Besides the general art direction, everything about this Bioshock "spiritual successor" is heavily under baked.

The game is embed with charm and wit, but the humor doesn't always work for me. The fluidity of customizing the forms creates a sizable amount of possibilities for any play style. Griding is a critical part of the game but doesn't encourage repeatedly exploring more than a few dungeons.

Exploitation of mental illness with no prudency or tact. Seriously does not understand the subject matter which it chooses to tackle. A misguided attempt to add weight to an otherwise boring gameplay loop in a underwhelming "proof of concept".

So hillbilly horror is about the scariest sub-genre of horror I can think of.

Could go with out the Mexican stereotypes and the out dated humor but the core gameplay is solid.

Almost skipped out on this one because rhythm games are not something I enjoy or tend to be good at. To my surprise Hi-Fi Rush ended up being one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I've ever had. Packed full of lovable characters, tight combat and a bombastic soundtrack Hi-Fi Rush succeeds in almost every way.


Honestly more than just the cute cat game. The movement and exploration is brought down by the limitations of the game. Yet the story, tiny character moments and world creates a pleasant gaming experience.


Boring gameplay loop, with an outstanding narrative and rich atmosphere.

Fun energetic combat wrapped in a world with amazing atmosphere, striking visual presentation, and layers of lore.


Visually stunning, heart warming game with fluid exploration and combat.

The juxtaposition between the art style and brutal combat creates a package not seen anywhere else.

You can try to nitpick the game or you can enjoy the tightest and most well rounded game FromSoftware has ever delivered.