the story reads like the game doesn't take itself seriously, which is fine, but the rest of the game's elements make it seem like it does, and that creates some weird amalgamation that i don't want to spend time on

My first playthrough on Normal, did a 100% run and unlocked most achievements
Speedrun on One Life mode without using any ability points, to get more achievements
Last playthrough on Hard mode to get the last two achievements

Such a gorgeous but sadly short game, with a very emotional soundtrack, and a story that makes me cry everytime I watch it. This game is the embodiment of a beautiful slap in the face

Rating is for the story of A Realm Reborn.

I used to play MMOs a lot as a kid, but ultimately moved away from them because most had toxic environments that soured the experience for me. Still, every few months I get the 'MMO itch' and try out a new one that I play for a few weeks then give up on for the same reason I gave up when I was younger.

This one is different, I couldn't believe how friendly (almost) everyone was, I even made a friend playing this, and for a shy introvert like me that's way more than I could have ever asked for.

Having a friend that plays this changes the whole experience for you, sometimes I think that I may have even given up on this game too had I not met them. Due to being a busy adult I don't get to play as often as I'd like to with them, but every few months I end up renewing my subscription and returning to have a blast.

the ending made me cry so hard

Visuals are stunning, the concept is really good, the soundtrack brings me to tears, and the gameplay feels original. Too bad this game is so short

sometimes stealth isn't about staying hidden from your enemies, it's about mowing them down until there's no one left to spot you

Played on an emulator and used save states, game is impossible otherwise. NPC dialogue is so odd in this game that it's funny

was fun at first, got a bit annoying later on. experienced a couple bugs which made me lose half a chapter's progress each

I played Okami as a child when my aunt gifted me her old Wii, did a 100% run of it recently and this game still mesmerizes me as it did when I was young. While the deeper details of the story flew over my head as a kid, I still enjoyed it then. Now I do even more.

There is no reason for someone not to try out this game, it is a masterpiece.

Tried playing for the first half, got bored and decided to noclip through the rest of the game

This review contains spoilers

the deku bulter's son during the credits KILLED me

Started the danganronpa series because I was hearing a lot about it, but simultaneously absorbing no information about what it actually was. Playing for the first time was like getting slapped in the face, constantly

I went out with my friends to a board game café, and this is the game we tried there. When we headed to my friend's home for a sleepover, we were scrolling through my game library and realized I owned the digital adaptation of the game. So even though the café had to close for the night, the fun didn't stop :]

Very fun to play local with friends that are into board games.

Lots of puzzles. Literally only puzzles. I don't know if I missed the story in the game because I was too busy solving puzzles. At some point my grandma and my sister joined in to help me do puzzles. I asked my friend if he has played this game and he said he was stuck on a puzzle. We booted up the game and solved the puzzle. Walked on a completely different area of the map and found more puzzles. Now we're both stuck on puzzles.

A SOLID 5 star. I did the mistake when it came out to play up until ending A, missing out on SO MUCH amazing content, but even back then I rated it a 4.5 stars.

There is literally no reason for you not to play the game. This is one of the few games where I purposely sought out side content to do because that too was so enjoyable to do. The combat in this game is so smooth and satisfying. The NieR series has the best soundtrack I've ever heard in a game. And the story... the characters... it's impossible to talk about them without spoiling someone, this is one of the few games you need to go in knowing next to nothing about.