i like everything about this game except for the fact that i am complete ass at it, which gets in the way of me truly enjoying it

Absolutely loved this game. Spent 150 hours on my first run and loved every single second. Needed someone to guide me through it here and there, but there is no game that does discovery as well as this one. There is just shit to find everywhere.

Also unlike other FROM games I really appreciated not being locked at a certain boss. If I ever had trouble I could simply go somewhere else and keep exploring. There was always something new I could be doing until I felt powerful enough to go back and Beat That Boss.

The game that made me have faith in Pokemon again. The ONLY complaints I have are the 2 hour long intro which is a slog to get through, and the overall graphical quality (but even then Gen 9 coming out has made this game look way better than it did before)

Awsom video gaem

I can see this game being a big deal when it came out 10 years ago, definitely right in line with all the other Big Cinematic Games of the 360/PS3 generation

Mechanically it's pretty fun. Decent gunplay, though the cover mechanics are big wonky. Moving around though is more enjoyable than in most games like this, except for when they decide to make movement cinematic and take 10 years while you just hold W.

Story is meh, actually kinda funny at times but not on purpose.

Also whoever made this game loved watching Lara Croft suffer infinite travesties. Seriously she gets her shit kicked in in this game repeatedly and then just dusts it off

One of the best games I have ever played in my life

My first time really giving Pikmin a go and I ended up enjoying it quite a bit!

The structure of the game having limited days and time within those days made managing time and resources a core aspect of succeeding. While it was stressful every now and then, I also found it to be very engaging and enjoyed trying to optimize the time I had each day.

The puzzles were fun as well, though I feel that the game's camera and overall graphical quality did make it a bit difficult at times to understand what I was supposed to do. Some things I did resort to looking up (such as yellow pikmin being able to be thrown higher, how to kill the breadbug, etc) but I chalk that up to this being a game from 2001. It does explain almost everything else pretty well.

The main thing I didn't enjoy was combat. I found myself missing my target pretty often, and I don't like how some enemies can just completely wipe your whole squad in one hit if you aren't careful. The game allowing you to restart a day whenever you want basically chalks combat down to trial and error until you figure out each enemy, which isn't horrible but did lead to some annoyances. Also the bosses I found to all be pretty meh.

Good game, looking forward to playing the next ones

The game that made me a fan of JRPGs

Probably would've put this lower if it wasn't insanely fun with friends. The amount of stuff there is to do in multiplayer has made this game become a yearly tradition for me and my group of friends, and I look forward to it every time.

I love this game, though I have not fully completed it. I have not done most of the b-sides, nor have I done the DLC chapter, but as far as 2D platformers go, this is one of the best.

Easily my favorite smash game. I definitely think I like this one more than a lot of people, but it's exactly what I'm looking for in a game like this. The sheer number of characters alone is impressive, but the fact that nearly all of them (I'm looking at you bayo & sonic) are actually fun to play means that I can just sit down, hit random, and have a great time. I play this game a LEAST once a week with my roommates or friends online, or even solo as I try to get every character into elite. It's a game with a lot of love packed in, and enough fan service to last a lifetime. Excellent game.

One of the best video games ever made.

Only rating this a 4.5 star because I played it like a total jackass with a blindfold on. Literally had 0 clue what I was doing and still loved it. Check my review of p5r once I finish that for my actual thoughts on this insanely incredible game

I don't like Mario 64. I understand the enormous impact it had on the industry and the genre as a whole, but I just can't agree with anyone who says it holds up today. The camera speaks for itself, but my real issue is with the controls. Nothing in this game feels precise whatsoever. To me, playing Mario 64 feels like I'm playing as Luigi in Galaxy, except even less precise than that. Similar to Odyssey, I feel like there isn't enough platforming in this platforming game, and the platforming that is there just isn't fun for me. I really want to like this game more, since everyone and their mother seems to think it's goated, but as of right now I'm still unconvinced. Maybe one day.

I wanted to love this game, and I genuinely did on my first time through. Unfortunately, I think the replayability here is severely lacking, which I know is a hot take but it is how I feel.

Mario Odyssey is a game that really pushes discovery. On a blind playthrough there are so many fun things to find and areas to explore. The level of challenge is extremely low because of this, with 99% of moons requiring only basic platforming at best IF that. As a result, going through the game on a second, third, etc playthrough is far less fun, as the game does not challenge the player itself.

One response to this I've heard a lot is "Yeah but the movement is so good that you can just make your own challenge! Get to that objective by doing some intense platforming instead of capturing that bullet bill" etc. This is a fair opinion and if that's how you like to play games, more power to you. For me personally, I far prefer when levels are designed specifically to engage the player, and to give them obstacles that they have no choice but to overcome. I don't see the appeal in making up my own fun with Odyssey's movement when I could play a game like Galaxy 2 which provides me with varied and interesting challenges without me having to think about it.

All that said, everything else about the game is stellar, and my first playthrough of the game was so magical that I can't rate it any lower than a 3.5. Maybe one day I'll look back at this review and cringe but this is how I've felt about the game for a few years now and I stand by it.


I agree with a lot of the praise this game has received, but I don't think I'm as positive as most. The art direction, the gameplay, and the story are all fantastic for sure. But as far as rogue-lites go, this one is kind of lacking.

At it's core, you're always kind of doing the same thing. You can get different synergies and stuff that change up your abilities, but once the credits roll it doesn't take too long to start feeling like you've seen everything the game has to offer. I'm probably just spoiled by how varied runs are in Isaac, and I still loved Hades and would easily recommend it, but I do think if you're looking for a game with hundreds of hours of varied content, you might want to look elsewhere