This game is the perfect example of why I love the rougelike genre so much. I love this games story and Edmund Mcmillen's take on the Story of The Binding of Issac. The gameplay it's self is also really solid It has a base for it's gameplay loop that works really well for the genre. I like how the difficult of the game is decided mainly on what character you play as (I main Eve) and that if you have a bad run with terrible items the game can be quite a fun challenge. Like I say in many other reviews the OST just slaps (nothing that I would actively listen to in my free time but it's really good nonetheless).

There are aspects of this game that I like and some that I don't. This game's major flaw is that the cast of characters just feel like weaker versions of the season 1 characters and the few interesting characters, like Pete and carver get killed of in the same episode where they are properly introduced. There were many time I was just hating the characters because they were all just so useless. I felt like characters like Sarah, Carlos and Nick just served no purpose and I honestly forgot about them when they died. And the fact the group rely on Clementine all the time is pretty sad. However what I enjoyed in this season is the over all "goal" of the game (going to wellington) and overall sense of bleakness. I loved how bitter Kenny became in this season and as a player I really sympathise with him seeing how cruel the apocalypse was to him in season 1 for the same thing to happen to happen to him again this season. I also love the way he acts without Lee here to help him through the hardships he is going through and with the group basically being against him by the time episode 5 happens you can clearly see how AJ and Clementine is really his last hope. The scenes in episode 5 where clementine cleans his eye and him leaving on his own are genuinely sweet moments. It's a shame that Jane is just such a boring character because the final choice between Jane and Kenny could of been such a good dilemma with the player but the fact the she doesn't even tell Clementine that AJ is alive makes the player more inclined to side with Kenny (even if they hate him) due to the fact they believe that Jane killed a child.

To me Halo is quite the strange series to me. On one hand It's one of my favourite FPS series ever and On the other hand I've barely ever played the games (in fact I never even beat a campaign until now). However, growing up I did play a shit ton of this games multiplayer (Infection, sword base) so I have many good memories of this game. This game has an amazing story that I want to see how it's events affect the other games as you get to see the many scarifies that the characters go through to secure a better future.

I recognise that a lot of why I love this game will be because of nostalgia, said nostalgia is not clouding my judgement. I have and always will believe the "Minecraft Legacy Edition era" as I call it was the best the game will ever be. There was such a simplistic charm to these versions that I'm glad they will never be ruined by the more modern updates Minecraft has (It's like it's own time capsule forever stuck on TU75) . While Updates such as the Nether update and Cave update are good, it's just not something I really enjoy in the game and I prefer much smaller but constant updates where they just a new mob and a few new blocks (I remember when horses were added and that blew my mind as a kid). I must say that 4J Studios did an amazing job on these ports and I feel like Minecraft wouldn't be nearly as popular if it weren't for these ports. The other day I played this out of interest to see if it was as good as I remember and I can say with confidence It is just as good as I was when I played it last which 6 years ago now.

Stardew Valley is an amazing game where a wide variety of people can enjoy. I love how this game offers a wide range of jobs that a player can choose on what they want to do and you are never forced to be stuck into doing just farming or fishing. I also love the characters that occupy the valley because they are either rather interesting as a character or I enjoy to bully them (Fuck you Pierre). The soundtrack is another amazing part of the game and every track manages to invoke a certain feeling out of me and I can very confidently state that there isn't a single bad song in this game. Also the fact ConcernedApe put 2 different unique and challenging minigames inside a game that's already jammed pack with content I also pretty sweet.

I'm not really sure what to say about this game It's not the worst thing ever made but yet again FromSoftware just has way better games that this is just kind of embarrassing. Like this game has so many baffling choices in it that makes 0 sense, Like how when you die you lose a fraction of your max health when you die and it stack and to remove it you need to use a human effigy, it just becomes more annoying then getting cursed in dark souls 1. Life gems are a huge problem in the game as it's way more versatile than the estus and it can stack up to 99, meaning you have 99 opportunities to heal within a fight. I did have some fun with game but mainly due to the fact I was using a rapier build (This game would be worst if I wasn't using it). I will tackle the DLCs whenever I feel bothered to play more DS2.

Honestly I thought this game was gonna be worse than i thought. Most of the side characters and killers in this game are forgettable but this game makes up for it with a great main cast of characters and the ost.

Case Ranking

In recent years my love for this game has been vanishing.

This is a really good chapter to start off the VN and a good intro to all the characters. I enjoyed delving into Keiichi paranoia and hearing his thoughts and understanding the back and fourth of him wanting to trust his friends but he always finds a way to become suspicious of them again. I like that he is an unreliable narrator and that i get a better understanding of his character.

It is a bundle of 2 great escape room visual novels. I love these games

This game is good however I find some of the characterization of the main characters to be slightly off. I definitely believe that characters like Gumshoe become better in the later games. This game does make up for it for the cases (especially the Fourth case) and the music. With this replay I was enjoying Case 5 a lot more then I did the the first time

Case Ranking

I don't know how to currently feel about this game it had a really rocky start with the first 2 cases however the 3 case come along and easily becomes the best case in the game and then case 4 is just a solid case and case 5 left me kinda confused as it seems like it was setting up for things for the second game. I personally feel like I will like this game more when I beat the second one however since I haven't yet my review is as it is.

Case Ranking from best to worse

This game was great from the gameplay to the music to the characters. This is easily one of the best looking PS2 games and one of the best PS2 games in general. I loved the story and it often has me thinking off it when I am bored. From start to end it had me interested in the world Spira and the people who live there. The scene with Auron in Yunalesca chamber where he says "Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!" will forever stick in my mind.

This game is easily the most fun MGS to play however this is easily the MGS game with the most lacking story and that really disappoints me because the cutscenes are really well made they feel like I am watching a movie
and there is a cameraman recording everything. However the sandbox style free roam is really fun to goof around in.

This game is has a very fast paced gameplay loop and while the main story become slightly repetitive near the end the game makes it up with it by adding a rouge steel mode that allows you to platy through randomly selected maps and makes you pick from randomly selected modifiers that can change gameplay change drastically and definitely makes a bit more fresh