August, 2022


43h 36m

Got Superman to 15. Started Taz and got him to 10, he's a lot of fun even after the nerf.

July, 2022


5h 0m

Kinda just not feeling this that much. Never was a huge fan of Forza and it's hard for me to find what makes this particularly stand out as a Hot Wheels expansion. Honestly the Hot Wheels racing game that came out recently was better lmao.
Played for twenty minutes before remembering that it's boring.

6h 30m

Okay I'm done with this game forever. My body cannot take it.


19h 0m


My god, I could not stop playing this game. It is an intoxicating RPG, one full of secrets that genuinely interested me and I was ALWAYS eager to lose myself in a new area. I have a ton of problems with this game but this is GOOD SHIT at its core.



12h 0m


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


June, 2022