The strangest remake I've ever played. Why was this made? And why is it somehow still great despite not changing NES-era game design?

A game where King K Rool can suplex Minecraft Steve off of Green Hill Zone while Megalovania plays in the background.

An absolute blast. Very engaging and rewarding once you really dig your heels in and start learning what makes the game tick.

A game with okay combat and somehow the funniest, most charming dialogue I've ever seen in anything.

An absolute travesty that this and its sequel didn't sell well. The Tellius FE games are wonderful tactics experiences that hit juuuust the right difficulty. It's even probably got the best plot and worldbuilding in the series. Also the protagonist is gay as fuck i love this game.

Why won’t they let my Miis be gay.

One of those games that you take in, finish, and think: "How tf did a human being sit down and make this"

A climb I think everyone should take at least once in their life.

When freaky aliens give you lemons, make freaky alien lemonade.

We need more team-shooters where you can use a washing machine as a weapon

A rushed mess with tons of love poured into it's characters and world, but ends up feeling like a piece of concept art you can walk around in.

This game has the audacity to make Breath of the Wild, one of THE best games ever created, feel sub-par.

A beautiful game with lovable characters, engaging combat, and perhaps the most bonkers, awesome premise I've ever seen in a video game.

Name one other game with a weapon called the Space Dolphin Machine Gun.