A bit too grindy for my tastes. There are several difficulty spikes early on, and while I loved the SNES original with other players alongside me, the single player AI is just terrible. Some of the voice work is good, though, but I don't really care for the orchestral OST. Thankfully, the original is still there.

No matter how many times I play this, I find something new each time. With the IP basically being dead after the goings-on at ZA/UM, it's a shame we'll never get a true sequel to this absolute masterpiece of a game.

The true beauty of Disco Elysium is its ability to critique the ideas the writers were trying to put across. Much like all the characters, we are all imperfect beings, but can make small changes to help make the hell we live in just a little bit nicer.

An excellent collection of the first three Tomb Raider games. Some minor issues with the graphics aside, it's a completely authentic experience. The photo mode is also a bit lacking, but it's supplementary content, so it can be forgiven. However, it can pan over entire levels if you want it to. All three games are preserved pretty well with this collection, and I can only hope that the other three Core Design games get a fair shot at being remade.

Still a phenomenal and lonely adventure. The remastered mode does have some small issues here, but are mostly manageable. The focus on platforming and exploring levels helps this game stand out, compared to the later games' (particularly II's) greater focus on combat.

It's got some charming elements that were clearly thought out for children, but then the game was designed for a T audience. The basic gameplay is good, but there's not enough variety in the modes and maps. The singleplayer is also too basic and each character's maps are nearly identical. The microtransactions are very bad, at $45 for some packs. With some work, this could have been something very special and nice. But in its chase for MTX and not really understanding what made Splatoon special in the first place, it fails to deliver a satisfying experience. It just feels like this game was sent out to die.

A survival game that is sadly unavailable for purchase anymore. While it did have some issues with slow load times, these issues were greatly reduced on PS5. Too little, too late, I supposed. Despite that, this is still a pretty fun survival game. It does have some hiccups, but the gameplay loop was always fun. I only wish there was more time in-game to explore all the character stories.

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A very good DLC for Skyrim. This adds the excellent Solstheim island, which has a lot of great places to explore. The Dwarven ruins are at their best here, with complicated puzzles and traps to keep you on your toes. There are also a wide variety of interesting side quests here as well. The two major communities are both very interesting, and have it's nice having two very different cultures on each side of the island.

My only issue is that, once again, the main quest line never feels all that dire. There are some good moments here and there, but the major villain, Miraak, feels more a nuisance than an actual enemy. The stuff with Hermaeus Mora does save it, but it does not feel as impactful as Alduin.

All in all, a very solid DLC to wrap up Skyrim with, with some more plot issues.

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It's a decent DLC, with some great new gear and locales. However, the story is where the work was needed. It never felt like there were real stakes (pun unintended) in Dawnguard. There's little tension to the story at times, though there are times when things do ramp up a bit. The ending is just very flat, with no real sense of accomplishment. Hakon, at times, just feels like another enemy to slay. Yeah, he has a few tricks, but honestly, he's just easy to beat, even in Survival mode. I just never believed I was in danger, even with my mishmash of a build. The new areas are incredibly interesting, however, and that's what really stands out to me. The Soul Cairn, in particular, is a neat little area to explore for the couple of hours you'll be there. Not really much to do, but there is a pretty decent side quest reward for those willing to hunt down some items. Fort Dawnguard is also an idyllic setting, with very little danger outside a couple of vampires that spawn in once. It has a neat castle, as well.

Again, great focus on vampires and new locations, but the story just never has some of the high stakes that the main plot does, which brings down the enjoyment some..

Still a good experience time and again. Played with the Bethesda mods this time, and it was an interesting experience. Survival mode was very hard, but I don't consider getting rid of fast travel altogether was a good idea. Maybe put some limitations like Horizon Zero Dawn or something like that. However, I still got through it pretty well enough. I was able to put that to the test during the fight on the Throat of the World. With mods on, it makes a good game even better.

Still an amazing game that allows us to indulge in some of the most wacky content imaginable in a video game. The combat is great and reminds me a lot of Chrono Trigger still. The one downside that I continue to note with this game is its pretty harsh difficulty spikes and a few spongey enemies. Other than that, this game gives me a wonderful story, tons of side content and challenges, and a pretty nice combat system.


A pretty good port of DOOM 93 that adds in some extra maps from John Romero, as well as other creators.

Still a fantastic experience, even on PC. The story is more mature, reflective, and thoughtful. Kratos feels excellent to play, and the various play styles (through skills) you can learn help flesh out the combat quite a bit. Simply a magnificient game.

Another of Devcats' cute and fun little hidden cats game, with an arcade aesthetic this time. It's very cute and challenging, and some of the cats are genuinely hard to find. There are also a number of smaller maps to find more cats or specific objects, themed after a specific game like Paperboy or Asteroids. It's just genuinely delightful. It's short, but it's free, except for DLC. I look forward to more of these games, as I really loved A Castle Full of Cats.

Hey! This is pretty good. Offered some nice tips if you've been gone from the game for a while, and it's pretty easy to get back into. The mode is a welcome one, and it adds some pretty good story bits. And since it's a separate mode from the main story, you don't have to worry about it messing with your gear or anything like that. Offers some nice closure to this arc of the GoW story.

Has a pretty intriguing story, but the ending felt very rushed, especially as the last chapter is very quick. The epilogue is also very short. The platforming sections were honestly the worst part of the game. The climbing sections were overly long, and the mechanics were not well suited for it. One particular section took entirely too long to figure out because the wall jumping is not explained very well, as it relates to its actual mechanics. Also, the hologram puzzles, while neat in theory, really suck to do in execution.

Character models look very strange as well, and I feel like the hair looked awful. However, the voice work was excellent. Nicole Tompkins never fails to disappoint. The other VAs were also well-chosen.

That said, I do hope we get a final chapter for this. Deliver Us The Moon and Deliver Us Mars had excellent stories, and I would love to see the payoff in one last game.

TLDR: Great voice acting and story, but mechanics and character models leave a bit to be desired.