971 Reviews liked by Pkshyguy

Compared to Cing's later works in Hotel Dusk and Last Window, Trace Memory feels more like a rough tech demo for the DS... but what a charming little tech demo it is! You play as Ashley Mizuki Robbins, the daughter of two scientists who were presumed dead years ago, only for Ashley's father to send her a letter years later asking her to come to Blood Edward Island to learn the truth. Accompanying her is a device named the Dual Trace System (DTS), which very much resembles the classic DS model and can read DS game cards data cards scattered around the island of her father's logs. She eventually bumps into the ghost of a boy named "D", who also doesn't remember a thing of his past, and together, Ashley and D must navigate the abandoned island's sprawling mansion to unravel the mysteries of their respective pasts.

Puzzles are a bit of a mixed bag admittingly. A few of them are a bit rough around the edges; during multiple parts of the game, I had trouble grabbing or contacting objects on the screen with my stylus due to really imprecise or tiny hitboxes. In addition, a good chunk of the puzzles are extremely simple: some are tap and drag puzzles like breaking a bottle or rotating a crank, and a few are just inventory puzzle chains (item A will get you item B which is used to obtain item C). Nevertheless, I do have to respect the ambition for certain sequences. The DTS also comes with an in-game camera to take pictures of scenery so you don't necessarily need a pencil and paper alongside you while playing, but there's also a nice overlay feature that lets you place images on top of another image made transparent to decode hidden passwords; it's a nice little gimmick that I wish was utilized a bit more. I also have to give Trace Memory credit for utilizing practically every feature of the DS, with a couple of microphone puzzles and another DS open-shut puzzle that I think is basically Cing's speciality considering I have yet to see any other developer tinker with that idea. Outside of these interactive puzzles however, I do wish that the inventory puzzles were a bit more facilitated: key items have to be obtained from tapping around observable scenes that appear to have a lot of distinct items of interest, but upon tapping in many of these areas, most end up as red herrings that only provide a single line of flavor text. I also admit that as short as the game is (five hours, about half the length of Hotel Dusk), it was a bit easy to get lost within the mansion since I wasn't provided with a map but often had to backtrack to previously explored locations in past chapters for key items that became obtainable once I passed the right checks in future chapters.

Trace Memory's doesn't quite achieve the same feeling of presence as what I'd come to expect for Cing, with its strange mouth animations upon still-figures (as opposed to Hotel Dusk's distinct inky animated character models) or its fairly contrived puzzles that seem to make little sense in the context of its narrative (as per most tech demos), but I do think its heart is in the right place. Despite how much flavor text I had to mash through just tapping everywhere, picking up on those little details to add to D's past or stumbling upon another data card kept me engrossed in the central mysteries for tighter world-building. While I do prefer the first-person 3D environments of Hotel Dusk as opposed to the top-down exploration of Trace Memory, I have to concur with MelMellon that the ability to highlight more specific areas of interest in 2D while displaying its more vast environments in 3D grants Trace Memory a combination of detail and immersion that few games manage to achieve. Finally, even if the central narrative isn't quite as intricate or intimate as Cing's future work, the game wrapped itself up quite nicely with no plot holes (and keeps you aware of the running plotline with its end-of-chapter summary quizzes, much like Hotel Dusk would later utilize), and the final reveal of D's fate as a reward for thoroughly exploring the mansion and unlocking all his memories made the whole experience worthwhile. I came in expecting a short cozy adventure game highlighting both the potential of the DS and Cing's early ambitions, and I got just that, so all in all, I'd say it was a pretty good day.

A decent way to play the classics, still just way too buggy, has some messed up scripted parts and generally way too expensive, anti consumer model to sell the dlc for extra money then decrease the price for new players..... STILL HAS AMY THO I LOVE HER

Made a new video to go along with this so hope ya'll enjoy it if ya check it out!

When I think of the beginning of the HD Era of gaming I can really only think of one game, Bullet Witch.

Bullet Witch is in many a way a drive of the creative spirit of a company like Cavia and while absolutely flawed I can't help but absolutely love it. A lot of this is nostalgic tie I won't lie but I just love its playful, explorative love with what it's doing and trying to do. It hits me like an absolute fun wave when I bounce around like a cool hot witch lady blasting mothafuckas down with the fully upgraded machine gun broom. Something about this sits within my mind as cozy, I love going back to it every now and again and giving it a cozy playthrough. It's like a nice goth ass cup of hot chocolate on a cold ass night ya know?

It's not some amazing masterpiece but I don't care I will always love this game. This game is like watching a 2000's Syfy/Fox series that maybe lasted like a season or two before disappearing into the ether forever. It's got a certain vibe and spirit! Like a playable 90's apocalyptic OVA (though not as hyperviolent) that flies by on vibes, huge chaotic spells and the rule of cool in ways. Alicia is a rad protag even if I wish the story here gave her a bit more in general, honestly I wish it gave Maxwell Cougar a bit more too but it also kinda perfectly fits the lean fuckin around with the 360 feel this game is going for.

This game definitely isn't for everybody, I guarantee people probably hate the shit out of this game or think little of the things I think make it really unique, soulful and fun! But for me it's just so wonderful. It's just so intoxicating to me and my memories paint more of the picture of this for me.

Bullet Witch is comfort food that I'll never hesitate to go back to every now and again.

The people....they yearn for Grimace......they yearn to see him shred......

