The game is fun but honestly the song selection is lacking. It's missing so many KH3 songs and the ones they have are pretty boring. Other than that it was overall solid.


game would be absolute kino if it had the story and side missions of the original. also the level structure because the levels here suck ass. combat and music was really good though

This game was pretty great and surprised me with the amount of new ideas for a Doom game. Doom 2016 was a refining of the classic Doom formula and Doom Eternal is the evolution of the series that it's been needing. The moment to moment gameplay is really fun and while it took some getting used to at first, once you're in the groove everything just clicks. Some things I'll say is that the bosses aren't that great (especially the awful final boss) and some of the level gimmicks are annoying. I came out of this game thinking it was better than Doom 2016 in almost every way, but for some reason I couldn't tell myself that I liked it more than Doom 2016. Maybe my opinion will change in the future after more replays but right now I think Doom 2016 is still my favorite.

I had a good time when I played it, but I really wish there was more to do every day. I think I'm done with it for now but hopefully an update can renew my interest in the game.

I have some issues with the gameplay, it got preettyyy frustrating sometimes, but the story was great, the soundtrack is one of the best ever and I still had a great time playing overall.

cruise ship one of the best maps in history

I never stop thinking about this game.

No other open world game has ever given me the sense of wonder that this game gave me while exploring. While I do believe this game has some flaws it is still one of the best games I have ever played.

Also breaking weapons is a legitimately good mechanic and without it the moment to moment gameplay would not be as good.