30 Games 30 Songs

jumping on the bandwagon

not a definitive list of TOP FAVORITES or like "hierarchically best in the medium" picks at all, moreso just tracks i love and what came 2 mind first
tried to avoid things like JSR/Katamari etc where it is literally impossible for me to pick a personal fave, hopefully populated this w/ enough idiosyncratic faves

og idea from Ludzu!

Kimera II
Sunny Day
A Secret Meeting at Midnight
Information Center
CONTROL (gameplay version, just look up a perfect playthrough of the level)
Parallel World (Aggressive Mix)
want to be close
Upkeeper (Wep'keer)
REPORT 4: Go Go Cheer Girl!
Another Love Story
Ethno Circus
Kate (Puzzle)
Yuna's Theme
Temple of Drifting Sands
The Way Home
Someday (i love both language versions tbh)
Thrilling! Is this Love?
Match Sprint
Dadhi Dado Da (Lots of Flowers)
Millennium Anthem
Sweet Blue Flag
Prontera Field (streamside)


real good earnest picks,, surprised to see ryza here (in a good way!!! i find its vibe to the music incredibly appealing)
TY!! I didnt play through very much of Ryza tbh but the composition on Wheat Wind is just nuts and I listen to it all the time. I love how it takes this rollicking medley of folk instruments into such an insane edm place, totally bizarre and wonderful arrangement

3 years ago

is there a name for that kind of late 90s-early 2000s childrens pc entertainment music from lego island? very much evokes the same feel for me as something like runescape and toontown's music and i absolutely fucking love it

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