I Have Crushes on Fictional Characters

they never should have let my bisexual ass play videogames

I-No, Sol Badguy, Baiken, Giovanna, Nagoriyuki, Testament

This game is gay people heaven. I-No in particular is a character that so immaculately appeals to me that she captures the grave struggle of sapphic transfems, "Do I want her or do I want to be her"

I love how much Bayonetta represents wild, untamed feminity. A character who isn't tied down to anyone, and isn't afraid to show herself off. In the grand debate of whether her character is empowering or demeaning, I firmly stand in the camp that Bayonetta is a fantastic and necessary showing of womanhood sifting through the sea of woobified tradwife girls. She is also a huge hit with the women. I want her to step on me.
King, Terry Bogard

King is the ultimate butch lesbian swag in gaming. Her butler uniform and wine-red vest is to die for. She's a pro billiards player and does bartending when she isn't beating the shit out of dudes. She uses a form of Muay Thai that lets her do energy projectile attacks. She's known as The Beautiful Kick's Illusion. Terry he uhh well he has big tits

Rouge the Bat

Seeing Rouge for the first time as a kid has had several adverse affects on my growing brain.
Kim Kitsuragi

Remember that woman on CNN or whatever who had a framed photo of Kim on her wall? I understand her now.
Jamie, Chun-Li

That eyeliner is CRAZY dude. How does he do it. AND Chun-Li is a milf????

Same sorta deal as Bayonetta, but Lady gets relegated to being a side character. Sad!
Kazuma Kiryu, Goro Majima

Top 10 DILFs in gaming
Miles Edgeworth, Franziska von Karma, Dick Gumshoe

We need the hottest prosecutor we can get on this murder case
Mercedes, Dorothea

I know this game sucks. I KNOW the wlw characters only exist for straight men to fetishize lesbians. But I like them... so it's fine, right?

That skeleton needs to move the fuck aside
Aak, Hung, Lee, Waai Fu

No... NO!! No matter how many hot furries you add I'll NEVER play a gacha game! I'll drag my nails and dig in my heels all the way to the depths of hell before I spend a second looking at png lotteries on my phone!!

Eiji Aonuma was off the chain for this one
Yu Nanba

He's cute to me in the same way a pathetic old wet dog is cute

house husband

I subconsciously added red under eye shadow on my fursona's design because of Shiver. When they let out a villain laugh I felt something deep in my heart.

Someone at Nintendo was down freakishly bad for this man and it inevitably rubbed off on my forming brain
Meow Skulls

I'm really sorry about this. As a furry artist on Twitter I've seen so much art of this character and I've been worn down to the point where I "get it". I don't ask for forgiveness, but understanding


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