Backloggd Canon 2022 (Sight & Sound)

At the end of 2022, the users on Backloggd got together to vote on a canon for the site, inspired by the Sight & Sound top films list released concurrently. 129 separate site members submitted ballots containing 10 games each, with 527 unique games nominated, 113 of which were voted on by three or more people. These are the results, presented here with added commentary from many of the site's most fervent users. Thank you to everyone who participated, as well as those who were gracious enough to write blurbs for each!

You can find the ballots listed here.

RANK 81 (3 votes)
RANK 81 (3 votes)
RANK 81 (3 votes)
RANK 81 (3 votes)
RANK 81 (3 votes)
RANK 81 (3 votes)
RANK 81 (3 votes)
RANK 81 (3 votes)


1 year ago

Didn't see it until this morning but amazing list, I'm glad I was able to write for it.

1 year ago

This is awesome! Thank you Pangburn for letting me contribute in it and for making this happen :)
Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this!

1 year ago

Thank you, everyone! Btw, there sure are a lot of trans girls on backloggd

1 year ago

Incredible work Pangburn in putting this altogether, and I'm very happy to have been included. Cannot express how much I love every blurb written in this list, such a wonderful showcase of the talent and genius on this site, everyone did a great job. Also, damn this is a good list of games!

1 year ago

Oh shit, I didn't know this was happening! Would have loved to join. Is it Discord only?

It looks like a fairly fun list. Any chance this'll be yearly?

1 year ago

@FrozenRoy Decade-ly

1 year ago

This comment was deleted

1 year ago

Proper good stuff man, and thanks to everyone involved!

1 year ago

This shit is straight up Legendary. Should be promoted anywhere on the site.

1 year ago

such a great way to be introduced to more of the wonderful writers on this site. bravo!

1 year ago

I'm glad to have been able to put this together for everyone on the site! thank you again to every single person who was generous enough to submit commentary for each game, as well as everyone who considered writing one, helped edit or prepare one, or pointed me in the direction of someone who would be perfect for the role!

to those wondering: I left the bottom half of the list without blurbs to make the coordination process easier, as those who were writing two blurbs already were under enough pressure as is to put theirs together, and handing out 60-odd blurbs was already very time-consuming. the five-vote cutoff was arbitrary... the bottom tiers of this list were so coarse that it was difficult to cut it cleanly in half LOL. I'm sure this will happen again in the future though! I don't know if I'll be the person running it, but I'm sure one of these could happen biyearly or so as the site continues to evolve -- the original s&s poll occurs once each decade but that seems a little long for a random internet community lol. regardless, if you didn't submit a ballot or write a blurb this go-round, perhaps you'll get a chance the next time this happens!

@letshugbro I didn't even think to tell people placements for games when I assigned blurbs LOL but I think the ambiguity definitely added some fun surprises even for those who had a sense of what was on the list and what wasn't

@FrozenRoy I definitely advertised it in the discord but the actual submissions were located at the list linked in the description above. I'm sorry to you and other "prominent" users for not getting a notif about it! I initially considered tracking down people just to ask them to submit ballots but didn't for a couple reasons... I knew some people already weren't interested and I didn't want to harass them about it, and I also didn't want to implicitly exclude people who may be well-known but not known to me... easy for me to overlook people on accident, esp since I spend less time on the site now than I used to. but hopefully now that this has been done once we'll get even more ballots for a potential redo a couple years down the line.

thanks again to everyone who participated! this is probably a good time for me to start tucking into some of the games listed here that I've never gotten around to playing...
I will be putting this on my CV. Wonderful job!

1 year ago

Im just astonished DOOM is the Top 1, seriously, im impressed

1 year ago

I'm sad I wasn't able to participate in this event. Goddamn, that's cool as hell. And such great games!

1 year ago

@Pangburn Hey, yo, no problem man! It's my own fault for not being on top of things, especially given I am Following you anyway. Really, I'm glad you even seem to consider me prominent at all, heh. I will say I would definitely recommend not doing a full decade like S&S, it'll be way too long for an internet community like this and Backloggd itself could be gone by then. IDK if people would want yearly but if not, something like 2-3 years seems good? 2025 would be an even number. 5 years instead is possible but I honestly think it might be too long, especially since unlike S&S there isn't a critic's base to rely on so who knows how much interest there will be.

Thanks again for organizing this to begin with!

9 months ago

When will the next edition be?

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