Why I am the only person who rated this masterpiece

I recall having an absoulute utter and fucking blast with this fanhack. It was also incredibly revolutionary within the Pikmin modding scene at the time, with its complete reshaping of Pikmin 2, creating a brand new game using the original game as a foundation, being genuinely incredible at the time. It helps that the game as a whole is also just fun. It's challenging, and clearly designed in mind for those who have mastered the original Pikmin 2. Luckily, I'm one of those people, and I'm overjoyed with what this hack delivered.

Also holy shit, using the Mystic March soundfont with Aquatic Ambiance was an all-time genius move, that fucking remix is so goddamn good.

You've played this already.

Nancymeter - 40/100

the game does not let you put COVID as a username

One time I read a creepypasta about a secret extra mode in Kirby's Dream Land where if you get a game over, the hand on the continue screen strangles Kirby to death

shit hard af. atmosphere and level design is amazing. the mechanics available in this game is out of this world.

As someone who feels like they're in a constant game of tug of war with each Yakuza game they play, I was genuinely surprised with how much I ended up enjoying Ishin. As far as ones I've completed go, this very well may be my second favorite in the series.

Yakuza games are often funny and unique, with really entertaining characters. I really think Kiryu is one of the best protagonists of all time. But theres always some things that bring them down for me. Grueling pacing, terrible boss design and lackluster endings are what a lot of this series has left me with. Most of the games make up for this overall (besides Yakuza 4. Sorry I dont usually like to use reviews to insult other games but god I fucking despised playing that). But starting with 0 which does have some of the same issues but is by far the strongest I've beaten yet has made the entire series onwards feel a bit disappointing. Especially with my last two experiences, Yakuza 5 and 6. I never ended up reviewing them but they did so much that I wanted from the series and I really felt the Yakuza love again (much needed after 4), but then both of them completely dropped the ball for me with some of the most unsatisfying endings I've ever experienced.

So yeah, I made sure my expectations were tempered for this one. Which I think in the end made me enjoy it more. Its completely fair to expect the mainline series to be high quality but in most cases its understandable to expect a spinoff to be a little weaker. But damn, not this one.

I'm not really familiar with the history behind what inspired the story, but the small amount I do know tells me they definitely took some liberties. I can't really comment on if thats a good thing or not, but the way they play off of some of the real life events is pretty damn cool. Even without the history aspect, its just a badass story to begin with. And my god, characters are getting murdered every other chapter. I love that shit. And! Half of them aren't ridiculously stupid fake out deaths, hallelujah. I can't really get into too much detail because of spoilers but, for basically every Yakuza game there's a few chapters in the beginning or near the middle where I want to cry myself to sleep, but with Ishin I was hooked the entire time past the end of chapter 1.

The combat is already pretty fun. Yakuza needs more guns. Wild Dancer obv is the most entertaining but Swordsman and Gunman are both fun in their own right. Brawler is completely useless, barely touched it lol. The card system is fine, It wasn't implemented all that great and the best cards in the game are free DLC so I just used those the whole time, but It existing is neat. There's also the Another Life farming sim side mode that was cute and fun but for a reason I'm about to get to, I didn't get too far into it.

By 'about to get to', I mean we're going to talk about it right now. The only thing I really disliked about this game is how god damn grindy it is to interact with the side stuff. I usually skip a lot of the side content in this series but I like to do a bit of it when its one of them I particularly like, and it really felt like this one was fighting against me. The battle dungeons are absurdly long, everything in Another Life takes ages (also you can't pay off Haruka's debt with your own money normally for some dumb reason) and trying to upgrade weapons and make the blacksmith actually useful is a nightmare. The light rpg elements and how slow everything is really take away from wanting to interact with much of that.

But that rather large-but-not-really issue aside, this was definitely one of the most surprising games I've played in a minute. Very high contender for the most fun and best written game in the series.

We are now at the blog portion of this review. Skip to the bottom for a TLDR and my final score if you don't care about all that. Things have been going solid, this was one of 5 games I beat in a day (not in their entirety obv) the other day so I'm pretty proud of that. Found a sealed copy of Persona 4 Arena for PS3 so happy to get that. Been playing Breath of the Wild too. Not sure what my next review will be but a MGRR one is quite likely. Also been doing a lot more creative writing which made trying to do write this review harder than usual. I hope this turned out good enough and you enjoyed reading it. If you did, thank you <3

+ Great story
+ Fun gameplay
+ sexy music
- Extremely grindy side content

Nancymeter - 89/100
Trophy Completion - 41%
Time Played - i forgor I'll add this in later
Completion #3 of May
Completion #92 of 2023

Any game where the cast of enemies are just variations of the basic one with random items or professions gets an automatic A+ from me.

One of your enemies is just riding a zamboni? Which paves the way for a bobsled team? Fucking masterful, that's how you make this shit memorable.

This game oozes charm and is probably the best looking game on the switch. I like how Luigi interacts with things. He seems to have a lot of unique animations, which is really endearing.

Sadly the gameplay gets kinda dull after the first few hours. The game is hand holding you too much for my liking and the tug of war mechanics also feel kinda watered down. LM3 is definitely more enjoyable than Dark Moon, but it also can't capture the pure dread, atmosphere and heart of the original. I guess at this point no future installments will, which is a shame.

As a nearly 40 year old franchise, It brings me so much joy to know that The Legend of Zelda has never really lost its magic. This is the apex of that. I don't know how they can really make it better than this but, I'm gonna enjoy being surprised all over again when they do.