This game is really good I love nearly all the stages except meat circus and brain tumbler. I love the characters and that the levels are designed around certain trait the characters have or is themed around something that ruined their life. The art direction is definitely unique and to me the colour scheme look very earth/muddy looking colours such as green and brown. That could just be me though

This game is has a very fast paced gameplay loop and while the main story become slightly repetitive near the end the game makes it up with it by adding a rouge steel mode that allows you to platy through randomly selected maps and makes you pick from randomly selected modifiers that can change gameplay change drastically and definitely makes a bit more fresh

This game is good however I find some of the characterization of the main characters to be slightly off. I definitely believe that characters like Gumshoe become better in the later games. This game does make up for it for the cases (especially the Fourth case) and the music. With this replay I was enjoying Case 5 a lot more then I did the the first time

Case Ranking

I don't know how to currently feel about this game it had a really rocky start with the first 2 cases however the 3 case come along and easily becomes the best case in the game and then case 4 is just a solid case and case 5 left me kinda confused as it seems like it was setting up for things for the second game. I personally feel like I will like this game more when I beat the second one however since I haven't yet my review is as it is.

Case Ranking from best to worse

This game was great from the gameplay to the music to the characters. This is easily one of the best looking PS2 games and one of the best PS2 games in general. I loved the story and it often has me thinking off it when I am bored. From start to end it had me interested in the world Spira and the people who live there. The scene with Auron in Yunalesca chamber where he says "Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!" will forever stick in my mind.

This game is easily the most fun MGS to play however this is easily the MGS game with the most lacking story and that really disappoints me because the cutscenes are really well made they feel like I am watching a movie
and there is a cameraman recording everything. However the sandbox style free roam is really fun to goof around in.

It's so bad it's good is the only way I describe this game. At this moment I have no words to describe this game and yet I feel like if dead rising 2 had this kinda port on the wii it would be nowhere near as good

"FUCK YOU ROSA!!" was something I was frequently shouting to myself. I hate Rosa from the way she treats maria to the scene where she points a fucking gun to Battler however this VN then begins to make me somewhat sympathetic towards her. After reading the tea party it began to make me wonder if the way she acts might be because of the way she was treated when she was younger. I feel that episode is better at showing the relationships between certain characters a lot better then Episode 1 however I feel like the deaths are less memorable and that might be because the way the first 6 chosen as the key were found paints such a gory but intriguing image it makes the other deaths fell less impactful. This episode introduces a red text gimmick which I do enjoy. Overall I prefer Episode 1 slightly more than this episode. (I might change the rating after I finish reading the entire VN)

Now that the full game has released I can confidently say that this is one of my favourite games this year. The sprite art alone is so god damn criminally good. And I already love rougelikes and horror so when you mix them both together you can't go wrong in my eyes.

This is really just a tech demo for what MGSV: TPP has to offer so all the pros of the gameplay of TPP carry over to this. It is fun to pop this game on for 15 minutes mess around in a mission and then get off the game. However this actually tells a better story then TPP.

Just like the movie this game is trash and just shovel ware junk to grab money from poor parents after their kid watched and liked the movie. It just repeats the same boring levels over and over and the audio is so bit crunched I sometime struggle to understand it.

From what I can remember of Higurashi this chapter has always been my least favourite. To me it always just feels like it's trying to reintroduce me to the main characters while also introducing Shion. It also feels like the most confusing chapter with the whole Mion and Shion switching places thing that goes on. I feel they should of kept something as confusing as this for chapter 3. I will say that has grown on me a little though.

There isn't much I can say about this game other than it's decent. The song selection is decent, The ability to play with 4-8 notes is nice and background videos are cool but damn there are way too many DLCs and they ain't cheap.

This is the game the Resident Evil Franchise began to turn from Survival Horror into Action horror I say and on top of that they turn the story into some shitty B movie. Like seriously I find the pacing in this game to be awful but that also the reason I find this game to be good. One minute your in a town West Africa the next your in some sort of hidden mega facility and by the end of the you're in a FUCKING VOLCANO where Chris decides to punch a FUCKING BOULDER. The game does have a lean towards co-op play which is fun however when you are playing alone the ai that controls Sheva shows it's age. Overall this game is decent but it's not something I'll be replaying any time soon after I'm done with the DLCs