Zelda Games Wot I Played

Partly a test list, partly an excuse to practice writing while riddled with food poisoning. Onwards!

This HAS to be Number 1 for me, purely due to the fact that it's the only game I've replayed almost immediately after finishing my first playthrough. And that was in 2013! Bit late to the party! Just so easy to pick up and play, although still a decent challenge at its core. Boot it up again today! I think it also has to be Number 1, given the fact that the structure laid down in this game was used for later 3D titles. Just awesome.
A very comfy game for me. Used to have a tradition of booting it up every Christmas Eve after being out and about in the cold and frost delivering last minute Christmas cards to family and friends. It's the kind of random tradition which tickles my nostalgia nodules for some reason! That's the power keeping it at number 2.
They knocked it out of the park so hard with this one. Twenty years later and the art style STILL holds up. And I'm talking original Gamecube, natch. Another Zelda game I've 100%, I keep thinking that I don't have any nostalgia for it, but then that Dragon Roost theme starts up again and I'm whisked away on the cartoon sea for one more sail. Masterpiece. Better than Ocarina for me, put the pull of nostalgia be stronger.
Another nostalgic entry. I remember playing this game on my Game Boy Colour. Every Monday, lunchtime, I left school and climbed a short, hilly path. About halfway up this path, there was a little wooden bench. Here I would sit, looking down at my little hometown in the sunshine lunchtime as I played Link's Awakening. Bottled nostalgia. Why Mondays? That's when all my friends were absent due to having Computer lessons in another college, so I was left to my own devices without a crew. It was nice.
Complex thoughts on this one. It's perfect, but I don't always feel like playing it. It's just so gorgeous, though. The sweeping vistas, the grassy plains, the forests and temples - the ZONAI. But I've never completed it. Got to two Divine Beasts before tapping out and tapering off.
Gamecube version. I remember this relatively fondly as one of the first purchases I made on eBay, having previously been warded off due to nightmares of accidentally bidding a billion pounds by accident or some such. Well, I bought it for £40ish from eBay and it was...good! Excellent dungeons, good exploration. But it also felt padded to me....tears of light, anyone? And too cinematic for my tastes, although I love the final encounter with....you know who...and certain other emotional scenes you'll probably see if you watch a Top 10 Cutscenes in Zelda video or something on Youtube (and who hasn't?!). But yeah, it's like too baggy for my tastes, or something. Not to replay...
Played once. Never felt the urge to revisit, although this is a clear masterpiece in game remix design. It does everything right, and it's full of that Nintendo Creativity (TM) despite being a quasi-remake of Link to the Past. Heady stuff.
Only played the HD version in 2021. Also never completed, but always liked playing it. I think I got about halfway (robot desert, if that means anything to anyone) before Shelving. But I thought the dungeons up to that point, including the overworld bits, were some of the best in the series. Again, too baggy, though, especially towards the start. Characterisation attempt -- good. Execution -- kinda lame. Groose??
Never completed. Always appreciated.
I remember this game came out around Halloween '07. I skipped a Halloween party just to play this in the dark on my DS. And it's been that long since I last played it. It's just impressive how they managed to scale down the Wind Waker exploration while still keeping the core charm. I though it was a triumph, despite initial misgivings about stylus controls. Also completed, but not to 100%.
Completed twice. No big thoughts here, apart from the obvious: probably the most important "early" game apart from yer Mario. Hmmm I guess that is a "big statement" after all? Whatevs.
Move aside, please! Make way! shows card That's right, I'm a Nintendo 3DS Ambassador - coming through! Ahem! So, yeah, got this due to the Ambassador Programme as an early 3DS adopter (I had faith, dammit!), but only played one dungeon before putting it down. One day, I need to pick it back up and have, like, thoughts and stuff on it.
Never finished it. Too finicky and different, kind of clunky, too. My opinions of it have done a complete 180 since I last played it in 2008, though. I have seen the light and appreciate the formative action RPG features. And I really like watching people play it - especially randomisers o'course. But never have the urge to revisit myself. Some day. Some day.


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