I checked out a bit of Tekken 7 as part of my project where i check out each game that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate featured as DLC, and Kazuya from Tekken was on the list! I think it's okay, Street Fighter is definitely more of my thing, while Tekken is the more serious, darker looking game. Not too fond of the gameplay, but the character designs and music were nice.

My older sister made me play this and i freaked the hell out. Yeah.

I played this game so much as a kid, i remember being so PUMPED whenever they would play Seven Rings in Hand, which they basically always did.

Final Fantasy VII is a fantastic game, with an awesome silly story and really cool characters. Game gets the really heavy difficulty spike at the end but i can't tell if that's me being bad at it

A Way Out is a FANTASTIC cooperative game. It has so much to see with it's minigames and many different gameplay styles.

Like a Dragon 7 was my first LaD game, and it was amazing! The RPG battles were awesome, and it has such silly and wonderful characters. One minute there could be characters crying over a death, the next minute everyone could be at Survive Bar singing Karaoke! The side quests were definitely worth doing and i will always recommend this title to people who want to try the series.

When i first played Yooka-Laylee back when it released, i was so in love. The game felt so much like Rare was BACK, and they were ready to make games like these again. But after 100%ing it and letting it sick in, i realized that the game was so bloated with such boring characters and concepts. A lot of the pagies are collected by hitting a button and jumping through rings within a time limit. Bosses felt very dry as well, they all felt like set pieces rather than characters who you'll remember for something. I would want to say that i'd give Playtonic Games another shot if they made a new game, but they've been so focused on publishing (nothing technically wrong with that) that it doesn't seem like anything will be made again.

Impossible Lair does a pretty good job of being a better game than Yooka-Laylee (which isn't difficult to do) it has some awesome music and the gameplay is pretty fun.

I LOVEEEEEE Until Dawn. It's one of my favorite PS4 games and it can still hold up well. It has some issues with plot stuff being a little weird but the game is perfect besides that.

I can't be assed to play it, which is strange. Has some neat ideas.


Cutesy little game! Definitely made with a lot of love which is amazing.

Super Mario RPG (Switch) is a fantastic remake of the SNES classic. I first finished the original shortly after the announcement in June (i played it as a kid but never beat it) and now i have completed the remake. Very faithful, very pretty, and the remastered soundtrack is PERFECT!

Trails of Cold Steel II is a fantastic follow up to the first Cold Steel game. It features the same cast of characters who you can REALLY get to know when you reunite the team together, and it's great. A lot of tears were shed at the ending, and i love the game all the more for it. (NOTE: i did not play the epilogue due to my lack of play time for Azure and Zero, but i will eventually return to complete this game's post final boss stuff.)

It's a cute little game that really nails the experience of being a young boy who likes going to the arcade with friends and dealing with the cool dudes who tease them. It even has some classic kid style drama like dressing up in a trench coat in order to trick a rich business man.

It's a pretty solid Bomberman title with WONDERFUL customization options and good online connection that surpasses the first one by MILES.