what Parappa The Rapper 1 has because this game is great however the input lag is actually the worst (especially through emulation) that I can understand why people drop this game. It is by far my favourite game in the "Parappa The Rapper series" from the music to characters to even the batshit insane plot. Don't even get me started on Lammy I just love her character so much from how awkward she can come off at times to then hallucinating and begin to absolutely shredding it on (what she thinks is) a guitar and she goes to hell Like wtf did my girl Lammy do she is too pure to go to hell. I am praying that 1 day we will get that remaster.

I really want to enjoy this game then I do. The art style is unique, the gameplay is fluid and smooth and the song that plays is decent. The issues that I have with this game are similar to the things I like about the game. The music becomes very repetitive with there being only one song in the game , the gameplay becomes also very repetitive very fast with only a few enemies that adopt a slightly different to try and slow you down and just a small selection of modifiers that change game play each run. I just can't play this longer then 30 minutes without visuals just hurting my eyes with all the bright lights and flashing images. Overall this is a game that shows potential but just fails at the execution of that potential

This game was such a disappointing finale to two great games but I like all the returning and SOME of the new characters. Not Q team though. FUCK EVERYONE in Q team

The fact that this game was only 6 hours and 42 minutes (Including cutscenes) is criminal. This game was just a wild experience from start to end and feels like what someone would make to parody the metal gear games. The fact this game also managed predict certain political figures is also hilarious. The Soundtrack was just great as well as the combat was good, although if you learn to parry it makes the game 100x easier. Also I played the entire game in the mariachi outfit the second I unlocked it.

I'll be honest while the Arctic cruise chapter of this DLC is a 3/5 where the only good level is ship shape (I love how hectic it can get) however where this DLC really shines is the death wish content. Like Death wish is that good I'd recommend the DLC just for it. It's basically just remixed versions of levels in the base game just made harder and it's just a really fun challenge with the added bonus of rewards like outfits and badges. It really pushes the player to perfect the well made controls of the game and is just a good time all around.

I played this late at night as a joke and only played through the intro nightmare section before stopping. The only way I can see myself playing through this game is when I eventually play through the silent hill games

It's bloody chess how tf am I supposed to give it a rating (It is a goated game)

Bully is a great game that just has a tons of charm to it. From the characters, to the music to the story and the map everything is just so memorable . it is a game that I would recommend many people to play. However it is far from perfect especially when it come to glitches, while I can't say for the ps2 version of the game Scholarship Edition has it's fair amount of bugs especially the PC version.

Wow that twist at the end of the chapter was amazing. This chapter was great at blurring the line between magic and reality really well. It was also nice to see the adults surviving for longer in this episode and see how all the parents work together. Even the witch's Epitaph was shown to be solved by both Eva and Rosa now I really want to find out the solution to it now knowing that the legend of the gold is real.

Edit: lowered from 5 to 4.5 because while I still really like episode 3 I think it's slightly worse than episode 1 but it is still way better than episode 2 and episode 4 is even better that I think it doesn't really hold up that well compared to that episode

(I might change the rating after I finish reading the entire VN)

Before I talk about the negatives of this game I would like to say that case 2 is a really good set up for the third game and that case 4 was a really suspenseful case with shell de killer begin really intimating. However those do not save the game from the dreaded case Turnabout Big Top. It is easily the worst case in the entire series, with such a gross plot line off a love triangle between 21 year old and 31 year all fighting for the love off a 16 year. The whole mystery off the case was boring as well as the setting. I also found the killers motives for murder being pretty fucking petty and he could off sorted it out by a rational adult. This game also seems to lack an overall plot unlike the first game with the DL6 incident and the third game focusing on dahlia Hawthorne and her family. I fell that Franziska also barley gets any development and hell even the ost was pretty forgettable. the only songs i remember Reminiscence ~ Steel Samurai's Ballad which is pretty good and Berry Big Circus which is the complete opposite of good.

Case ranking: