321 Reviews liked by RyanDead9

que mitada do senhor fares, nossa senhora

After completing both games included in this remake to the full 100% with my custom character I can safely say this is going in my top 10! This is what I have been waiting for since THPS 3 was the last game in the franchise to focus on completing goals in a 2 minute time limit.

The gameplay is tight and responsive and for someone with a good amount of experience with the series hopping into the game was like riding a bike. For newcomers there is a tutorial with different difficulty levels to learn about all of the different controls and techniques the game has to offer.

All levels from the first two games have been rebuilt from the ground up and given not only a new coat of paint; but changes aesthetically and thematically that help to modernize the games and keep them from the feeling of being dated to the late 90's.

On top of the levels keeping their old school charm while being modernized in a good way; the soundtrack maintains most of the original tracks from the first two games while also adding many new and modern tracks that have been wonderfully curated for a Tony Hawk.

All of the classic skaters also return with new body scans of their modern selves as well as a whole new cast of contemporary skaters such as Tony's son Riley. Each of the skaters have multiple outfits and board customization options available to them from completing challenges in the game. On top of the expanded roster of real world skaters there are 4 slots for custom player created characters. The amount of custom character customization options is RIDICULOUSLY BIG. Most can be purchased in the in-game store which DOES NOT use microtransactions and uses money earned through game play, while the rest of customization pieces come through completing challenges in the new in-game challenge system.

This new challenge system is an additional set of challenges outside of the main levels which include things such as performing certain combos in a certain level or doing a certain trick type for an hour of real world time etc.

All of what I have written about so far is only the single player side of the game. The game also comes with an online component which at the time of release on Epic Games Store on PC (September 3rd, 2020) works well but is limited to either casual or competitive lobbies where the game mode changes automatically. The developers have mentioned in a future update that they will be adding more to the online mode to make it more robust and easier to play with friends.

Lastly the remake also brings back the Create-A-Park mode. This time around not only do you get a fairly robust mode with plenty of customization options, but custom parks can now be uploaded to the games' servers and shared with everyone online. On top of that you can "remix" a custom level and add or remove from it what you want to make it your own.

THPS 1+2 is not only a great love letter to the series, it also reminds us of how this series became a gaming/cultural icon. The remake is able to stand out on its own with a few small changes and some modernization that makes these games feel new again without taking away from what made the original releases so great. This also marks what is to me, a new standard of quality when it comes to doing ground-up remakes of classic games. If you loved the series back in the day or are brand new to it, for $40 USD there is no better way to jump in and experience the Tony Hawk's series. 5/5

What Remains of Edith Finch traz a ideia da inevitabilidade da morte, mas seria essa uma maldição, uma brincadeira do destino, um grande infortúnio ou o simples medo da morte foi tão grande que os levou direto a ela? Ninguém sabe ao certo, mas algo que ficou claro é que vários membros da família jogaram fora suas vidas. Não por simplesmente morrerem, mas por não aproveitarem a vida como elas realmente mereciam ser aproveitadas. Personagens como o Walter ou a mãe da Edith sempre estiveram presos, sejam fisicamente em cômodos fechados, como também mentalmente, sempre com medo e tentando fugir desesperadamente de algo que eles nunca sequer puderam ver chegando, sendo que muitas vezes, era justamente essa fuga que os levava direto para sua perdição. Talvez eles tivessem tanto medo da maldição da família que eles a tornaram real. No entanto, como o próprio Walter disse em seus momentos finais, o segredo está justamente em valorizar tudo que lhe cerca e aproveitar cada momento como se fosse a última vez. Mesmo que seja apenas um ano, ou um mês, ou uma única semana, seja grato e fique feliz... com um novo dia!

10/10 - Não tenho nem palavras pra descrever a experiência que é esse jogo. Mas é excelente, joguem!

Uma aula de como contar uma boa história junto com uma gameplay simples e atrativa. Ótima ambientação, rica de detalhes. Personagens bem desenvolvidos e um desenrolar de narrativa simplesmente brilhante. Ouso dizer que o único contra do jogo é ele ser curto demais, só.
Tá aí um jogo que me fez pensar como a vida é frágil, curta e imprevisível.

Uma ótima reflexão da humanidade e como chegamos até nossa posição, um retrato excelente do que nos torna seres inteligentes

Surpreendentemente, a ação é muito boa. Quick time events desafiadores (embora não muito punitivos) e muito bem dirigidos

A beautiful ode to the OG sonic games, funny how this fan-made game is miles better than anything Sonic related in the last 25 years.

Sonic Frontiers is Sonic’s next foray into a new era that will set the template for the Sonic games for the foreseeable future but is it any good? Bottom line, Yes & No, as a person who has played all 3D Sonic Games and a fan of this wonderfully flawed series, Frontiers is very and I mean very flawed I can’t deny there’s a good no, great foundation to plot an amazing game but Frontiers is not that game and that’s okay, especially since it feels the team who made this game really want it to succeed and be that formula for success, so much so they delayed the game from it’s initial Holiday 2021 release and really listened to player and fan feedback, so while I don’t love this game a whole lot, I feel I can appreciate it’s scale and ambition for what it wants to set out to do.

First the plot of this game, without spoiling details I find the plot to be… good, not great but a solid romp and return to the more shonen styled Sonic stories. It follows Sonic, Tails and Amy investigating the disappearance of the Chaos Emeralds, they find that it’s on the mysterious Starfall Islands, after they get sucked into a wormhole, Sonic is quickly enwrapped in a Race against time to save his friends and collect the emeralds while a mysterious new girl, named Sage tries to warn him to leave the islands. The plot is good mostly due to the character interactions, I think that’s mostly what Ian Flynn is great at it’s just fun to see these characters interact, again I gotta keep it a bit vague here but I love while Sonic doesn’t go through a major arc, he’s just a static character, his personality inspires those around him in a positive light, in turns it also sorta fixes some of the character issues in the Mainline games that are sorta inFamous in the Sonic community now, I do have a few gripes with the story however, for one i think it relies a bit to much on references in my opinion, like there’s a few lines in the game that sorta caught me off guard (in a good kind of way) that sorta did shape the world of the game and series upside down but I feel others come off as a bit unnecessary and shoe horned in. My other gripe is that I feel like the twists and such don’t really work and feel a bit anticlimactic, again gonna be a little vague here but while the stuff with the “ancients” and Koco where well done, I didn’t really found Sage to be a terribly interesting character and the pay off to her is pretty underwhelming despite there being a solid idea, it just feels rushed, plus it gets so insanely melodramatic at points even for Sonic standards, though the ending itself is well written enough. Overall I found the story while not the best in the series as I think the Adventure Games, Battle, Rush Adventure, both versions of Colours and maybe Black Knight edges out, is a fun time with likeable character that are some of the best in the series, great dialogue and overall a great tone that says prevalent throughout the game, if the twists were better, a bit more well paced, had better voice acting and maybe dialled back a bit on the references and the just talking scenes, I think this could be one of the best in series, but as it is it’s a solid enough story and better than anything in the past decade, so I’m content with it.

As in terms of Presentation of Frontiers, this is unfortunately where my more mixed thoughts on the game start to pop up, literally i mean because the pop in in this game is absurd, i don’t know if this was an [REDACTED] issue or my issues with the presentation can be linked to this but the point is, the Pop in in this game go beyond the standard Open world affair but rather something that is insanely common that it hinders gameplay. I also found the artstyle to be bland and boring, while it looks perfectly fine and i can sorta see what they’re going for especially with those enemy designs but the actual open zone looks so forgettable and bland for a Sonic game though does look fine in the grand scheme of things, i much prefer how Cyberspace looks, despite the inane reuse of these stage themes i have to admit they haven’t looked better before, they look really beautiful especially in the night. One aspect of the game that is a bit mediocre is the voice acting, while i dig Roger’s more serious direction as Sonic (which is literally Crane from Dying Light) other actors sound incredibly bored especially Sage and Eggman, The music is pretty strong, I’m Here & the Titan Bosses aren’t very good songs in my opinion but Vandalize and One way Dream are incredible tracks, Cyberspace music is great as well though the Open Zone music is a bit forgettable.

But I know what y’all here for, the gameplay and… it functions? Frontiers is essentially Sonic Forces but in an Open World, not really a bad thing but i wouldn’t say it’s a huge improvement from Forces apart from Controls which feel really nice to play around with especially using the Cyloop, just speeding through these fast lands at rocket speeds, platforming around the world in these weird sprawling sandboxes filled with Sonic iconography while using the drop dash and boosting feels so good. Sonic can use most of his arsenal from the Boost games along with the drop dash from Sonic Mania and the lightspeed dash, Sonic can also level up his speed, defence, ring capacity and power by either collecting fruit or Koco (very slowly might i add), Throughout the Islands you need to collect Memory Tokens to free your friends or talk to them, Portal Gears to Unlock Cyberspace levels, short bitesize 3D or 2D linear stages from previous games and Vault Keys to unlock the 7 Chaos Emeralds as well as Egg Memos, optional Voice recorded notes created by Eggman that expand on the lore of the series. This formula works in my opinion but the issue is, there’s not much variation, you’re mostly doing the same thing over and over again without much challenge for at least 11 Hours as a hardcore Sonic Fan, especially with the fact that the Islands don’t have much variety apart from aesthetics, There’s a fishing minigame and a casino gimmick at night and for a few missions there’s a few timed challenges, but it isn’t enough in my opinion and sometimes feel like variety for the sake of variety.

Supposedly the combat and puzzles was supposed to be the big solution to this however while fun, i think both are way too simple and the challenge is essentially nonexistent, especially in terms of combat with by light speed dashing rings or infinitely Cylopping Rings with no penalty, Combat feels it puts above all else spectacle rather than practicality which is shame, because with more challenge and less button mashy gameplay this could very be the best combat in the series, standing next to Heroes, however as it is it’s sorta just… there.

Cyberspace is one of the aspects of the game that I feel the most mixed on. While I grew to “like” cyberspace, whenever I was liking the stages, they ended just like Sonic Forces. There’s a few lengthy ones sure but they mostly value replay value with getting multiple keys by doing challenges, it’s just the controls are really bad in Cyberspace plus the 4 themes that are reused over and over for all 5 Islands again with level design from better games with better controls and aesthetics makes Cyberspace such a weird aspect for me, they serve as neat little peacebreakers at most and at worst, Sonic Forces 2.

Speaking of the 5 Islands, while i won’t spoil details i found the 4th and 5th Islands to be incredibly disappointing, one of them is insanely short and is basically a story beat island while one is a full fledged island but still has that disappoint aspect, it sorta ruined the game for me since it shows that Sonic games are still falling in the same traps over and over again. This is no more apparent in the polish of the game, the game feels unfinished at points, i already talked about the Pop-In but there’s a layer of jank in this game despite a delay and 5 year development cycle, animations and textures being incredibly inconsistent, 2D Sections in the Open World feel so jarring and janky whenever they happen, especially in Chaos Island, easily the worst and most janky island in the game and the camera in both Cyberspace and the Open World is awful, i know cameras in 3D Sonic games aren’t the best but this is absurdly bad even for those standards, it regularly clips on objects and is way too zoomed out.

I feel the camera issues are at it’s worst with the titan bosses, the minibosses are probably the best part of the game since they’re challenging while providing a bit of variety to the game, but the Titans while in terms spectacle go so hard with it’s music and designs, functional they feel really jank and way too easy, the final boss is just a shitty QTE, even if you play on hard which i did, it’s still the easiest boss in the game and it really soured the sorta solid ending the game has.

Overall Sonic Frontiers is good, and not much else? You might a 6/10 is a bit too high in your opinion with this mostly negative but that’s because, this game shows an insane amount promise and when it works, the game is a blast but as i progressed through the game it was doing the same thing over and over again and especially with the 4th and 5th Islands being so disappointing, I can’t bring myself to say i love Frontiers, nor i can’t say i hate it, it’s just okay. This is the type of game where some people might like it but hate a lot of aspects, and some people might hate this game but like a lot aspects and i think i lie on a middle, though the fact is, despite any opinions on it, everyone agrees there’s a potential for a great follow up or even for some great DLC, i really hope that the average reviews doesn’t mean the game’s will be scrapped but rather improved upon for a great new sequel, i may seem alone on my stance of this game but i feel Frontiers is comparable to Sonic 1, Sonic Rush or Colours Wii where it’s the exact game we needed at the time and while very, very flawed, the foundation is there for a great sequel. All i can hope is that these new Frontiers, won’t be forgotten.

Depois de anos ouvindo falar sobre o jogo, finalmente aproveitei as férias pra jogar. Peguei ele sem saber NADA sobre o jogo e depois de 20 horas jogando posso dizer que o mundo de Outer Wilds é fascinante. Esse jogo é único, sério. Ele explora a criatividade e a curiosidade de uma forma que nunca vi antes nos jogos. O jogo te suga pra dentro do mundo e dos acontecimento e monumentos da história e você não consegue sair até acabar, reforçando muito o loop. Algumas partes eu acho MUITO difícil de pegar as informações e acaba que isso deixa um pouco frustrante, mas não estraga a experiência. É um obra prima que tem suas imperfeições mas que já mudou a indústria e minha forma de ver os videogames.

Elden Ring é um jogo difícil de se falar logo depois de zerar. Acredito que os pontos mais fortes dele vão ser ainda mais acentuados quando eu pegar um mundo aberto "comum" pra jogar novamente. Dito isto...

.O jogo captou um sentimento que para mim estava em falta desde Skyrim, o prazer da descoberta. É incrível como o mundo aberto funciona de forma intuitiva, incentivando a exploração. Tem áreas "secundárias" que são descobertas que são surreais de tão bonitas e bem feitas, coisa de cair o queixo mesmo

.A variedade de Builds, Armas, Cinzas da Guerras, Magias e Encantamentos é assustadora, assim como a variedade de inimigos e bosses.

.A história é muito boa e algumas missões secundárias são interessantes demais e levam a lugares incríveis que explicam mais sobre o passa das terras intermediárias

.O jogo tem muitos chefes bons e alguns com história e cenário absurdos, é incrível demais. Mas tem alguns que são ridículos de ruim e muito mal feitos como todos que são em dupla e a pior de todas na minha opinião, M****ia

.O jogo é gigantesco, por bem ou por mal. Eu gostei que ele é vasto mas pessoalmente poderia reduzir uns 1/3 de conteúdo do jogo e focar mais na qualidade. As dungeons ficam insuportáveis mais pro final e o ritmo da história é atrapalhado pela megalomania dos devs.

.A discrepância entre a dificuldade do endgame é ridícula e muitas vezes objetivamente injusta.

.Entendo a marca dos souls de deixar o jogador "perdido" sem nenhum guia. Mas num jogo nesse escopo, um jornal simplificada tipo o do Outer Wilds não faria mal algum e ajudaria todo mundo a se manda atualizado com a história e com as quests, que tem nuances bem complexas.

Admito que terminei o jogo um pouco cansado e não explorei as últimas grandes áreas totalmente. E apesar de achar algumas escolhas ruins no endgame, foi um dos melhores mundo aberto que joguei e não consigo imaginar como um mundo aberto funcionaria tão bem assim em outros jogos. ER é um jogo grandioso, mas imperfeito, assim como todas as obras primas.


Yakuza Kiwami is the remake of the first game of the series. Because of that, i am trying hard to not compare with 0, but (KIRYU-CHAN!) considering it uses the same engine and combat (we will get there in a sec), i am trying, i swear...

Let's start with story. Very good, the character develoment is getting new heights, specially Nishiki. I can understand every little piece of emotion (KIRYU-CHAN!) from his pains, thanks to the amazing voice acting. Kiryu, as always, i love him (KIRYU-CHAN) and i want to punch the whole world with him. There is one thing i miss, and is presence. Yakuza 0, sorry i need to, every time some lieutenant appears, you feel the tension in the presence of them. Every character had some strong presence to be remembered, i miss it in Kiwami, few strong ones and most of them look like random street NPCs.

Can we please talk about Goro (KIRYU-CHAN!) Majima? How can i stop loving every piece of this combat sexual maniac? The game is literally carried HARD by Majima Everywhere. I laughed and punched him more times than i can remember.

I am talking a lot of good things, so why 3.5? Early in this review i said that the combat is basically the same from 0, but bad. If one pixel of Kiryu hit box takes a hit, you fall. If an enemy breaths, you fall. Every enemy has arms of a tank, because they just don't stop guarding and counter attacking to break your combo and leaving no way to evade. Ok, i played on hard difficulty so i got what i deserved, instead i feel like is not hard, but unfair? Some boss fights are completely stupid (if you played, you probably remember, especially the helipad boss(es)). I turned Easy on last part of the game to evade my wrath, and sadly the last boss lost the impact because of this, since you can't change difficulty in a fight.

Yakuza Kiwami is what a second game should be, even if it was the first, so you must play Yakuza 0 before, the game is made around it a lot of times. Unfortunately, the combat hurts it, so take care of that. And now, after a little break, i will continue my adventure with Kiryu and his punchs in Kiwami 2.




It is really a game ever made.

It's a cat game in a cyberpunk world. Do i need to say more?

The game itself is pretty simple, but not in a bad way. The graphics are real good, the puzzles are actually cool and the story is basic enough to not be bad.

If you have Plus, play it. It's short, about 3 hours long, and you will know what is like to be a cat, but that's all.

Jogando desde a Alpha e devo dizer que o jogo é divertido e criativo. Para os que gostam de Smash Bros essa é uma boa pedida em plataformas não Nintendo.

O jogo possuí uma menor execução se comparado a Smash, sabe captar bem a essência no qual jogadores casuais buscam, mas também possuí uma profundidade nos personagens para quem busca dominá-lo competitivamente.

De todos Smash-like diria que Multiversus é que possuí a melhor qualidade, que por sinal de forma gratuita e com uma ótima localização para o PT/BR. Não é tão bem executado e refinado quanto Smash mas entrega uma base com muito potêncial a melhorias no futuro.

Review edit pos 50 horas de jogo: O jogo tem potencial mas possui falhas bem gritantes em sua mecânica... depois de umas 30 horas de jogo tudo o que eu senti no jogo se foi com os problemas que eu fui identificando, erros nas hitboxes, desbalanceamento absurdo e ainda por cima bugs durante as lutas, potencial tem, mas se a mecanica se manter a mesma sem as correções nos dodges, dashs, hitboxes, balanceamentos e bugs o jogo pode ser abandonado por muitos players.

UAU... a frase "every frame a painting" se encaixa perfeitamente nesse jogo. Que direção de arte absurda!

Há um avanço significativo na gameplay, que era o ponto mais fraco do primeiro. Mas o jogo continua um pouco truncado nesse sentido, porém de certa forma isso se interliga com a narrativa.

A história é uma bela de uma tragédia (no bom sentido), sempre tem acontecimentos que vão manter a atenção do jogador e a ansiedade para saber mais. Pra mim, é a melhor narrativa do ano, e se não receber indicações por isso e por suas atuações, é pq as premiações estão compradas! kkkkkk

Os personagens estão melhor construídos, e o impacto dos acontecimentos parece afetá-los de verdade (a excelente atuação de voz ajuda nisso).

É um jogo emocionante, muito bonito e com uma narrativa instigante. Quero mais.